We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

You are wrong on all counts...

11,004 people were murdered

Guy, I'm not in the mood for your spooge...

You said that we can't meet a compromise.

I offered a perfectly good one that let's you continue to compensate for your tiny dick without guns getting into the wrong hands. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, but fuck, let's give it a try, eh?

I don't get everything I want, you don't get everything you want. That's the Compromise that Stormy Mac says he so thinks we need to have today.

Come on, buddy, do it for Stormy Mac.
Then there is no compromise with you.


Sure... I'm perfectly willing to let some of you guys continue with your fetish under certain circumstances to keep guns out of the hands of nuts.

The reason why this reasonable compromise can't be reached is because the gun industry knows the nuts are their prime customers.

Or as Upton Sinclair opined, "It's hard to get a man to understand a problem when his paycheck depends on him not understanding it."

You don't believe the 2nd confers the individual right - any compromise with someone like you would be a non-starter.
Every other nation doesn't have 450 million guns in private hands.

The law abiding capitulating sets up their slaughter.

Again- Every other industrialized nation does it the smart way...

Here's the thing. Your fetish is already in decline. Less people hunt, less households have guns. It's really just the 3% of the population that needs to stock up on guns to compensate for their "shortcomings". The rest of the population would be perfectly fine with sensible restrictions.
Every other nation doesn't have 450 million guns in private hands.

The law abiding capitulating sets up their slaughter.

Again- Every other industrialized nation does it the smart way...

Here's the thing. Your fetish is already in decline. Less people hunt, less households have guns. It's really just the 3% of the population that needs to stock up on guns to compensate for their "shortcomings". The rest of the population would be perfectly fine with sensible restrictions.

How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?
You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

it plays on the same insecurities Marx did repackaged for today's consumption.
obama was the closest we've ever come to a fascist president

The above MEME explains what obama did.
bailout and controlling and firing CEO's of the auto industry
Bailing out the banks and controlling them
and controlling the healthcare system
By that logic, Citizens United was a fascist decision. Who was responsible for that?

obama was the closest we've ever come to a fascist president

The above MEME explains what obama did.
bailout and controlling and firing CEO's of the auto industry
Bailing out the banks and controlling them
and controlling the healthcare system
By that logic, Citizens United was a fascist decision. Who was responsible for that?

By your logic you don't understand fascism
Because you only take guns from honest citizens. Criminals don't follow your laws. I mean duh

Most gun deaths and mass shootings are from people who had no criminal record up until the very bad day they had.

Here's the thing. Keeping guns away from criminals works just fine in Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, France.

Oh, you might hear about a gun incident from one of those countries, but only because they are so rare.
You made that up
How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

Guy, I offered you a really good compromise... I think you are kind of proving Stormy Mac's point.

And his point was kind of stupid.

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

Um, your side nominated a fascist and shoved him down everyone's throats even though a majority voted against him.

Guns don't prevent tyranny.
How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

Guy, I offered you a really good compromise... I think you are kind of proving Stormy Mac's point.

And his point was kind of stupid.

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

Um, your side nominated a fascist and shoved him down everyone's throats even though a majority voted against him.

Guns don't prevent tyranny.

Ummm, your side nominated a liar and a cheat, and tried to shove her down everyone's throat.
"It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the WINGERS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. That's MY "side of the fence". ""

That was before 2015 and the descent on the escalator in His Majesty's palace on 5th Avenue. And the lies that followed, and the denial of those lie by the idiots who voted for him.

Trump does not evoke neutral feelings....from anyone. And he never did.

To leftists, a compromise is when you only get some of what you wanted and the other side gets nothing and all you do is bitch about what you wanted and didn't get
More mindless parroting of your MessiahRushie's lies.

Bull shit.

Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you. Rush Limbaugh

Both of those are quotes where Rush said what you do and you presented it as if he's advocating that.

You're a liar, edthelemur
You left out the third quote that proves your MessiahRushie was doing what he accused Obama of doing. So I wasn't saying he "advocated" them I proved he was practicing them!!!
Stop playing dumb!

That's just stupid. The first two quotes are clearly what Rush said that Democrats do. The third is something you don't have, humor. Rush is setting the trap you fall into every time, baiting leftists. I agree with libertarians like Neil Boortz more, but Rush is the godfather of radio. No one can bait leftists like he can. And you fall for it every time
Exactly, and in the third quote Russia Limbaugh does exactly what he accused the Dems of doing in the first two.

And your MessiahRushie himself said there has to be an element of truth in quote 3 for it to be humor.

October 23, 2009
RUSH: Good comedy, to be comedy, must contain an element of truth
obama was the closest we've ever come to a fascist president

The above MEME explains what obama did.
bailout and controlling and firing CEO's of the auto industry
Bailing out the banks and controlling them
and controlling the healthcare system
By that logic, Citizens United was a fascist decision. Who was responsible for that?

By your logic you don't understand fascism
So, Citizens United didn’t give corporations more power in state government?

How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

Guy, I offered you a really good compromise... I think you are kind of proving Stormy Mac's point.

And his point was kind of stupid.

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

Um, your side nominated a fascist and shoved him down everyone's throats even though a majority voted against him.

Guns don't prevent tyranny.

Your compromise:

You get everything you want.

I get nothing.

I would take this deal in exchange for taxes being reduced back to 15% overall permanently. Serfs paid 25%, so that makes everyone only half a serf. Good compromise...
How about, rather than dubious notions of "compromise", we go with live-and-let-live? By that I mean we agree to avoid using force (the law) to control other people. Instead, we have a government that defends people's rights and doesn't allow one group of people to force their values on another.
How about, rather than dubious notions of "compromise", we go with live-and-let-live? By that I mean we agree to avoid using force (the law) to control other people. Instead, we have a government that defends people's rights and doesn't allow one group of people to force their values on another.

You do realize, this is not a compromise. The leftists believe in using the government for their ends. The right generally doesn't.

Screw compromises. Fight for the best you can get...
How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

Guy, I offered you a really good compromise... I think you are kind of proving Stormy Mac's point.

And his point was kind of stupid.

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

Um, your side nominated a fascist and shoved him down everyone's throats even though a majority voted against him.

Guns don't prevent tyranny.

A majority voted against Hillary too.

You may want to read up on how elections are run in this country since you, Hillary and Al Gore don't know. Here you go since you don't know how to use Google either.

Constitution of the United States - We the People
To leftists, a compromise is when you only get some of what you wanted and the other side gets nothing and all you do is bitch about what you wanted and didn't get
More mindless parroting of your MessiahRushie's lies.

Bull shit.

Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you. Rush Limbaugh

Both of those are quotes where Rush said what you do and you presented it as if he's advocating that.

You're a liar, edthelemur
You left out the third quote that proves your MessiahRushie was doing what he accused Obama of doing. So I wasn't saying he "advocated" them I proved he was practicing them!!!
Stop playing dumb!

That's just stupid. The first two quotes are clearly what Rush said that Democrats do. The third is something you don't have, humor. Rush is setting the trap you fall into every time, baiting leftists. I agree with libertarians like Neil Boortz more, but Rush is the godfather of radio. No one can bait leftists like he can. And you fall for it every time
Exactly, and in the third quote Russia Limbaugh does exactly what he accused the Dems of doing in the first two.

And your MessiahRushie himself said there has to be an element of truth in quote 3 for it to be humor.

October 23, 2009
RUSH: Good comedy, to be comedy, must contain an element of truth

Rush is funny and you're a wet blanket. No wonder he has a radio show with millions of listeners and you spend all day on message boards begging for government handouts.

Rush is a conservative, so I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and tend to disagree with him on social issues. Military is a mixed bag because I support a strong defense but oppose all the wars and overseas military operations. But he's entertaining and as you're proving he exposes the stick up your ass as no one else can.

I do like him, but I don't get what point you're trying to make with the hyperbole since you are the one who agrees with Democrats on every issue and I don't agree with Rush, Republicans or even Libertarians on every issue.

None of this changes that your sig is full of lies, just like Democrats and fake news

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