We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Except that tuition has been allowed to increase at least 10 times faster than inflation.

And how did that become the taxpayers responsibility or problem? Nobody "allows" tuition to go up because it's not anything we really have control over. If tuition is too high, then the kid needs to figure out another game plan. Maybe opt for trade school instead.
Some lawmakers say. Dud they have anything to say when they forgave
$1,000,000,000,000 in PPP loans? Did you or were you just hunky dory with it because it went to businesses. Remember when you take out a loan you should pay it back!!!!!

I wasn't crazy about those loans either, but I will say it wasn't political payoff trying to secure votes. A friend of mine worked for a company that had no work because of the pandemic. The employer kept his workers on the payroll. He said they basically Fd around cleaning things, did a little painting, sweep and wash the floors, things like that. But because of PPP, he had a place to go to work everyday.

Now if there were no loans, the employer would have had to lay his workers off and my friend would have just stayed home and collect government money on unemployment.

Bottom line is the money would have had to be spent one way or the other. So do you think it was better spent by paying people to sit home or paying people to continue working? Because the money actually went to the employees, not the actual employer.
I wasn't crazy about those loans either, but I will say it wasn't political payoff trying to secure votes. A friend of mine worked for a company that had no work because of the pandemic. The employer kept his workers on the payroll. He said they basically Fd around cleaning things, did a little painting, sweep and wash the floors, things like that. But because of PPP, he had a place to go to work everyday.

Now if there were no loans, the employer would have had to lay his workers off and my friend would have just stayed home and collect government money on unemployment.

Bottom line is the money would have had to be spent one way or the other. So do you think it was better spent by paying people to sit home or paying people to continue working? Because the money actually went to the employees, not the actual employer.

All good, but it was still an unpaid loan. You are against unpaid loans so please piss and moan as much about the PPP forgiveness as you do student loan forgiveness and you don't look so hypocritical!
All good, but it was still an unpaid loan. You are against unpaid loans so please piss and moan as much about the PPP forgiveness as you do student loan forgiveness and you don't look so hypocritical!
Seems you didn’t read the details on PPP before spouting your usual bullshit. If the money was used for payroll (keeping people employed, which apparently is a foreign concept to you), then it did not have to be repaid. Comparing apples to oranges. So they followed the rules, unlike these freeloaders who want us to pay for their debt, despite making over $100,000 a year.
The stimulus money was designed to keep the economy going for everybody. Paying college debt is vote buying.

All good, but it was still an unpaid loan. You are against unpaid loans so please piss and moan as much about the PPP forgiveness as you do student loan forgiveness and you don't look so hypocritical!

How am I hypocritical when I just said I wasn't crazy about PPP either? I was just pointing out the obvious differences which is one is strictly for vote buying and the other was to keep Americans of both parties at work. The PPP we funded would have came out of unemployment anyway, but these school loans are going to cost us anywhere from 300 billion to a trillion dollars. One was passed the right way which is through Congress and the other, this dementia patient thinks the executive branch can issue the funds for it by proclamation which is against the Constitution.

What you're really talking about is apples and oranges here. They are not nearly the same thing.
Loan money for kids to go to a university.
Indoctrinate those kids into communism.
Forgive the loan debt.

This is the cult agenda.
Please, oh please Lyin Ted, Little Marco & other GOP hacks, keep bitching about this program as if only Democrat students will be helped by this. Keep trash talking working class students & showing your contempt for the middle class on BOTH sides of the aisle. We'll remenber come November.
Please, oh please Lyin Ted, Little Marco & other GOP hacks, keep bitching about this program as if only Democrat students will be helped by this. Keep trash talking working class students & showing your contempt for the middle class on BOTH sides of the aisle. We'll remenber come November.

Not handing out free money is showing contempt for the middle-class? Only to a leftist.
Some lawmakers say. Dud they have anything to say when they forgave
$1,000,000,000,000 in PPP loans? Did you or were you just hunky dory with it because it went to businesses. Remember when you take out a loan you should pay it back!!!!!
You really have no clue as to what was happening and why the PPP was even passed. You have no fucking idea what you’re even talking about.
And how did that become the taxpayers responsibility or problem? Nobody "allows" tuition to go up because it's not anything we really have control over. If tuition is too high, then the kid needs to figure out another game plan. Maybe opt for trade school instead.
The problem is the government guaranteed those loans to the college. So they raised their prices to the government maximum allowed.

Nobody involved give a single fuck about the student or the tax payer.
And how did that become the taxpayers responsibility or problem? Nobody "allows" tuition to go up because it's not anything we really have control over. If tuition is too high, then the kid needs to figure out another game plan. Maybe opt for trade school instead.

Tuition is mostly a factor of publicly funded, land grant universities, that are supposed to be better regulated against excessive tuition increases.
I have not followed how or why these public universities have raised tuition so much, but it probably was illegal since it did not used to be that way in the past.

I like trade schools, but the problem is you have to pick one right off, for the rest of your life.
College is way more general, allows you to try out dozens of different things, and more likely allows people to find something they have an interest in. College leads to thousands of different careers.
Tuition is mostly a factor of publicly funded, land grant universities, that are supposed to be better regulated against excessive tuition increases.
I have not followed how or why these public universities have raised tuition so much, but it probably was illegal since it did not used to be that way in the past.

I like trade schools, but the problem is you have to pick one right off, for the rest of your life.
College is way more general, allows you to try out dozens of different things, and more likely allows people to find something they have an interest in. College leads to thousands of different careers.
First of all, don’t you have to pick a major in college? Is that not a thing any more? Like you’re just fucking winging it until graduation? Like you went for engineering but that was kinda rough so gender studies became your thing.

It’s not that hard to figure out how the cost got so high. It was the government. They guaranteed the loans. There is no difference in loan amounts between an engineering major or a lesbian dance major. They both qualify for the same amount. Shockingly the engineer can pay their loans but the lesbian Dave major can’t.
Tuition is mostly a factor of publicly funded, land grant universities, that are supposed to be better regulated against excessive tuition increases.
I have not followed how or why these public universities have raised tuition so much, but it probably was illegal since it did not used to be that way in the past.

I like trade schools, but the problem is you have to pick one right off, for the rest of your life.
College is way more general, allows you to try out dozens of different things, and more likely allows people to find something they have an interest in. College leads to thousands of different careers.

If you think walking into college and hoping you "find something" you have an interest in, you really don't belong in college at all.

My nephews ex found something in college. It was advertising. When I asked why in all the things available, she chose advertising, she told me she didn't know what she really wanted, and the college talked her into it to fill up the classroom. Last I heard she was processing loans at a bank.

As a country 30 trillion in debt and growing, we can't be wasting money on bailing people out because they hoped college would lead them to something. This is on top of the trillions wasted on green and unneeded IRS agents. Some are predicting this alone could add another trillion to our debt, and not a damn thing will get fixed with colleges either.

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