We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

You are pro-truth mutilation I suppose. As for giving the Dems everything they want…the GOP senate left the supreme court incomplete for 7 months during Obama’s last year. They refused to do their jobs and hold hearings on the President’s nominee to fill a vacancy.

the left is promoting transgenderism as a normal, healthy expression of sexuality, even for little kids who haven't even went through puberty yet.

But yeah, go ahead and change the subject.

As a member of the “left”, I haven’t promoted anything of the sort. What in the fuck are you talking about?

Do you live under a rock or something? The transgender craze is sweeping the nation, or at least the attempt to normalize it... There's even a bunch of reality shows about it, one features a young boy whos been on puberty blockers for years so he doesn't develop as a male.

The left is always seeking some supposedly "marginalized" class of person/deviant behavior to fight for and since you guys pretty much succeeded in normalizing homosexuality you've moved onto trannies. I remember the left laughing off the idea of a "slippery slope" when we were still allowed to talk about the ethics of gay marriage, you all promised that you wouldn't try to indoctrinate little kids.

But now we have drag queens in front of grade school classes reading stories about boys who like to wear dresses and how wonderful it is to be "different" while the fat dyke teacher beams with pride.
I think it is reasonable for the OP to provide an example of said cooperation and good will. I didn't find the wikipedia like definition of cooperation all that helpful, the eye roll and sighs attitude was also not that helpful. The democrats ask for expansion, and every time the republicans give them a fraction of what they want, it isn't compromise, it is still expansion. If the democrats come up with a good idea, great, it is still a good idea. You act surprised that polar opposite ideals don't have much in common, and then chastise people for defending their position. I don't believe the republican position is 'extreme' or far past what a great deal of the voting public want.

The way I see it, most republican voters just want to put the brakes on the left's "progress" because it's gotten way out of hand. That's not an extreme position at all.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

Here's the diff between THEN and NOW. The founders were fighting from a paupers position of power. They had NONE. ZERO. So besides hanging together on a gallows -- they had nothing to lose in terms of INFRASTRUCTURE or INSTITUTION.

Today -- the fight is INTERNAL over the keys to the most powerful government on the planet. BOTH radical wings simply want to clubber the other and WIN those keys. And with it comes immunity from being accountable and a whole lot of OTHER benefits .In fact, the party that LOSES the keys -- gets clubbered continuously.

And the WINGERS don't CARE about this giant rotten carcass of an INEPT and CORRUPT govt when THEIR TRIBE has the keys. So there's no NEED to compromise any more. Because one side WINS TOTALLY. And the other totally loses. Too much power. Not enough benefit to the people. THe problem is the massive State that has constructed to perpetuate itself without hardly any management or direction.
His thread was destroyed and credibility damaged.
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.
A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

"I won, you lost, nannie nannie boo boo"

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I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
Actually....it kind of is. I think I remember from reading history, that they were vociferous, belligerent, fighting over contentious issues....and name calling.
Ultimately, they created something pretty special.

Do you see that happening now?
Sadly no....they had a goal they all wanted.

Today...? Not so much...
Today the goal is to "beat" the other "side", that's it.

Look at the posts on this thread.
His thread was destroyed and credibility damaged.
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.
A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
I won, you lost, lets move on.
You always say that when you lose :lol:
I do love wingers who keep an imaginary scoreboard in their heads to prop up their self esteem.

When has the left ever compromised?
Struck a nerve on both ends, again.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, again.

yes, the one thing the left and right can agree upon is that you are a pretentious douchebag.
Mac should be happy he brought both sides together, but oddly enough, he's not!!!!!
You folks illustrate my point for me daily.

And while I do appreciate your help, while I do enjoy being right, you're correct - I'm not happy with what you're doing to this country.
No we don't, you are just not honest enough to admit when you are wrong. You simply declare victory every time you were shown to be wrong.
Okay, I'm completely wrong, and you wingers are absolutely right.

There ya go!

Yer welcome!
Further proof of your dishonesty.
Thank you.
I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it. how long would we be in business together?
If your business involves any kind of machinery, no Insurance Co will give you a policy if you allow your workers to drink beer on the job. So you won't be in business very long either way!
WTF? What does that have to do with what I said?
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

"It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the WINGERS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. That's MY "side of the fence". ""

That was before 2015 and the descent on the escalator in His Majesty's palace on 5th Avenue. And the lies that followed, and the denial of those lie by the idiots who voted for him.

Trump does not evoke neutral feelings....from anyone. And he never did.

To leftists, a compromise is when you only get some of what you wanted and the other side gets nothing and all you do is bitch about what you wanted and didn't get
More mindless parroting of your MessiahRushie's lies.

Bull shit.

Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
You know, when you are a messiah, when you have a messianic attitude about yourself,
nobody's supposed to doubt you. Rush Limbaugh

Both of those are quotes where Rush said what you do and you presented it as if he's advocating that.

You're a liar, edthelemur
You left out the third quote that proves your MessiahRushie was doing what he accused Obama of doing. So I wasn't saying he "advocated" them I proved he was practicing them!!!
Stop playing dumb!
A other example of a Mac argument where he just asserts things and does not give any kind of evidence, reasons or examples. This is how you can become so centered that even the center is not center enough.

It could be taken seriously if you took the care to actually furnish your arguments rather than just spouting your intuitions which are often very incorrect. And even if they do work for you, the case may not be the same for the rest of the Americans. Don't rely on anecdotes...

TLDR, WHY should the parties collaborate and cooperate? When someone comes to me and tells to me with a straight face that white males need to shut up and that there are 73 genders, the cooperation is over.
I don't need to provide evidence. I never have to name names. That's the fun of it.

As usual, I make a single, general point -- no personal attacks, no insults -- and wingers come running from far and wide to illustrate it for me. In this case, 12 calm words and one graphic, and the shit completely hits the fan.

Even better, most aren't even in real disagreement with the main point - the primary variable here is merely the direction in which the fingers are pointing. And yet, that has made a few people angry with the OP. For some reason.

You have a thread crammed with real-time evidence. Partisan talking points galore. Here it is. You're welcome.
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I don't mind that you're trolling, but the smugness and patting yourself on the back is tiresome. Glad you're having fun.
I don't mind that you're trolling, but the smugness and patting yourself on the back is tiresome. Glad you're having fun.
Several triggered posters here have chosen to deflect and change the subject to me. I'd prefer they didn't, but I am allowed to comment on that.

Stay on topic and I don't say a peep.
I like beer you don't we want to start a business together but you refuse to allow beer in it. how long would we be in business together?
If your business involves any kind of machinery, no Insurance Co will give you a policy if you allow your workers to drink beer on the job. So you won't be in business very long either way!
WTF? What does that have to do with what I said?
it was gibberish at best
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

Here's the diff between THEN and NOW. The founders were fighting from a paupers position of power. They had NONE. ZERO. So besides hanging together on a gallows -- they had nothing to lose in terms of INFRASTRUCTURE or INSTITUTION.

Today -- the fight is INTERNAL over the keys to the most powerful government on the planet. BOTH radical wings simply want to clubber the other and WIN those keys. And with it comes immunity from being accountable and a whole lot of OTHER benefits .In fact, the party that LOSES the keys -- gets clubbered continuously.

And the WINGERS don't CARE about this giant rotten carcass of an INEPT and CORRUPT govt when THEIR TRIBE has the keys. So there's no NEED to compromise any more. Because one side WINS TOTALLY. And the other totally loses. Too much power. Not enough benefit to the people. THe problem is the massive State that has constructed to perpetuate itself without hardly any management or direction.
What concerns me is that the hollowing out of the middle within the political "class" has extended to the society in general, at least to a degree.

Since media is saturated by this partisanship, it has spread to social media and the street. It all seems to be feeding on itself.
The rights position has remained stable for years. I don't view it as extreme. It has probably moved left over the last 20 yrs.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

What a load of ignorance-based paranoia.

The goal of both parties is EXACTLY the same...to get and retain power.

If the Dems want to suppress the Reps...then it's no more then the Reps want to suppress the Dems.

Well, the parties don't do a very good job at it. Every 2-4 years they get their asses kicked.
Yep. They win, claim a "mandate", and proceed to try to shove their agendas down our throats.

We get pissed off, vote them out, and the cycle starts all over again.

Not only do the parties never learn, they're both getting even loonier.

The problem with large waves crashing back & forth is that a lot of shit gets broken.

A other example of a Mac argument where he just asserts things and does not give any kind of evidence, reasons or examples. This is how you can become so centered that even the center is not center enough.

It could be taken seriously if you took the care to actually furnish your arguments rather than just spouting your intuitions which are often very incorrect. And even if they do work for you, the case may not be the same for the rest of the Americans. Don't rely on anecdotes...

TLDR, WHY should the parties collaborate and cooperate? When someone comes to me and tells to me with a straight face that white males need to shut up and that there are 73 genders, the cooperation is over.
I don't need to provide evidence. I never have to name names. That's the fun of it.

As usual, I make a single, general point -- no personal attacks, no insults -- and wingers come running from far and wide to illustrate it for me. In this case, 12 calm words and one graphic, and the shit completely hits the fan.

Even better, most aren't even in real disagreement with the main point - the primary variable here is merely the direction in which the fingers are pointing. And yet, that has made a few people angry with the OP. For some reason.

You have a thread crammed with real-time evidence. Partisan talking points galore. Here it is. You're welcome.

"I don't need to provide evidence".

There you have it. But you do if your point is to be taken seriously.

Why should the sides co-operate? It isn't in their self interest. Right now the best shot democrats have at winning the election is painting a picture of evil republican white males to motivate the minorities to go to vote. No co-operation can take place in such arragnement.
A other example of a Mac argument where he just asserts things and does not give any kind of evidence, reasons or examples. This is how you can become so centered that even the center is not center enough.

It could be taken seriously if you took the care to actually furnish your arguments rather than just spouting your intuitions which are often very incorrect. And even if they do work for you, the case may not be the same for the rest of the Americans. Don't rely on anecdotes...

TLDR, WHY should the parties collaborate and cooperate? When someone comes to me and tells to me with a straight face that white males need to shut up and that there are 73 genders, the cooperation is over.
I don't need to provide evidence. I never have to name names. That's the fun of it.

As usual, I make a single, general point -- no personal attacks, no insults -- and wingers come running from far and wide to illustrate it for me. In this case, 12 calm words and one graphic, and the shit completely hits the fan.

Even better, most aren't even in real disagreement with the main point - the primary variable here is merely the direction in which the fingers are pointing. And yet, that has made a few people angry with the OP. For some reason.

You have a thread crammed with real-time evidence. Partisan talking points galore. Here it is. You're welcome.

"I don't need to provide evidence".

There you have it. But you do if your point is to be taken seriously.

Why should the sides co-operate? It isn't in their self interest. Right now the best shot democrats have at winning the election is painting a picture of evil republican white males to motivate the minorities to go to vote. No co-operation can take place in such arragnement.
Obviously the point has been taken quite seriously, given the amount and nature of the responses.

And after bringing that up, you immediately confirm my point for me. As I said, the primary variable is the direction of the pointing finger.

The two sides are terribly divided. No one seems to disagree. So I wonder about the reason for the complaints.
A other example of a Mac argument where he just asserts things and does not give any kind of evidence, reasons or examples. This is how you can become so centered that even the center is not center enough.

It could be taken seriously if you took the care to actually furnish your arguments rather than just spouting your intuitions which are often very incorrect. And even if they do work for you, the case may not be the same for the rest of the Americans. Don't rely on anecdotes...

TLDR, WHY should the parties collaborate and cooperate? When someone comes to me and tells to me with a straight face that white males need to shut up and that there are 73 genders, the cooperation is over.
I don't need to provide evidence. I never have to name names. That's the fun of it.

As usual, I make a single, general point -- no personal attacks, no insults -- and wingers come running from far and wide to illustrate it for me. In this case, 12 calm words and one graphic, and the shit completely hits the fan.

Even better, most aren't even in real disagreement with the main point - the primary variable here is merely the direction in which the fingers are pointing. And yet, that has made a few people angry with the OP. For some reason.

You have a thread crammed with real-time evidence. Partisan talking points galore. Here it is. You're welcome.

"I don't need to provide evidence".

There you have it. But you do if your point is to be taken seriously.

Why should the sides co-operate? It isn't in their self interest. Right now the best shot democrats have at winning the election is painting a picture of evil republican white males to motivate the minorities to go to vote. No co-operation can take place in such arragnement.
Obviously the point has been taken quite seriously, given the amount and nature of the responses.

And after bringing that up, you immediately confirm my point for me. As I said, the primary variable is the direction of the pointing finger.

The two sides are terribly divided. No one seems to disagree. So I wonder about the reason for the complaints.

Most of the people I read are not taking your point seriously and pointing out that co-operation is no good.

But obviously they must be incorrect. I mean your picture says so!

And yes I am pointing fingers all over the place. Are you now going to campaign how that's bad too? At least have a pic before claiming such!

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