We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

Guy, I offered you a really good compromise... I think you are kind of proving Stormy Mac's point.

And his point was kind of stupid.

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

Um, your side nominated a fascist and shoved him down everyone's throats even though a majority voted against him.

Guns don't prevent tyranny.

A majority voted against Hillary too.

You may want to read up on how elections are run in this country since you, Hillary and Al Gore don't know. Here you go since you don't know how to use Google either.

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Not sure that he even is an American at this point.

Now calling an American president a fascist. What a moron.

Yeah, I am not going to compromise with some un-American. This is America and non-Americans need not apply.
How about, rather than dubious notions of "compromise", we go with live-and-let-live? By that I mean we agree to avoid using force (the law) to control other people. Instead, we have a government that defends people's rights and doesn't allow one group of people to force their values on another.

You do realize, this is not a compromise. The leftists believe in using the government for their ends. The right generally doesn't.

The left says the same thing about the right.

Screw compromises. Fight for the best you can get...

That's what we've been doing for thirty years. It's why things are so fucked up. Every time the Democrats, or the Republicans, pass major legislation with a party-line vote, they're just pissing in the wind. When half the country hates a law, it simply fosters resentment that eventually undermines whatever legislation was passed.

ACA is a classic example. There was a genuine mandate to do something about health care - from both Democrat and Republican voters. But rather than doing the hard work of building consensus for meaningful reform, reform that everyone could live with, the Democrats fought for the "best they could get". And how'd that work out for them?
So, Citizens United didn’t give corporations more power in state government?


Citizens United v FEC
affirmed the first amendment right to produce political media without limitation.

I don't have an issue with corporations being involved in politics, but I do object to them being able to deduct any political expenses
How about this, if you hate guns move the fuck out of this country. You don't "need" to live here. There is your compromise.

You talk of those other nations so highly, what's the hold up?

Guy, I offered you a really good compromise... I think you are kind of proving Stormy Mac's point.

And his point was kind of stupid.

They believe guns and those that own them are the one thing preventing the hand of an egalitarian government under their control from righting the wrongs they feel are perpetuated on them by the monied.

Um, your side nominated a fascist and shoved him down everyone's throats even though a majority voted against him.

Guns don't prevent tyranny.

A majority voted against Hillary too.

You may want to read up on how elections are run in this country since you, Hillary and Al Gore don't know. Here you go since you don't know how to use Google either.

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Not sure that he even is an American at this point.

Now calling an American president a fascist. What a moron.

Yeah, I am not going to compromise with some un-American. This is America and non-Americans need not apply.

It's Democrats who want to silence opposition with force. Democrats constantly accuse others of being what Democrats actually are.
obama was the closest we've ever come to a fascist president

The above MEME explains what obama did.
bailout and controlling and firing CEO's of the auto industry
Bailing out the banks and controlling them
and controlling the healthcare system
By that logic, Citizens United was a fascist decision. Who was responsible for that?

By your logic you don't understand fascism
So, Citizens United didn’t give corporations more power in state government?

so how would it do that? it would be the government maintaining control of the corporation
His thread was destroyed and credibility damaged.
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.
A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.
A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
I don’t need to provide you anything on demand Kaz. You can ask for links, and I am usually nice enough to provide them bit I don’t “need” to provide you with a damn thing.

But I will this time.

Farm bill energy programs have earned bipartisan support

Which means each side has compromised on some issues to create a bill they can pass...


Analysis | Schumer offered Trump something Democrats hate for something Republicans broadly like
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.
A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)
right why lie?
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
I don’t need to provide you anything on demand Kaz. You can ask for links, and I am usually nice enough to provide them bit I don’t “need” to provide you with a damn thing.

But I will this time.

Farm bill energy programs have earned bipartisan support

Which means each side has compromised on some issues to create a bill they can pass...


Analysis | Schumer offered Trump something Democrats hate for something Republicans broadly like
sure the ones who compromised were republicans
154 Republicans joined 186 Democrats to vote against repeal of the energy title programs.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
it was republicans that compromised.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)
right why lie?
I have no idea why the right lies,
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
it was republicans that compromised.
Compromise was by both. And giving Trump his wall was absolute compromise.
Your compromise:

You get everything you want.

I get nothing.

I would take this deal in exchange for taxes being reduced back to 15% overall permanently. Serfs paid 25%, so that makes everyone only half a serf. Good compromise...

Um, no, I'm not getting everything I want.

I would like to see all guns out of civilian hands... So clearly, if I agree to letting you have a gun if you undergo a background check, register your gun, buy insurance to cover the cost of your negligence, then I am giving quite a bit from my position.

You on the other hand, are giving... well, nothing. If you aren't a criminal or a crazy person, you still get to keep your pecker compensator.
A majority voted against Hillary too.

You may want to read up on how elections are run in this country since you, Hillary and Al Gore don't know. Here you go since you don't know how to use Google either.

Again, a dumb system by slave rapists in the 18th century isn't a mandate from the people.

Nobody is impressed that you found a cheat code.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)
right why lie?
I have no idea why the right lies,
I asked you why you lied.
when republicans have control and democrats get what they want you claim it was a democrat compromise? lol
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
I don’t need to provide you anything on demand Kaz. You can ask for links, and I am usually nice enough to provide them bit I don’t “need” to provide you with a damn thing.

But I will this time.

Farm bill energy programs have earned bipartisan support

Which means each side has compromised on some issues to create a bill they can pass...


Analysis | Schumer offered Trump something Democrats hate for something Republicans broadly like

I didn't "demand" them, fail. Pull the stick out. I said you didn't support your argument. The "Farm bill" is way too vague. Apparently anyone was supposed to know what you meant by "the farm bill" was a farm bill from ... 2002. And how did Democrats compromise?

And you have a link to the Washington Post which has repeatedly fabricated news saying Schummer said he offered a wall, but neither says how much money was offered
Last edited:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)

You need to provide two links and you have none.

How did Democrats compromise on "the farm bill?"

When did Schummer give Trump the wall for DACA?
it was republicans that compromised.
Compromise was by both. And giving Trump his wall was absolute compromise.
dems didn't compromise
and they didn't give trump his wall
Your compromise:

You get everything you want.

I get nothing.

I would take this deal in exchange for taxes being reduced back to 15% overall permanently. Serfs paid 25%, so that makes everyone only half a serf. Good compromise...

Um, no, I'm not getting everything I want.

I would like to see all guns out of civilian hands... So clearly, if I agree to letting you have a gun if you undergo a background check, register your gun, buy insurance to cover the cost of your negligence, then I am giving quite a bit from my position.

You on the other hand, are giving... well, nothing. If you aren't a criminal or a crazy person, you still get to keep your pecker compensator.

Dumbass, the gun law is already such that none of those regulations exist. Why would I trade the current situation to a situation where you get some of what you want and I get nothing? That's not a compromise...

A person who wants to ban all guns, except the ones the government owns. How can this person be called an American with a straight face? Wanting to take the guns of those who are not a threat. This is the land of freedom get the fck out if you don't want it. Socialist hell holes are everywhere for your benefit.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
The farm bill, prior to now. 911 legislation, immigration (Schumer gave Trump his wall for DACA...Trump changed his mind at the last minute)
right why lie?
I have no idea why the right lies,

Actually you do since you make up most of the lies

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