We don't need the wall. México vows to stop flow of immigrants

An unintended consequence of the agreement between Mexico and Donald Trump to deploy National Guard Mexicans on the border with Central America, is that there is no argument from for the wall now.

Unless of course, Mexico played Trump like Kim Jong Un did.
If you are a conservative who still wants the wall, then you are admitting that Mexican forces cannot stop the flow of immigrants.

Yesterday you all told us the "agreement" was just another Trump lie.

So now the pivot when you realize you looked foolish?

No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

Dead wrong, shit for brains. Illegals cross where the wall doesn't exist.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The empirical evidence shows that walls work remarkably well.

its ALL BS , and it puts the USA in a position of 'OWING' the 'mex' Sunni .
--------------------------- it is always best to never OWE any one , especially a criminal cartel country anything Sunni .

Yesterday you all told us the "agreement" was just another Trump lie.

So now the pivot when you realize you looked foolish?

No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
liberals don't oppose fossil fuels technology based on its age. Don't make things up.
Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
liberals don't oppose fossil fuels technology based on its age. Don't make things up.
Of course they do. I've seen them do it many times in this forum.
Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The walls that Democrats have agreed to build haven’t been all that effective, you’re right about that.

Yep, trillions of linear feet of barrier has been erected worldwide because barriers don’t work. That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I have heard arguments from Democrats about how "antiquated" a wall is. Kind of like wheels are antiquited but they seem to still be of some use today.
These are the same idiots who object to fossil fuels on the basis that it's "old technology." Meanwhile they promote wind power which is 3000 years old.
liberals don't oppose fossil fuels technology based on its age. Don't make things up.
Of course they do. I've seen them do it many times in this forum.
Don't lie.
Well, no. A wall covering that distance will never work.

A wall protecting all but the most difficult terrain so border patrol could concentrate most of their resources on those areas that are not protected. The parts with a wall would require much less monitoring, freeing up resources.
But why do we need resources? The Central Americans are going to stop coming, remember?

It’s so damn bizarre that our resident wetback lovers refuse to wrap their heads around border security being multi layered and multi faceted.
They come up with all sorts of weird bullshit and it always translates to the same old Twilight Zone type shit.
“I hate international security...I love my pet human wetbacks....We won’t ever let you stop our wetbacks from fucking you over.”

Oh bullshit. Trump said his deal will stop the refugees from coming. Will it, or is he lying again?
-------------------- Trump may be mistaken but i don't think that he is lying Bulldog .

Right, because he is never lying. He's just been mistaken more than 10,000 times since he's been president.
its just funny with you guys and LYING . You are like little kids Bulldog .
An unintended consequence of the agreement between Mexico and Donald Trump to deploy National Guard Mexicans on the border with Central America, is that there is no argument from for the wall now.

Unless of course, Mexico played Trump like Kim Jong Un did.
If you are a conservative who still wants the wall, then you are admitting that Mexican forces cannot stop the flow of immigrants.
Government solves all problems for the right wing. Capitalists know how to make money on new colonias in more optimum locations.
An unintended consequence of the agreement between Mexico and Donald Trump to deploy National Guard Mexicans on the border with Central America, is that there is no argument from for the wall now.

Unless of course, Mexico played Trump like Kim Jong Un did.
If you are a conservative who still wants the wall, then you are admitting that Mexican forces cannot stop the flow of immigrants.

Yesterday you all told us the "agreement" was just another Trump lie.

So now the pivot when you realize you looked foolish?

No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

Dead wrong, shit for brains. Illegals cross where the wall doesn't exist.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The empirical evidence shows that walls work remarkably well.

You just downplayed the effectiveness of Mexicans guards at their southern border. My thread worked.

Yesterday you all told us the "agreement" was just another Trump lie.

So now the pivot when you realize you looked foolish?

No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

Dead wrong, shit for brains. Illegals cross where the wall doesn't exist.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The empirical evidence shows that walls work remarkably well.

You just downplayed the effectiveness of Mexicans guards at their southern border. My thread worked.
My post had nothing to do with the effectiveness of Mexican guards at their Southern border, you fucking dumbass.
lots of info that 'mex' gov is run by drug cartels . I wouldn't trust 'mex' troops or 'government ' or their 'president' to do anything to help the USA Centrista .
Trump gave Mexico 90 days to stem the flow of migrants. So this is a reprieve not a victory. The wall is still needed and is still being built.

We can't do that. Mexico has not yet sent us a check for the wall.
It’s amazing how many stupid motherfuckers don’t want boarder security like every other country in the world including Mexico. Half of America has to be some of the stupidest motherfuckers on the plant. And it’s the same stupid motherfuckers that hate that they’re white. If I thought like that I’d put a bullet in my head from mental illness.
No, the OP has sat up a paradox between Republican/Conservative statements and their actions.

Like how you guys keep passing laws to make it harder and harder for people to vote and then turn around and still claim there is voter fraud (only when you lose of course).

You’re stating that Trump and the Mexicans have inked a deal to stop illegal immigration…but still want the wall that will now, according to you, stop something that will no longer exist.

The OP meant for you to look stupid. He succeeded.

Agreements can be ignored at any time...walls can't.

Yep..the walls have been really effective so far at stopping illegal immigration…right? Oh wait, the illegals are ignoring them.

Dead wrong, shit for brains. Illegals cross where the wall doesn't exist.

PS: Drugs are a huge problem in our Prisons….where they have nothing but walls and a hyper vigilant security squad devoted to stopping them from coming in.

The whole idea a wall is going to make a difference…is silly.

The empirical evidence shows that walls work remarkably well.

You just downplayed the effectiveness of Mexicans guards at their southern border. My thread worked.
My post had nothing to do with the effectiveness of Mexican guards at their Southern border, you fucking dumbass.
This thread is about just the thing that you ignored. Say something about it.
It’s amazing how many stupid motherfuckers don’t want boarder security like every other country in the world including Mexico. Half of America has to be some of the stupidest motherfuckers on the plant. And it’s the same stupid motherfuckers that hate that they’re white. If I thought like that I’d put a bullet in my head from mental illness.
I want border security. And I just got it because Mexico is deploying guards to the southern border and Donald Trump is very excited about it. Are you not excited about it? Why the fuck do you want a wall?

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