we are raising an awesome group of ypung women these days

Meh, some men find excess make up attractive and some women do as well. I prefer minimum make up, but my youngest daughter loves make up. She wants to make a career out of it.
why is it you are so mad when a woman doesnt want young girls to waste their money on CRAP that is a waste of their money and not healthy fro their skin?

Becuase you are brain washed idiots

Stop trying to control others....oh wait, you're progressive and that's what you do.
No, the difference is I don't see whether or not a woman uses makeup as the definition of WHO SHE IS. I don't care if girls wear it or not, their choice, there's good reasons to not wear, or wear it. I'm not going to tell them they're "brave" based on their choice...it's idiotic. It essentially is telling them they are defined by their faces.

It's completely moronic.

Of course it's moronic, look at the OP.
Why do you guys like women to be treated like that?

Nobody is 'treating' anyone like anything. Make-up is fun. It is no different than any of the kinds of adornments humans have been doing to themselves for thousands of years. As I said, tatooing, piercing, and the like. Clothing, jewelry, hair styles, etc. For men and women....this has been going on since the beginning of humankind. It is not something that is against women or suppressing women. If you don't like it for yourself, fine, but you cannot expect all people to agree with you. What a boring, boring, BORING world it would be if we all walked around in sack cloth and ashes, looking exactly the same. Go look at photos of Communist China during the Cultural Revolution. Is that what you want the whole world to look like? Everyone dressed the same, no make-up or any adornments for anyone? Too much fun. You can have it.
Its a stupid and archaic tradition that does no onwe any good but makes SOME people money.

It has no real purpose to aid any in mankind
look how you kneee jerk defend something just becuase it been arround a long time
when someone states an opinion you dont like you claim its control.

when you do it your opinion changes on that.....why?

because you are dishonest
look how you kneee jerk defend something just becuase it been arround a long time

No knee jerk defense. I've had this discussion with women like you before. If you had an open mind, you would see my point, that adorning ourselves is a natural quality of the human animal. But even more than that, an open minded person would see that they are being very foolish trying to dictate this kind of lifestyle choice to others. As well, you are probably being hypocritical as it is unlikely you walk around in a gunny sack and your hair hangs in a 10 foot braid. Be honest. You may not do the make-up thing, but you do the adornment thing.
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smearing crap on your face becuase someone says to you " hey you look like shit and you need to hide your face behind some chemicals, here let me sell you some" is pretty lame

Nah, smeared "crap" on my face because 1000 watt Kleig lights wash out all facial features without it.........
Many Chinese Businessman friend of mine say big breast American Hooker best in world, even better than Thai woman!

Nothing young American woman won't do for money.

You need to try out a new 'persona,' because this one is really not working for ya.
Derp's logic: My body, my choice .... well, except for when it's my body, my choice.

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