We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

No explaining necessary.

Once you find yourself "explaining" what was said, you have lost the debate.

Your Orange Baboon-God should have chosen his words more carefully.

Then again, the ape doesn't have it in him to do so... zero forethought...zero self-control... unfit for high office.
When you dictate the debate is lost for any other reason outside debate and facts, you are showing you have no facts or argument.

You lost, it is the idiot that presents as you do.
China now owns the EV market. They make the highest quality and sell it for the lowest price by far. Only super patriotic assholes will throw away their money by sticking to made in yousa.
China also buries their used batteries in residential areas.
They’ll soon have us losing World War III. We won’t even be in World War III, we’ll be losing World War III with weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before,” Trump told attendees at the conference, an annual gathering of conservatives. “These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed. And the only thing standing between you and its obliteration is me. It’s true.”

He constantly communicates in hyperbolic, violent and apocalyptic terms. You must fight, this is the Final Battle, etc. etc.

He knows his base. He knows how MAGA media communicates to them, and he just follows the template at the next level. Keep it simple and scary, keep them on edge, keep them paranoid, keep them ready to attack for you.

Then he says shit like this and they don't even realize it. But they sure as hell internalize it.
I know that he wasn't talking about the election. It was something to do with the car manufacturing companies and I heard from a friend that the push for electric cars had something to do with it. Anybody mind filling in the blanks for me?

Trump is a demented old fool.
I would think both sides would take causalities...Don't you?

Yes, but that's life unfortunately and that wasn't even the question you were asking me. If we don't win this election unfortunately it might come to that.
What are our other options?

The democrats need to purge their party of progressive socialists, and Republican's need to get their house in order as well....Anything short of that will end badly.

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