We Are On A Road To War


May 22, 2014
The current government in Ukraine is tearing the country in half, and a civil war seems imminent. On the side of Kiev you find American and EU(NATO) support. On the east you find Russian support. These two factions have increased in intensity and the end result is becoming clear. We are heading into a war that no one, but the government wants. Kiev is currently being run by a government with no elected power, only martial power. In a recorded call Victoria Nuland, the secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, can be heard hand picking the current government head. The party receiving the most American and EU aid is known as the Svoboda party, a party that only four years ago was on the EU's watch list for being Ant-Semitic, Xenophobic, Violent, and unstable. These are the men running Ukraine, unelected. If you are unaware there was a referendum or vote in the east of Ukraine and Crimea. This referendum showed that of the 75% of people who voted, 97% of them voted to become independent of Kiev, and hopefully to be absorbed into Russia. This referendum was declared illegal in the West and was condemned by many white house officials such as John Kerry. why? How is it any less legal then the current government, where thugs under the guise of the "national guard' beat people in the streets and murder protestors like in Odessa? Its not, Common law is on the side of the Eastern Ukrainian people. All of this so called illegal activity is being blamed on its so called instigator, Russia. Lets go back to the beginning of this crisis. The dissention began, not because of Russia, but because of the EU and NATO. An ultimatum was made to Ukraine via a public statement that either Ukraine could join the EU or be tied to Russia, but not both. To join the club, Ukraine had to dump its oldest trading partner with which Ukraine shares Family ties. If I offered you a million dollars to never talk to your mother again, would you take it? This is what we did, and it created a rift. sides were taken, and the riots began. We instigated this crisis, and then when Russia stepped in to aid its old friend, we passed the torch of blame onto them. We drew up sanctions against Russia in an attempt to silence them and get them to back off. This backfired, Russia and China are now in Alliance both militarily and economically, and they are pushing back. We have entered into an economic war, with a nation that holds the largest percentile of our debt. The Dollar is under threat because of what we did, now China and Russia plan on selling goods exclusively in Yen, Rubles, and Gold. This will cripple the Value of the Dollar, leaving us with only three options. Major Economic reforms that under the current powers is impossible, defaulting on our loans which would shatter our economy, or the most dangerous of all, an escalation from economic war to physical war. This last scenario is what the evidence leans towards. NATO and the US have sent warships and carriers to the Balkan and Black seas. The US has deployed several Airborne divisions in neighboring Estonia. Four-hundred Black Water Mercs are currently in Ukraine putting down "rebellion". NATO is trying to encircle Russia by adding Finland and Sweden. lastly we are running military games in Europe and the pacific. Russia and China seem to be preparing as well. Joint military games off the coast of England and France and in the pacific. The most frightening preparation of all is a signed order by Putin to retaliate to any act of aggression with tactical NUCLEAR strikes on NATO sites. We are heading for a war unlike anything the world has seen, but it can be stopped if this message is spread and if the people demand that our government stand down and admit that they made a mistake in Ukraine as well as Syria. Only then can we hope to turn things around. This is not a necessary war, the Soviet Union is long dead, but our government still sees its face in Russia. It wants to finish the job, and wipe out its only major rivals in the world at your expense. The saying goes that history always repeats its self so let me share one story with you from antiquity. The two largest powers in the world much like Russia and the US, were once known as Rome and Carthage. They fought three wars known as the Punic wars. The first two Punic wars parallel the world wars and cold war of modern times. The first was based on the balance of power in the Mediterranean, like that of Europe in WWI. Rome won the war and made Carthage pay through the teeth for it. Years later Hannibal sought revenge, much like the Germans under Hitler. The economy was restored and an Army was raised. He tortured Rome for years, but in the end Rome won by attacking the heart of Carthage. It destroyed the Carthaginian economy, but they were spared annihilation, much like the soviet union after the cold war. forty years later, Carthage became an economic powerhouse, but posed no threat to Rome. Rome needed an excuse, so it used Numidia, Carthage's old client state, much like the relationship between Ukraine and Russia. When Numidia's new Roman supported king encroached on Carthaginian land, after much diplomacy, Carthage defended itself, and there was the excuse to begin the third and final Punic war. Rome thought it would be easy, but Carthage fought with full intent to the death. the war lasted for years, with many Roman and Carthaginian casualties. Eventually Rome entered the City of Carthage and when it did it leveled the city, every brick, every man, all were lain to waste. Rome lost its counterbalance and from there no nation could keep it in check. thus was born the Roman empire. without the Fall of Carthage Rome would have never been the empire it rose to be. We are on the precipice of such an empire, a global empire. The book called "the Grand Chessboard outlines this process and we are following it to the letter. This book has been a governing force in American and European politics since 1977 and by its design the soviet union fell. The power however didn't stay in the west as was intended and now we go to finish the job we began and the only obstacles lie in Eurasia. The excuse we need lies in Ukraine.
History has a way of repeating itself but it appears more to me like right before Rome fell. I agree that China and Russia are allies working together and that the Ukraine was an opportunity for China to see just how easy it would be to take Taiwan. Russia has obviously offered to assist China in the invasion of Taiwan because the two will be doing naval drills in the South China Sea at the end of this month. Add to this your news that we are sending warships and military involving ourselves with the Ukraine crisis.

We have our own naval exercises coming up with RIMPAC and that is over 40 nations if I recall the number - China was supposed to join in this time - first time they have accepted the invite - there was no mention of their withdrawl but I expect that could be announced.

Speaking of a chessboard. How interesting we are being drawn in the wrong direction while Taiwan is being closed in on. Still Russia will have China's back when the invasion happens - we can expect a retaliation and Russia is very trigger happy with all the statements on using Nuclear Weapons against the United States isn't she? Putin is more than happy to get involved - it was always the goal of the Soviet Union to defeat the USA anyhow. The Soviet spy Anotoli Galitson told the CIA this in the 60's. He was a Major and the highest asset the Kremlin ever lost - Also the most valuable asset the CIA got. What a gift. The CIA had a agent named James Angle they fired because they said he would not let go of Anatoli's reports. He believed him. Anatoli warned the Soviets would send many disinfo agents after he defected and that is precisely what they did.

China and Russia are plotting against the USA. We know this. It's like a neon sign flashing. The Cubans, Nicaraugans and Venezualans are all going to help them and the Russians have already been arming the Nicaraguans for this upcoming invasion. The people in Venezuala are in trouble and the Cuban communists are down there in force to align with the Venezualan communists. These people are not our friends.

The top theorist at the Kremlin is a man named Alexander Dugin. He is quite arrogant I'm told. He was boasting to some student in Brazil ( he was there giving a lecture ) that America was soon to end. It was at the door - that this was common knowledge in the higher echelons of Russian society and spoken of as if they are talking about the weather. The Chinese Military leaders have been caught speaking about how it is necessary to wipe out 200 million Americans if the Chinese need the land because they are a superior race. ( where have I heard that before? ) You've got Castro long ago boasting of the end of America. How did he know? He's in on the plan. You've go the Russians arming Nicaraguans now and for what? For them to use when they join in the invasion..

The Communists think they have been clever in doing this under the radar - that the american people have no idea and do not sense there is something terribly wrong. Of course they do. Why would the country stock up on food, firearms and ammo more than they ever have done in past times? 150 millon plus armed Americans with praying Christians amongst their ranks and you can be sure this won't be a cake walk for them.
Very fascinating truly. I knew about Taiwan, but the developments in the south are news to me. It doesn't surprise me. America toppled Governments in Panama, Nicaragua, Chili, Venezuela and we have attempted it in Cuba many times. I'm not surprised that they would join the other side. This isnt a one way street. War takes two or more, and right now these governments have decided to wage a war that no informed member of the masses wants. China, Russia, parts of South America, Parts Africa, Parts of the Middle East and South east Asia are all going to be on one side. America, NATO, Israel, and The remaining Parts of each of the above stated regions will be on the other. North Korea will Attack the south, Russia and china will likely join to repel Japan and America. South America and Africa will erupt in border wars, and likely Venezuela and Cuba will invade the southern united states. the worlds forces will be so spread out, and war will be on every front, in Europe at Ukraine, in the pacific near Taiwan and Japan focusing on Korea, The middle East will erupt, and Israel will be at war with most of its neighbors at once. It will be the most destructive world war we have ever seen. I doubt the world will end like some may guess, But the victor will likely be the side to establish the Global government and set in motion the rest of our futures.
Very fascinating truly. I knew about Taiwan, but the developments in the south are news to me. It doesn't surprise me. America toppled Governments in Panama, Nicaragua, Chili, Venezuela and we have attempted it in Cuba many times. I'm not surprised that they would join the other side. This isnt a one way street. War takes two or more, and right now these governments have decided to wage a war that no informed member of the masses wants. China, Russia, parts of South America, Parts Africa, Parts of the Middle East and South east Asia are all going to be on one side. America, NATO, Israel, and The remaining Parts of each of the above stated regions will be on the other. North Korea will Attack the south, Russia and china will likely join to repel Japan and America. South America and Africa will erupt in border wars, and likely Venezuela and Cuba will invade the southern united states. the worlds forces will be so spread out, and war will be on every front, in Europe at Ukraine, in the pacific near Taiwan and Japan focusing on Korea, The middle East will erupt, and Israel will be at war with most of its neighbors at once. It will be the most destructive world war we have ever seen. I doubt the world will end like some may guess, But the victor will likely be the side to establish the Global government and set in motion the rest of our futures.

It is indeed a fascinating time to be alive and see all of this unfold. I have to find a book I'd like to quote from for you. Stay around for a minute. I'll be back. - J.
I'm still searching for it. Let me say this for you to respond to. We have made our mistakes as a nation but our people are the best in the world. We've rescued many nations in trouble, defended their people when they were in great peril, put ourselves out there as the lender to the world. We were a nation blessed by God but then that began to not be the case as our govt. / political offices / politicians became more and more communist in their ideas due to infiltration of communists at the highest echelons. There have been many horrific things done in the name of America but I assure you it was not done by the American people but rather a group of less than 1000 who led the way in Congress and the Senate - many career politicians - cutting backroom deals in Washington - you can imagine it - the American people have not known much - if any of it. Yet who do you think these armies are coming in to rape, torture, loot, burn down, destroy? The average american person.

So lets be real on why they want to do this. It isn't about that at all. It is about the fact that they hate us, hate our way of life, our freedom, our citizens rights to bear arms, all things they do not enjoy in their own countries. The right to own a bible, freedom of religion. Communist nations have no joy. Only sorrow.

Let's go back for a minute..

So you add in Parts of Africa Parts of the Middle east and South East Asia are all going to be on one side. You're confusing two different wars here. Those guys are training for their future march with Russia to Invade Israel. Not the USA.

The Russian led Islamic army ( Iran will be a part of also parts of Africa and ME and Asia as you point out ) that is planning to invade Israel won't be doing that until America falls. You do understand that Russia will do an initial nuclear strike on America ( limited strike on 4 corners ) and then the invasion will begin ( in usa ) . That happens first.

You are partially right in there are sleeper cells here Arab, Iranian, etc. that will be waging jihad at the same time - also aligning themselves with the Russians which is why you'll always hear support for North Korea, Cuba, Russia, China, - they openly support them now because they expect to be sharing in the profits later on.

I find it interesting that the most vicious, communist, brutal nations have managed to make the focal point of war crimes / genocidal nation - America - and ignore the rest. But perhaps it is the will of God. I probably shouldn't question it.
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Do you remember the name of Russian top KGB person who was having dialogue with Kissinger during the SALT negotiations? They all stayed at the same hotel and before the meeting they would make a rule of no communication with the other side? His name begins with a P. Something like Petrova? Does that sound familiar?

How about Alexander Dugan. Ever heard of him?
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truly i would like to talk more, but i have class in 10 min so i have to go, but i might respond after. it is alot to digest and a good response shouldn't be rushed. if you find the quote post it and i will read it later.
I'm still searching for it. Let me say this for you to respond to. We have made our mistakes as a nation but our people are the best in the world. We've rescued many nations in trouble, defended their people when they were in great peril, put ourselves out there as the lender to the world. We were a nation blessed by God but then that began to not be the case as our govt. / political offices / politicians became more and more communist in their ideas due to infiltration of communists at the highest echelons. There have been many horrific things done in the name of America but I assure you it was not done by the American people but rather a group of less than 1000 who led the way in Congress and the Senate - many career politicians - cutting backroom deals in Washington - you can imagine it - the American people have not known much - if any of it. Yet who do you think these armies are coming in to rape, torture, loot, burn down, destroy? The average american person.

So lets be real on why they want to do this. It isn't about that at all. It is about the fact that they hate us, hate our way of life, our freedom, our citizens rights to bear arms, all things they do not enjoy in their own countries. The right to own a bible, freedom of religion. Communist nations have no joy. Only sorrow.

Let's go back for a minute..

So you add in Parts of Africa Parts of the Middle east and South East Asia are all going to be on one side. You're confusing two different wars here. Those guys are training for their future march with Russia to Invade Israel. Not the USA.

The Russian led Islamic army (Iran will be a part of also parts of Africa and ME and Asia as you point out ) that is planning to invade Israel won't be doing that until America falls. You do understand that Russia will do an initial nuclear strike on America ( limited strike on 4 corners ) and then the invasion will begin (in usa). That happens first.

You are partially right in there are sleeper cells here Arab, Iranian, etc. that will be waging jihad at the same time - also aligning themselves with the Russians which is why you'll always hear support for North Korea, Cuba, Russia, China, - they openly support them now because they expect to be sharing in the profits later on.

I find it interesting that the most vicious, communist, brutal nations have managed to make the focal point of war crimes / genocidal nation - America - and ignore the rest. But perhaps it is the will of God. I probably shouldn't question it.

I disagree with you, Shart. Magog is Russia and Gog is the name of the man who leads the army - Gog means Prince. Biblical scholars have established this through the geographical maps of the bible and also other maps all identify this as the land known as Russia today. Persia is Iran. Ancient names to new names. On down the line...
I disagree with you, Shart. Magog is Russia and Gog is the name of the man who leads the army - Gog means Prince. Biblical scholars have established this through the geographical maps of the bible and also other maps all identify this as the land known as Russia today. Persia is Iran. Ancient names to new names. On down the line...

Have you read the article?

Dr. Goodman is himself a Biblical scholar.

Magog = the New World Order;
Gog = its figurehead (quite possibly Prince Charles).
As someone has brought up that future war - It is nice of Tavee to advise the American people to ask our leaders not to go down this path with Ukraine. I would also like to advise Tavee to tell the Russian people they should tell Putin he should not go down this path with China and Taiwan - it will set forth a change of events that will open the door to the invasion of Israel and with that the decimation of the Russian army on the mountains of Jerusalem and the destruction of his homeland - Russia - at the same time. It will be looked back on as the biggest mistake Putin ever made. Mark my words. He cannot take Israel no matter how he does it. He's making a terrible mistake. The world will despise him. No more pictures of wrestling tiger and lions and bears ... in hotels... they will use those photos for dart boards.
I disagree with you, Shart. Magog is Russia and Gog is the name of the man who leads the army - Gog means Prince. Biblical scholars have established this through the geographical maps of the bible and also other maps all identify this as the land known as Russia today. Persia is Iran. Ancient names to new names. On down the line...

Have you read the article?

Dr. Goodman is himself a Biblical scholar.

Magog = the New World Order;
Gog = its figurehead (quite possibly Prince Charles).

Never heard of him but we can discuss it on the religion forum. We should probably let him respond and stay on topic. :eusa_angel:
I disagree with you, Shart. Magog is Russia and Gog is the name of the man who leads the army - Gog means Prince. Biblical scholars have established this through the geographical maps of the bible and also other maps all identify this as the land known as Russia today. Persia is Iran. Ancient names to new names. On down the line...

Have you read the article?

Dr. Goodman is himself a Biblical scholar.

Magog = the New World Order;
Gog = its figurehead (quite possibly Prince Charles).

Never heard of him but we can discuss it on the religion forum. We should probably let him respond and stay on topic. :eusa_angel:

I beat you to the punch in starting a thread about this very thing in the Religion sub, girly. Check it out:




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