We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

Struck a nerve on both ends, again.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, again.

yes, the one thing the left and right can agree upon is that you are a pretentious douchebag.
Mac should be happy he brought both sides together, but oddly enough, he's not!!!!!
You folks illustrate my point for me daily.

And while I do appreciate your help, while I do enjoy being right, you're correct - I'm not happy with what you're doing to this country.
No we don't, you are just not honest enough to admit when you are wrong. You simply declare victory every time you were shown to be wrong.
Struck a nerve on both ends, again.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, again.

yes, the one thing the left and right can agree upon is that you are a pretentious douchebag.
Mac should be happy he brought both sides together, but oddly enough, he's not!!!!!
You folks illustrate my point for me daily.

And while I do appreciate your help, while I do enjoy being right, you're correct - I'm not happy with what you're doing to this country.
No we don't, you are just not honest enough to admit when you are wrong. You simply declare victory every time you were shown to be wrong.
Okay, I'm completely wrong, and you wingers are absolutely right.

There ya go!

Yer welcome!
You don't compromise with liberal traitors you defeat them.
Another mindless DittoTard parroting their MessiahRushie's BS.

You mad bro? Its not our fault, liberals forced us to CRUSH them by being lawless thugs and conspiring with foreigners to harm our country.
Nothing is ever your fault, no matter how much you are at fault. :cuckoo:
But thank you for admitting you were "forced" to be "lawless thugs and conspiring with foreigners to harm our country." :rofl::lmao:
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
You used the wrong picture. It should be one showing our patriots vs the English. Because that’s where we are today. Democrats aren’t for the US they want it gone. There’s no negotiating room with them.
I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it. how long would we be in business together?
If your business involves any kind of machinery, no Insurance Co will give you a policy if you allow your workers to drink beer on the job. So you won't be in business very long either way!
WTF? What does that have to do with what I said?
You don't compromise with liberal traitors you defeat them.
Another mindless DittoTard parroting their MessiahRushie's BS.

You mad bro? Its not our fault, liberals forced us to CRUSH them by being lawless thugs and conspiring with foreigners to harm our country.
Nothing is ever your fault, no matter how much you are at fault. :cuckoo:
But thank you for admitting you were "forced" to be "lawless thugs and conspiring with foreigners to harm our country." :rofl::lmao:

Let me see if I can decipher your rambling, nope.
I think I clearly do get that since it's what I keep saying. You're staying at 100K feet.

What you're not doing is giving a single meaningful use of your "template."

Leftists want more government in every area. I want less government in any area. I asked you a simple question how then we reach a compromise where clearly in that case there would be a winner and a loser. Every time I ask that, you stay at 100K feet
You first have to understand that "more" or "less" government is not binary. "The government" is massive, with all kinds of moving parts.

For example, if you want "less government", does that mean less Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines? Fewer cops?

When an issue is complicated, you have to break it up into bite-sized pieces. No issue is monolithic. You want more military? Why? Okay, if you both agree, we need to drop spending somewhere else. They want more of Spending on X, why?

God damn, seriously, this is terribly basic stuff. This really is troubling. Do you never have to communicate with people who don't agree with you when working on something?

"For example, if you want "less government", does that mean less "

- Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines? - Yes, and I already addressed this. Leftists want less military only when Republicans are in power. Obama was every bit the war hawk that W was. But mostly I'm talking about social spending which is a lot more clear and why you avoided it

Fewer cops? - I'm at the Federal level. I would cut federal then State governments would grow and replace a lot of those services. But not as much as the Federal government does.

"God damn, seriously, this is terribly basic stuff." I keep saying that. By staying at 100K feet, you're staying too basic for your argument to have meaning.

Anyone in business who claimed to have a "template" with no specific example of how it would actually be used would be tossed out on their ear
My business clients and readers know that isn't true. Even the tiny bit I gave you would get them going, just fine.

One fundamental requirement of effective communication is desire. You just don't have that.

You don't think businesses require people presenting templates require specific examples of their actual use? Obviously you don't know what the shit you're talking about
Of course. If I gave a manager just the little bit I gave you, they'd be able to run with it.

Why? Because it's all the same theme: Drop the ego, open your mind, practice some emotional intelligence, get the shit done.

This isn't complicated, but I do realize that partisan ideology tends to distort perceptions and thought processes.

Got it. "drop the ego, open your mind, practice some emotional intelligence, get the shit done," and then people who won't negotiate will compromise with you.

And apparently your boss is incompetent, I'd find a better job
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

"It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the WINGERS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. That's MY "side of the fence". ""

That was before 2015 and the descent on the escalator in His Majesty's palace on 5th Avenue. And the lies that followed, and the denial of those lie by the idiots who voted for him.

Trump does not evoke neutral feelings....from anyone. And he never did.

To leftists, a compromise is when you only get some of what you wanted and the other side gets nothing and all you do is bitch about what you wanted and didn't get
More mindless parroting of your MessiahRushie's lies.

Bull shit.

Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you. Rush Limbaugh

Both of those are quotes where Rush said what you do and you presented it as if he's advocating that.

You're a liar, edthelemur
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
Yea, let's compromise with people who rip babies from their mother's arms.

Let's compromise with people who feel attacking gays is a good thing.

Let's compromise with people who want to end school lunches for poor children, healthcare and want to give more tax cuts to corporations and needy billionaires.

Let's compromise with people who want dirty air and dirty water.

Compromise is the exact wrong thing. These people must be defeated. To save this nation, these people must be defeated.

rdean...listen carefully...the tooth fairy is not real....

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