We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
The only people you can compromise with are those you have common views on
You can't collaborate with people who hate what you stand for
You can't cooperate with people who hate your very existence.

Whoa!!! The tax cheat with the 23 biceps is back!

How ya doin' Reb? Still a lying POS?
LOL tax cheat nope you still fisting or was it getting fisted?
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You are so full of shit. People don't listen to this clown, here are some FACTS:

1. The Patriots were not a tolerant group, and Loyalists suffered regular harassment, had their property seized, or were subject to personal attacks.

2. Even before the war started, a group of Philadelphia Quakers were arrested and imprisoned in Virginia because of their perceived support of the British.

3. The process of "tar and feathering," for example, was brutally violent. Stripped of clothes, covered with hot tar, and splattered with feathers, the victim was then forced to parade about in public.

4. Unless the British Army was close at hand to protect Loyalists, they often suffered bad treatment from Patriots and often had to flee their own homes.

5. About one-in-six Americans was an active Loyalist during the Revolution, and that number undoubtedly would have been higher if the Patriots hadn't been so successful in threatening and punishing people who made their Loyalist sympathies known in public.
Everyone one of (well nearly every one) those who voted for this pervert in the white house, once voted for John McCain who is about 80 degrees to the left of where Trump’s supporters are. I don’t say Trump is there because if his moronic supporters were only 40 degrees to the right of McCain, he would be there. If they were to the left of Mccain…he would be there. Anyway, compromise is the basis of the nation. However, that is hard to achieve when you have a political opponent (you’ll note the republicans don’t see opponents…they see enemies) has goals that oscillate depending on how belligerent their dear leader is at any given time.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?
Yup. What is there to compromise on with the left? Their party has been hijacked by radical loons.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

Um, actually, they did entirely. A full third of the residents of the colonies didn't want independence. Most of them were driven into Canada after the war was over.

Try reading a history book, Stormy Mac.

But they did compromise on a few things. For instance, some of these guys really did think that all men are created equal, but other of these guys wanted to keep raping their slaves! Well, dammit, let's compromise on that and keep slavery!!!

God, Stormy, you make this too easy.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You are so full of shit. People don't listen to this clown, here are some FACTS:

1. The Patriots were not a tolerant group, and Loyalists suffered regular harassment, had their property seized, or were subject to personal attacks.

2. Even before the war started, a group of Philadelphia Quakers were arrested and imprisoned in Virginia because of their perceived support of the British.

3. The process of "tar and feathering," for example, was brutally violent. Stripped of clothes, covered with hot tar, and splattered with feathers, the victim was then forced to parade about in public.

4. Unless the British Army was close at hand to protect Loyalists, they often suffered bad treatment from Patriots and often had to flee their own homes.

5. About one-in-six Americans was an active Loyalist during the Revolution, and that number undoubtedly would have been higher if the Patriots hadn't been so successful in threatening and punishing people who made their Loyalist sympathies known in public.
Best depiction of tar and feathering
Sometimes it means just not getting what you want. Maybe you're just wrong on some things, and the other guys will be proven right.

Or maybe by working together we'll come up with new approaches. It sure works in the business world. Innovation.

But we get nowhere if the goal is to beat the other side. Then it becomes party over country.

When the other side is throwing kids into concentration camps and thinks that's okay, where are we supposed to find "new approaches' on that, exactly?
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You are so full of shit. People don't listen to this clown, here are some FACTS:

1. The Patriots were not a tolerant group, and Loyalists suffered regular harassment, had their property seized, or were subject to personal attacks.

2. Even before the war started, a group of Philadelphia Quakers were arrested and imprisoned in Virginia because of their perceived support of the British.

3. The process of "tar and feathering," for example, was brutally violent. Stripped of clothes, covered with hot tar, and splattered with feathers, the victim was then forced to parade about in public.

4. Unless the British Army was close at hand to protect Loyalists, they often suffered bad treatment from Patriots and often had to flee their own homes.

5. About one-in-six Americans was an active Loyalist during the Revolution, and that number undoubtedly would have been higher if the Patriots hadn't been so successful in threatening and punishing people who made their Loyalist sympathies known in public.
Wow, look at all that effort.

Is that an excuse to keep behaving like a child?

These guys got it done, regardless of how much you want to avoid it.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You are so full of shit. People don't listen to this clown, here are some FACTS:

1. The Patriots were not a tolerant group, and Loyalists suffered regular harassment, had their property seized, or were subject to personal attacks.

2. Even before the war started, a group of Philadelphia Quakers were arrested and imprisoned in Virginia because of their perceived support of the British.

3. The process of "tar and feathering," for example, was brutally violent. Stripped of clothes, covered with hot tar, and splattered with feathers, the victim was then forced to parade about in public.

4. Unless the British Army was close at hand to protect Loyalists, they often suffered bad treatment from Patriots and often had to flee their own homes.

5. About one-in-six Americans was an active Loyalist during the Revolution, and that number undoubtedly would have been higher if the Patriots hadn't been so successful in threatening and punishing people who made their Loyalist sympathies known in public.

Wow. Well said. ANd we usually agree on nothing.

Stormy will say that's because the RIght and Left are the same.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You are so full of shit. People don't listen to this clown, here are some FACTS:

1. The Patriots were not a tolerant group, and Loyalists suffered regular harassment, had their property seized, or were subject to personal attacks.

2. Even before the war started, a group of Philadelphia Quakers were arrested and imprisoned in Virginia because of their perceived support of the British.

3. The process of "tar and feathering," for example, was brutally violent. Stripped of clothes, covered with hot tar, and splattered with feathers, the victim was then forced to parade about in public.

4. Unless the British Army was close at hand to protect Loyalists, they often suffered bad treatment from Patriots and often had to flee their own homes.

5. About one-in-six Americans was an active Loyalist during the Revolution, and that number undoubtedly would have been higher if the Patriots hadn't been so successful in threatening and punishing people who made their Loyalist sympathies known in public.
Wow, look at all that effort.

Is that an excuse to keep behaving like a child?

These guys got it done, regardless of how much you want to avoid it.
You just plugged your ears and said la la la when he presented documented evidence that counters your OP claim that things were so much peachier....."back in a time."
Sometimes it means just not getting what you want. Maybe you're just wrong on some things, and the other guys will be proven right.

Or maybe by working together we'll come up with new approaches. It sure works in the business world. Innovation.

But we get nowhere if the goal is to beat the other side. Then it becomes party over country.

When the other side is throwing kids into concentration camps and thinks that's okay, where are we supposed to find "new approaches' on that, exactly?

^^^ a filthy lie. You see now why there can be no compromise with liberals they are despicable liars.
Struck a nerve on both ends, again.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, again.
Forget compromise on politics, mac wont even openly and charitably discuss his own ideas and mocks any counter information presented.
Sometimes it means just not getting what you want. Maybe you're just wrong on some things, and the other guys will be proven right.

Or maybe by working together we'll come up with new approaches. It sure works in the business world. Innovation.

But we get nowhere if the goal is to beat the other side. Then it becomes party over country.

When the other side is throwing kids into concentration camps and thinks that's okay, where are we supposed to find "new approaches' on that, exactly?

^^^ a filthy lie. You see now why there can be no compromise with liberals they are despicable liars.
You posted a cogent response which pointed out an ignorance of history by the OP....and his response was to mock it and dismiss it instead of fleshing out the disagreements therein.

And yet, he wants to complain that folks dont flesh out their differences like adults.

See through Mac does it again.
Mac, you always labor under the misapprehension that most folks here dont see through your corny act...you are JUST here to snub and complain.

Folks engage you topically, and you refuse to even get into the weeds for a charitable discussion on your own ideas.

Thats being a flake, any way you want to cut it, blame others, say "see! gotya!" or whatever else....its transparent and gross.
Forget compromise on politics, mac wont even openly and charitably discuss his own ideas and mocks any counter information presented.

The OP is either ignorant of American History or blatantly dishonest.

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