We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

They’ll soon have us losing World War III. We won’t even be in World War III, we’ll be losing World War III with weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before,” Trump told attendees at the conference, an annual gathering of conservatives. “These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed. And the only thing standing between you and its obliteration is me. It’s true.”

I know that he wasn't talking about the election. It was something to do with the car manufacturing companies and I heard from a friend that the push for electric cars had something to do with it. Anybody mind filling in the blanks for me?

They’ll soon have us losing World War III. We won’t even be in World War III, we’ll be losing World War III with weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before,” Trump told attendees at the conference, an annual gathering of conservatives. “These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed. And the only thing standing between you and its obliteration is me. It’s true.”

Don’t be in such a tizzy dummy, it’ll be ok…Trump will win in November, and the world will fall back in line.
I know that he wasn't talking about the election. It was something to do with the car manufacturing companies and I heard from a friend that the push for electric cars had something to do with it. Anybody mind filling in the blanks for me?

China has had a major advantage in trade with usa
And it appears China wants to enter the auto market
Trump is planning another riot
This one will be a Bloodbath
That is a statement taken out of context. However liberals will keep repeating it like it is gospel truth and Trump is threatening a real insurrection. Even when they know it is not true They will repeat it over and over and over. If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.

Reaction to Trump’s speech: When is ‘a bloodbath’ not a bloodbath?​

Defenders of the former president say he was speaking about the plight of the auto industry.

I know that he wasn't talking about the election. It was something to do with the car manufacturing companies and I heard from a friend that the push for electric cars had something to do with it. Anybody mind filling in the blanks for me?

He said it would be a bloodbath for the auto industry if China is allowed to import cars from Mexico without tariffs.

Libs want another civil war to cap off the destruction of America. That’s why they constantly provoke, and bait the public.
He said it would be a bloodbath for the auto industry if China is allowed to import cars from Mexico without tariffs.


That makes sense too.

Libs want another civil war to cap off the destruction of America. That’s why they constantly provoke, and bait the public.

Sometimes war is a good thing though. Hence the American Revolution.
And now some of those leftist sources are backtracking on their lies about 'bloodbath'. But they don't care because in their minds they did the damage they wanted.

The MSM is broken and right along with that millions of American have been broken by the lies of the MSM aka fake news.

That is a statement taken out of context. However liberals will keep repeating it like it is gospel truth and Trump is threatening a real insurrection. Even when they know it is not true They will repeat it over and over and over. If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.

Reaction to Trump’s speech: When is ‘a bloodbath’ not a bloodbath?​

Defenders of the former president say he was speaking about the plight of the auto industry.

Just wait and watch the Democrats as we get closer to the Election. If polls are tight, it is a given that more Fear will be projected about the prospect of Trump being President but Democrats will also bring Threat into the mix. They will start talking about their people “taking to the streets.”

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