We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

An open mind would realize how completely ridiculous that is

I don't think that Mac, or even most intelligent people in his defense understand government. By design it works slower than the law. Government isn't just an entity that happens to be an asshole to most individuals and businesses. It's an asshole to itself. In order to make sure $1 isn't squandered by lowly WG-05's you have layers of people who do nothing but push papers back and forth so that the $1 cost the government $3 to track. Then you have the billions wasted on other shit where no one seems accountable but they will prosecute if the mood suits them over a few thousand dollars up into the millions of fraud.

By the time you innovate something to fix it, the lawyers will play a shell game
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
The issues were so different back then. Those guys didn't have to cooperate with abortion, gay marriage, and illegal immigration.

How does one cooperate with what they consider murder? That is an impossible situation.

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I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

The core problem of all this is that we're using government, not to protect our rights, but to fight the "culture war". The folks above sought government that would stop bullies from forcing their will on society. But we've turned into a tool for the bullies, a means of forcing their will on society.
His thread was destroyed and credibility damaged.
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.
A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

"I won, you lost, nannie nannie boo boo"


Its not my fault you started a retarded thread and several people had to correct you on US history. :itsok:
As usual, I make a single, general point -- no personal attacks, no insults -- and wingers come running from far and wide to illustrate it for me. In this case, 12 calm words and one graphic, and the shit completely hits the fan.

Mac's Logic... Fart loudly in the middle of a room and then complain everyone is giving him dirty looks.

Um, your initial argument was dumb. The Founding Slave Rapists didn't compromise. They didn't sit down with George III's representatives, and calmly work out sensible middle grounds on taxes, even though the Crown was willing to compromise. They talked a lot of smack about equality and kept Slavery as an institution.

Several triggered posters here have chosen to deflect and change the subject to me. I'd prefer they didn't, but I am allowed to comment on that.

Stay on topic and I don't say a peep.

Mac Logic.

Mac: "Make a totally silly argument"

Everyone else :"Wow, that's pretty silly for these reasons"

Mac: "See, See, everyone is a regressive winger who hates me personally!!!"
Take an issue and show us how each side should compromise.....

Okay Gun Control.

The RIght: "Everyone should have access to an assault rifle because the Founding Fathers said so."

The Left: "Ban all guns except for people who have a need for them, such as police and military. You know, a 'well-regulated militia' like the founding fathers said."

Compromise solution- Licensed gun ownership after a thorough background check, with the privilege being revoked if you abuse it. More powerful weapons should require greater scrutiny.

Nope, nope, nope... Founding Fathers... even the sensible law to restrict the sale of military grade weapons would offend their intent that no one noticed for 200 years.
Take an issue and show us how each side should compromise.....

Okay Gun Control.

The RIght: "Everyone should have access to an assault rifle because the Founding Fathers said so."

The Left: "Ban all guns except for people who have a need for them, such as police and military. You know, a 'well-regulated militia' like the founding fathers said."

Compromise solution- Licensed gun ownership after a thorough background check, with the privilege being revoked if you abuse it. More powerful weapons should require greater scrutiny.

Nope, nope, nope... Founding Fathers... even the sensible law to restrict the sale of military grade weapons would offend their intent that no one noticed for 200 years.

Let's take rape as an example:

A woman: Rape is bad.

A rapist: I love rape.

Compromise: One dip can't hurt, right?
As usual, I make a single, general point -- no personal attacks, no insults -- and wingers come running from far and wide to illustrate it for me. In this case, 12 calm words and one graphic, and the shit completely hits the fan.

Mac's Logic... Fart loudly in the middle of a room and then complain everyone is giving him dirty looks.

Um, your initial argument was dumb. The Founding Slave Rapists didn't compromise. They didn't sit down with George III's representatives, and calmly work out sensible middle grounds on taxes, even though the Crown was willing to compromise. They talked a lot of smack about equality and kept Slavery as an institution.

Several triggered posters here have chosen to deflect and change the subject to me. I'd prefer they didn't, but I am allowed to comment on that.

Stay on topic and I don't say a peep.

Mac Logic.

Mac: "Make a totally silly argument"

Everyone else :"Wow, that's pretty silly for these reasons"

Mac: "See, See, everyone is a regressive winger who hates me personally!!!"

Amazing, we are in agreement. Perhaps Mac is a genius after all...
Let's take rape as an example:

So you don't have a counter argument, then, about why common sense gun control would be a bad thing.

It just demonstrates that finding the middle ground is in no way preferable.

And thus knocks out your argument with no counter-argument needed.

I don't so much care about guns for other purposes than defending against government personally. Knowing that people have ARs has slowed down growth of the government in the USA. Without people being able to defend themselves tyranny can raise easily.

Leftists only care about the guns for the same reason. They want to take over the government and control defenseless people. Not going to happen...
You are pro-truth mutilation I suppose. As for giving the Dems everything they want…the GOP senate left the supreme court incomplete for 7 months during Obama’s last year. They refused to do their jobs and hold hearings on the President’s nominee to fill a vacancy.

the left is promoting transgenderism as a normal, healthy expression of sexuality, even for little kids who haven't even went through puberty yet.

But yeah, go ahead and change the subject.

As a member of the “left”, I haven’t promoted anything of the sort. What in the fuck are you talking about?

Do you live under a rock or something? The transgender craze is sweeping the nation, or at least the attempt to normalize it... There's even a bunch of reality shows about it, one features a young boy whos been on puberty blockers for years so he doesn't develop as a male.

The left is always seeking some supposedly "marginalized" class of person/deviant behavior to fight for and since you guys pretty much succeeded in normalizing homosexuality you've moved onto trannies. I remember the left laughing off the idea of a "slippery slope" when we were still allowed to talk about the ethics of gay marriage, you all promised that you wouldn't try to indoctrinate little kids.

But now we have drag queens in front of grade school classes reading stories about boys who like to wear dresses and how wonderful it is to be "different" while the fat dyke teacher beams with pride.

We also have reality shows about crab fishermen, Alaskan gold prospectors, and UFC fighters…. Your mileage may vary but the reason these shows are on television isn’t because of politics…its because people watch them.
I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it. how long would we be in business together?
If your business involves any kind of machinery, no Insurance Co will give you a policy if you allow your workers to drink beer on the job. So you won't be in business very long either way!
WTF? What does that have to do with what I said?
it was gibberish at best
No insurance co will insure a business that allows drinking around machinery, so if you get your way you would have to run your business without liability insurance, very, very STIPID. But for a CON$ervoFascist it would be as brilliant as possible!
Take an issue and show us how each side should compromise.....

Okay Gun Control.

The RIght: "Everyone should have access to an assault rifle because the Founding Fathers said so."

The Left: "Ban all guns except for people who have a need for them, such as police and military. You know, a 'well-regulated militia' like the founding fathers said."

Compromise solution- Licensed gun ownership after a thorough background check, with the privilege being revoked if you abuse it. More powerful weapons should require greater scrutiny.

Nope, nope, nope... Founding Fathers... even the sensible law to restrict the sale of military grade weapons would offend their intent that no one noticed for 200 years.

Perfect example.
It just demonstrates that finding the middle ground is in no way preferable.

And thus knocks out your argument with no counter-argument needed.

Well, no, it really doesn't. In fact, it was kind of lame, since no one is actually "pro-rape".

I don't so much care about guns for other purposes than defending against government personally. Knowing that people have ARs has at least slowed down growth of government in the USA. Without people being able to defend themselves tyranny can raise easily.

Um... the government has tanks... they aren't worried about a few crazies with AR's... other than their ability to shoot up schools and theaters.

Here's the ugly truth about Tyranny... it happens whether people have guns or not. It happens when a majority gets tired of the slow pace of democracy and just wants things to get done. The very fact that Trump and Bernie did as well as they did last cycle should worry us a lot more than if some whackadoodle has a gun or not.

Leftists only care about the guns for the same reason. They want to take over the government and control defenseless people. Not going to happen...

Actually, we care about guns because every year we have 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes and gun violence costs the economy $270,000,000,000 a year.

So, um, yeah, there's that.

the problem is, that we haven't had through most of our history is that we have a gun industry that realizes the real money isn't made off of Joe Average who bought a pistol in the 1990's, put it in his closet, forgot about, or maybe shoots it a range once a year.


The Gun industry realizes the money is to be made from that 3% of the population that owns enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, and those people truly are nuts. Common sense gun control wouldn't really effect Joe Average that much, but the nut with the arsenal would have a real crimp put in his style.
I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it. how long would we be in business together?
If your business involves any kind of machinery, no Insurance Co will give you a policy if you allow your workers to drink beer on the job. So you won't be in business very long either way!
WTF? What does that have to do with what I said?
it was gibberish at best
No insurance co will insure a business that allows drinking around machinery, so if you get your way you would have to run your business without liability insurance, very, very STIPID. But for a CON$ervoFascist it would be as brilliant as possible!
What the fvck does that have to do with what I said?
"I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it."
how long would we be in business together?
I'm talking about a micro brewery
If your business involves any kind of machinery, no Insurance Co will give you a policy if you allow your workers to drink beer on the job. So you won't be in business very long either way!
WTF? What does that have to do with what I said?
it was gibberish at best
No insurance co will insure a business that allows drinking around machinery, so if you get your way you would have to run your business without liability insurance, very, very STIPID. But for a CON$ervoFascist it would be as brilliant as possible!
What the fvck does that have to do with what I said?
"I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it."
how long would we be in business together?
I'm talking about a micro brewery
Now you are just being STUPID!
It just demonstrates that finding the middle ground is in no way preferable.

And thus knocks out your argument with no counter-argument needed.

Well, no, it really doesn't. In fact, it was kind of lame, since no one is actually "pro-rape".

I don't so much care about guns for other purposes than defending against government personally. Knowing that people have ARs has at least slowed down growth of government in the USA. Without people being able to defend themselves tyranny can raise easily.

Um... the government has tanks... they aren't worried about a few crazies with AR's... other than their ability to shoot up schools and theaters.

Here's the ugly truth about Tyranny... it happens whether people have guns or not. It happens when a majority gets tired of the slow pace of democracy and just wants things to get done. The very fact that Trump and Bernie did as well as they did last cycle should worry us a lot more than if some whackadoodle has a gun or not.

Leftists only care about the guns for the same reason. They want to take over the government and control defenseless people. Not going to happen...

Actually, we care about guns because every year we have 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes and gun violence costs the economy $270,000,000,000 a year.

So, um, yeah, there's that.

the problem is, that we haven't had through most of our history is that we have a gun industry that realizes the real money isn't made off of Joe Average who bought a pistol in the 1990's, put it in his closet, forgot about, or maybe shoots it a range once a year.


The Gun industry realizes the money is to be made from that 3% of the population that owns enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, and those people truly are nuts. Common sense gun control wouldn't really effect Joe Average that much, but the nut with the arsenal would have a real crimp put in his style.

If you care so much about guns because the deaths, why do you always try to go after the heavy weapons, which are very useful in defending tyranny, but don't cause almost any loss of life?

No one buys this drivel. Even in your post you get all emotional about the (harmless) "gun nut". You hate the gun nuts because in fighting against tyranny the gun nut is going to arm a whole army. The argument that armed populace can not deflect an army is completely baseless straw man. When bunch of your own people are filmed dead from the gun shot wounds your whole government loses legitimacy.

Not only that but you instinctively know that any conversation starts from the place "Why shouldn't I kill you and take your stuff?". Having a huge population with guns in place that are against your politics is very bad politically. Even worse, there probably is no faster way of converting someone from soy boy to a conservative than handing him a gun.

Stop with the "cares about kids" rhetoric. Maybe a 60 IQ idiot buys it but certainly no one with brains. For a left winger whether moderate or hard core, an armed populace is very bad news.
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