We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
The only people you can compromise with are those you have common views on
Well, that couldn't be more opposite of true...
NO you can't you sound like an obama kneeler
And you sound like a fascist skinhead.

of course, the people with differing views are exactly the people with whom you must compromise.
obama was the closest we've ever come to a fascist president.
does the sheep compromise with the wolf?
So tell me when are liberals going to compromise?
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
Actually....it kind of is. I think I remember from reading history, that they were vociferous, belligerent, fighting over contentious issues....and name calling.
Ultimately, they created something pretty special.

Do you see that happening now?
Sadly no....they had a goal they all wanted.

Today...? Not so much...
That's right. Democrats have to be defeated. We're not on the same side.
Which is pure Fascism. The Fascist sees only 2 sides, their side and the enemy.
That's your definition of Fascism?

Do you have a link to that? I want to write the authors and point our the lack of understanding of anything of value.
A Fascist Philosopher Helps Us Understand Contemporary Politics

In "The Concept of the Political", Schmitt wrote that every realm of human endeavor is structured by an irreducible duality. Morality is concerned with good and evil, aesthetics with the beautiful and ugly, and economics with the profitable and unprofitable. In politics, the core distinction is between friend and enemy. That is what makes politics different from everything else. Jesus's call to love your enemy is perfectly appropriate for religion, but it is incompatible with the life-or-death stakes politics always involves. Moral philosophers are preoccupied with justice, but politics has nothing to do with making the world fairer. Economic exchange requires only competition; it does not demand annihilation. Not so politics.

"The political is the most intense and extreme antagonism," Schmitt wrote. War is the most violent form that politics takes, but, even short of war, politics still requires that you treat your opposition as antagonistic to everything in which you believe. It's not personal; you don't have to hate your enemy. But you do have to be prepared to vanquish him if necessary.

Liberals think of politics as a means; conservatives as an end. Politics, for liberals, stops at the water's edge; for conservatives, politics never stops. Liberals think of conservatives as potential future allies; conservatives treat liberals as unworthy of recognition. Liberals believe that policies ought to be judged against an independent ideal such as human welfare or the greatest good for the greatest number; conservatives evaluate policies by whether they advance their conservative causes. Liberals instinctively want to dampen passions; conservatives are bent on inflaming them. Liberals think there is a third way between liberalism and conservatism; conservatives believe that anyone who is not a conservative is a liberal. Liberals want to put boundaries on the political by claiming that individuals have certain rights that no government can take away; conservatives argue that in cases of emergency -- conservatives always find cases of emergency -- the reach and capacity of the state cannot be challenged.

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten.
I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that
You just provided it: Less vs. More. That exists on a continuum.

If you said you would only accept 0% government, and they said they would only accept 100%, we'd be at an irreconcilable impasse.

But if you both agree that the answer is somewhere on the continuum, the task would be to find the various points on the continuum that the myriad different costs and responsibilities of the government could exist.

Then, there would be some give and take, where you get something more to your liking, and where they got something else more to their liking. Each side wins a few, each side loses a few, both sides win a few.

Isn't this kind of obvious?

It's obvious because you stayed in the clouds and didn't say anything specific.

Give me an example of an issue that the left will compromise on and how someone who is for less government could realistically make an agreement with them to compromise
I can't speak for the Left, but I stayed general because there are so many possible examples.

The level of personal taxation, the level of corporate taxation, the size of the military, the level of government involvement in health care, the various departments, on and on and on.

This stuff is so fundamental, I don't know what you want. If two people who are different points on a continuum actually need help in doing something this basic, we're fucked.

I'm on the "left" and I can give you an example.

Analysis | Schumer offered Trump something Democrats hate for something Republicans broadly like
You article is behind a paywall, dumbass.
Hey dumber ass, google it and you bypass the paywall.
You IDIOTS give up at the first obstacle.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

What a load of ignorance-based paranoia.

The goal of both parties is EXACTLY the same...to get and retain power.

If the Dems want to suppress the Reps...then it's no more then the Reps want to suppress the Dems.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

What a load of ignorance-based paranoia.

The goal of both parties is EXACTLY the same...to get and retain power.

If the Dems want to suppress the Reps...then it's no more then the Reps want to suppress the Dems.

Well, the parties don't do a very good job at it. Every 2-4 years they get their asses kicked.
A other example of a Mac argument where he just asserts things and does not give any kind of evidence, reasons or examples. This is how you can become so centered that even the center is not center enough.

It could be taken seriously if you took the care to actually furnish your arguments rather than just spouting your intuitions which are often very incorrect. And even if they do work for you, the case may not be the same for the rest of the Americans. Don't rely on anecdotes...

TLDR, WHY should the parties collaborate and cooperate? When someone comes to me and tells to me with a straight face that white males need to shut up and that there are 73 genders, the cooperation is over.
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Damn, Mac, your shtick is getting really old. How, exactly are we supposed to reach a compromise with fanatics who remind us on an hourly basis that we're the living embodiment of evil...

Compromise? All the GOP has done for most of my life is sell out to the left on issue after issue. Just a few years ago the morality of legalized gay marriage was a hot topic. Now we're living in a society where questioning whether or not it's ok to have little boys undergo hormone therapy in preparation for a sex change at age 16 is somehow a manifestation of white supremacy and toxic masculinity.

I'm sorry but I don't wanna find common ground with people who want to chop little boy's dicks off so you can go fuck yourself.


I know, it's awfully unreasonable of me to be anti-child mutilation.

You are pro-truth mutilation I suppose. As for giving the Dems everything they want…the GOP senate left the supreme court incomplete for 7 months during Obama’s last year. They refused to do their jobs and hold hearings on the President’s nominee to fill a vacancy.
You are pro-truth mutilation I suppose. As for giving the Dems everything they want…the GOP senate left the supreme court incomplete for 7 months during Obama’s last year. They refused to do their jobs and hold hearings on the President’s nominee to fill a vacancy.

the left is promoting transgenderism as a normal, healthy expression of sexuality, even for little kids who haven't even went through puberty yet.

But yeah, go ahead and change the subject.
You are pro-truth mutilation I suppose. As for giving the Dems everything they want…the GOP senate left the supreme court incomplete for 7 months during Obama’s last year. They refused to do their jobs and hold hearings on the President’s nominee to fill a vacancy.

the left is promoting transgenderism as a normal, healthy expression of sexuality, even for little kids who haven't even went through puberty yet.

But yeah, go ahead and change the subject.

As a member of the “left”, I haven’t promoted anything of the sort. What in the fuck are you talking about?
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
Liberals/Progressives/Lefties/Democrats have legitimately become the ENEMY of all good Americans. You never play nice with enemies. The days of bipartisanship are long gone.
I think it is reasonable for the OP to provide an example of said cooperation and good will. I didn't find the wikipedia like definition of cooperation all that helpful, the eye roll and sighs attitude was also not that helpful. The democrats ask for expansion, and every time the republicans give them a fraction of what they want, it isn't compromise, it is still expansion. If the democrats come up with a good idea, great, it is still a good idea. You act surprised that polar opposite ideals don't have much in common, and then chastise people for defending their position. I don't believe the republican position is 'extreme' or far past what a great deal of the voting public want.

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