We got Trump because the people didn't like the Kool Aid.

Or enough voters were convinced by the massive propaganda attack that she was, enough to swing a narrow victory in the EC.
Her own words were a propaganda attack?

Yes. I sure all the trumpublican's all still get wood when they see childish shit like that.

. . .and I am equally sure all the Obamabots hate being reminded how evil she was.

Fools. The lot of them all.

And such a nice fact filled presentation of her vile evilness too. Well, enough to convince any serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian.

Anyone that seriously investigated the history of the Clintons and the history of Trump knew that no good options existed.

I really don't see what your point is.

Serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian's are easily swayed by a snappy presentations.
Her own words were a propaganda attack?

Yes. I sure all the trumpublican's all still get wood when they see childish shit like that.

. . .and I am equally sure all the Obamabots hate being reminded how evil she was.

Fools. The lot of them all.

And such a nice fact filled presentation of her vile evilness too. Well, enough to convince any serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian.

Anyone that seriously investigated the history of the Clintons and the history of Trump knew that no good options existed.

I really don't see what your point is.

Serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian's are easily swayed by a snappy presentations.

Serious and thoughtful Obamabots are easily swayed by emotional appeals.

Emotional Appeal: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
Truth be told, if the outrageous antics of the liberal left continue (let alone worsen) then a majority of Americans will seek out a bold authoritarian to get things back under control. When dictatorship comes it won't be by force - it will be by vote of the (disgusted) people.

The left won't like it but there'll be "facilities" where they can chill out or assume room temperature.
Don't blame me - blame the unholy alliance of human nature and history.

The far left and the far right are the problem, what we don't need is any moderates from the left or right throwing the hat in next election and retiring. If you think it's a shit show now or before just let one of these far out left or right get elected.
British historian Arnold Toynbee’s famous quote that “civilizations die by suicide not by murder” rings as true today as it did when it first appeared many years ago in his multi-volume Study of History published 1934-61. Toynbee concluded that great civilizations decay from the inside out, almost always at the hands of a parasitic elite that fails to rise to the challenges facing society but instead falls to its own hubris and cannibalizes its followers.

Toynbee would no doubt find the political decadence of American leadership interesting in light of its efforts to destroy its own constitution by relinquishing its national sovereignty. There is little doubt that the US Constitution in not compatible with the grinding approach of a world government surrounding it.

The first three words in the Preamble to our Constitution are “We the People”. This means that the people call the shots, not an insectoid central authority that calls itself the government. When America embarked on its journey to “Secure the Blessings of Liberty for itself and its posterity” it became an experiment that was studied and admired by the rest of the world.

But as American leadership went to the dark side by throwing its own people under the bus with international trade agreements, the US Constitution became an obstacle standing in the way of a new world order. Only a fool cannot see that Deep State actors are now in the process of importing and implanting interlopers from the third world to corrupt the character of its citizenry, undermine its history and ultimately overthrow its constitutional republic.

Once the American people have been convinced to commit mass suicide with the toxic displacement of invited invaders, the circle will be complete and the US elite will join the rest of the world as global royalty in complete control of the people. The Kool Aid of Sanctuary Cities is now being passed around there are plenty of takers.

The obnoxious refusal to enforce federal immigration laws is propagandized as some kind of “greater good” with Bolshevik/globalist packaging advertised as a new and improved “higher purpose”. It’s really just the same old creeping socialism that permeates all free societies like Dark Energy.

Donald Trump’s election was a red flag to the elites that the people are not yet convinced to drink the Kool Aid.

Nice essay, but the whole problem is you elected an elite. Thus, you invalidate pretty much every argument you said prior to that.
British historian Arnold Toynbee’s famous quote that “civilizations die by suicide not by murder” rings as true today as it did when it first appeared many years ago in his multi-volume Study of History published 1934-61. Toynbee concluded that great civilizations decay from the inside out, almost always at the hands of a parasitic elite that fails to rise to the challenges facing society but instead falls to its own hubris and cannibalizes its followers.

Toynbee would no doubt find the political decadence of American leadership interesting in light of its efforts to destroy its own constitution by relinquishing its national sovereignty. There is little doubt that the US Constitution in not compatible with the grinding approach of a world government surrounding it.

The first three words in the Preamble to our Constitution are “We the People”. This means that the people call the shots, not an insectoid central authority that calls itself the government. When America embarked on its journey to “Secure the Blessings of Liberty for itself and its posterity” it became an experiment that was studied and admired by the rest of the world.

But as American leadership went to the dark side by throwing its own people under the bus with international trade agreements, the US Constitution became an obstacle standing in the way of a new world order. Only a fool cannot see that Deep State actors are now in the process of importing and implanting interlopers from the third world to corrupt the character of its citizenry, undermine its history and ultimately overthrow its constitutional republic.

Once the American people have been convinced to commit mass suicide with the toxic displacement of invited invaders, the circle will be complete and the US elite will join the rest of the world as global royalty in complete control of the people. The Kool Aid of Sanctuary Cities is now being passed around there are plenty of takers.

The obnoxious refusal to enforce federal immigration laws is propagandized as some kind of “greater good” with Bolshevik/globalist packaging advertised as a new and improved “higher purpose”. It’s really just the same old creeping socialism that permeates all free societies like Dark Energy.

Donald Trump’s election was a red flag to the elites that the people are not yet convinced to drink the Kool Aid.
A lot of good points....and a long way to say:


Before the election former fired FBI Director James Comey openly declared to the American people that Hillary Clinton DID break laws and was 'TOO STUPID TO KNOW SHE WAS BREAKING LAWS'.

On election day, alone inside the booth with the curtain drawn, more Americans remembered what Comey said and just could NOT bring themselves to vote for a candidate who was 'TOO STUPID TO KNOW SHE WAS BREAKING LAWS' as President. Many were even Democrats. Being up-standing Democrats, upon leaving the booth, when asked who they voted for they could not publicly admit they voted for Trump so they lied and answered, 'Hillary'.

It's crazy to suggest they had a significant impact on our national election.

Is it? How would you know? This seems a purely emotion based response completely devoid of support.

Russia hasn't been a real threat to us in a long time. They're boogeymen, and a way for Democrats to avoid facing the fact that they lost because they chose a bad candidate.
Nice essay, but the whole problem is you elected an elite.
An 'Elite'? Who would that be?

Donald Trump was / is not a member of the 'Political Elite'. He was / is not a member of the 'Swamp'. He was / is not a member of the 'Career Washington Insiders' .

The Democrats loved him when they were paling around with him when needed campaign donations.

When he began running as a Republican both the Career, 'Elite', Political Democrats and Republican Mafioso hated him and attempted to get him out of the running.

Since in office he immediately set about KEEPING / FULFILLING more of his promises than perhaps any president before him.

He was accused of being a con artist who only cared about himself....despite the fact that he donated / donates his salary as President to others.

He was accused of not knowing what he was doing regarding the economy...despite the fact that he has created the strongest economy in decades.

He was accused of knowing nothing about creating real jobs and solving unemployment...despite reducing unemployment to the lowest rate in decades.

He was accused of being a sexist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for women is the lowest in 50 - 60 years.

He was accused of being a racist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for blacks to the lowest in recorded history.

He has been accused of being a Putin Puppet...despite being tougher on Russian than the previous President.

He was accused of being a 'warmonger' who was going to take the US to war over an unmanned drone that was shot down...and after he declared taking military action was not a proportional response leftists then called him a coward.

An 'Elite'? Hardly. This 'Elite' has done right by a LOT of Americans and has worked hard to make this country better despite having to fight tooth an nail every day against both Democrats and Republicans who have been attempting to undermine him and his administration ... and even remove him from office ... since it was announced election night that he defeated Hillary.
It's crazy to suggest they had a significant impact on our national election.

Is it? How would you know? This seems a purely emotion based response completely devoid of support.

Russia hasn't been a real threat to us in a long time. They're boogeymen, and a way for Democrats to avoid facing the fact that they lost because they chose a bad candidate.

Your opinions are noted, but yours is just another partisan, emotionally based response.
An 'Elite'? Who would that be?

Always playing dumb I see...

Donald Trump was / is not a member of the 'Political Elite'. He was / is not a member of the 'Swamp'. He was / is not a member of the 'Career Washington Insiders' .

He's rich, isn't he? A member of the powerful New York elite, Meaning he doesn't give a single fuck whether you exist, isn't that about right, Orange fellator? Are you going to further play stupid and pretend you don't brag about how much *alleged money he's made and generally idolize rich white people? Is this a new narrative you're working on? Because this one sucks, troll boy.

The Democrats loved him when they were paling around with him when needed campaign donations.

Holy shit balls, Batman! You discovered politicians pander to rich people? Whoa. Profound stuff. Any other patently obvious shit you've discovered on your quest to derpitude?

Since in office he immediately set about KEEPING / FULFILLING more of his promises than perhaps any president before him.

I think he's doing a shit job, then. The road to heck is paved with good intentions.

He was accused of being a con artist who only cared about himself

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite the fact that he donated / donates his salary as President to others.

Whoopie shit. That little salary pales in comparison to the $16 million his properties have bilked from taxpayers since 2015. Are you aware of the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution, or can I rely on more feigned ignorance from you?

He was accused of not knowing what he was doing regarding the economy

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite the fact that he has created the strongest economy in decades.

With a tax cut after already inheriting a thriving economy? Tariffs? Is that all you got? Pretty lame, even by your low standards...

He was accused of knowing nothing about creating real jobs and solving unemployment

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite reducing unemployment to the lowest rate in decades.

Cough *Cult45 talking point*, cough. I say he's had little to nothing to do with reducing employment for women, blacks, etc. and is just coasting on the Obama recovery.

He was accused of being a sexist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for women is the lowest in 50 - 60 years.

It's not impossible to be a sexist prick while the country is subsequently enjoying a good economy. False equivalence.

He was accused of being a racist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for blacks to the lowest in recorded history.

It's not impossible to be a racist prick while the country is subsequently enjoying a good economy. False equivalence.

He was accused of being a 'warmonger' who was going to take the US to war over an unmanned drone that was shot down...and after he declared taking military action was not a proportional response

Well, it wouldn't be a proportional response. Plain and simple. Don't pretend that if the Orange Virus did take military action you wouldn't be celebrating the decision from the rooftops.

leftists then called him a coward.

Awwww. :boo_hoo14: Da libs called him a bad name. Tragic.

An 'Elite'? Hardly.

First you say this: ^^

This 'Elite' has done right by a LOT of Americans and has worked hard to make this country better despite having to fight tooth an nail every day against both Democrats and Republicans who have been attempting to undermine him and his administration

Then you completely contradict it. ^^ By your own standards, you refer to him as a part of the 'elite'.

Case closed, no?
An 'Elite'? Who would that be?

Always playing dumb I see...

Donald Trump was / is not a member of the 'Political Elite'. He was / is not a member of the 'Swamp'. He was / is not a member of the 'Career Washington Insiders' .

He's rich, isn't he? A member of the powerful New York elite, Meaning he doesn't give a single fuck whether you exist, isn't that about right, Orange fellator? Are you going to further play stupid and pretend you don't brag about how much *alleged money he's made and generally idolize rich white people? Is this a new narrative you're working on? Because this one sucks, troll boy.

The Democrats loved him when they were paling around with him when needed campaign donations.

Holy shit balls, Batman! You discovered politicians pander to rich people? Whoa. Profound stuff. Any other patently obvious shit you've discovered on your quest to derpitude?

Since in office he immediately set about KEEPING / FULFILLING more of his promises than perhaps any president before him.

I think he's doing a shit job, then. The road to heck is paved with good intentions.

He was accused of being a con artist who only cared about himself

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite the fact that he donated / donates his salary as President to others.

Whoopie shit. That little salary pales in comparison to the $16 million his properties have bilked from taxpayers since 2015. Are you aware of the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution, or can I rely on more feigned ignorance from you?

He was accused of not knowing what he was doing regarding the economy

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite the fact that he has created the strongest economy in decades.

With a tax cut after already inheriting a thriving economy? Tariffs? Is that all you got? Pretty lame, even by your low standards...

He was accused of knowing nothing about creating real jobs and solving unemployment

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite reducing unemployment to the lowest rate in decades.

Cough *Cult45 talking point*, cough. I say he's had little to nothing to do with reducing employment for women, blacks, etc. and is just coasting on the Obama recovery.

He was accused of being a sexist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for women is the lowest in 50 - 60 years.

It's not impossible to be a sexist prick while the country is subsequently enjoying a good economy. False equivalence.

He was accused of being a racist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for blacks to the lowest in recorded history.

It's not impossible to be a racist prick while the country is subsequently enjoying a good economy. False equivalence.

He was accused of being a 'warmonger' who was going to take the US to war over an unmanned drone that was shot down...and after he declared taking military action was not a proportional response

Well, it wouldn't be a proportional response. Plain and simple. Don't pretend that if the Orange Virus did take military action you wouldn't be celebrating the decision from the rooftops.

leftists then called him a coward.

Awwww. :boo_hoo14: Da libs called him a bad name. Tragic.

An 'Elite'? Hardly.

First you say this: ^^

This 'Elite' has done right by a LOT of Americans and has worked hard to make this country better despite having to fight tooth an nail every day against both Democrats and Republicans who have been attempting to undermine him and his administration

Then you completely contradict it. ^^ By your own standards, you refer to him as a part of the 'elite'.

Case closed, no?

So basically you are arguing Trump is an 'Elite' because it fits your Trump-Hating Narrative. Got it. Thanks.
An 'Elite'? Who would that be?

Always playing dumb I see...

Donald Trump was / is not a member of the 'Political Elite'. He was / is not a member of the 'Swamp'. He was / is not a member of the 'Career Washington Insiders' .

He's rich, isn't he? A member of the powerful New York elite, Meaning he doesn't give a single fuck whether you exist, isn't that about right, Orange fellator? Are you going to further play stupid and pretend you don't brag about how much *alleged money he's made and generally idolize rich white people? Is this a new narrative you're working on? Because this one sucks, troll boy.

The Democrats loved him when they were paling around with him when needed campaign donations.

Holy shit balls, Batman! You discovered politicians pander to rich people? Whoa. Profound stuff. Any other patently obvious shit you've discovered on your quest to derpitude?

Since in office he immediately set about KEEPING / FULFILLING more of his promises than perhaps any president before him.

I think he's doing a shit job, then. The road to heck is paved with good intentions.

He was accused of being a con artist who only cared about himself

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite the fact that he donated / donates his salary as President to others.

Whoopie shit. That little salary pales in comparison to the $16 million his properties have bilked from taxpayers since 2015. Are you aware of the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution, or can I rely on more feigned ignorance from you?

He was accused of not knowing what he was doing regarding the economy

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite the fact that he has created the strongest economy in decades.

With a tax cut after already inheriting a thriving economy? Tariffs? Is that all you got? Pretty lame, even by your low standards...

He was accused of knowing nothing about creating real jobs and solving unemployment

Seems like a spot on accusation to me.

despite reducing unemployment to the lowest rate in decades.

Cough *Cult45 talking point*, cough. I say he's had little to nothing to do with reducing employment for women, blacks, etc. and is just coasting on the Obama recovery.

He was accused of being a sexist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for women is the lowest in 50 - 60 years.

It's not impossible to be a sexist prick while the country is subsequently enjoying a good economy. False equivalence.

He was accused of being a racist...despite reducing the unemployment rate for blacks to the lowest in recorded history.

It's not impossible to be a racist prick while the country is subsequently enjoying a good economy. False equivalence.

He was accused of being a 'warmonger' who was going to take the US to war over an unmanned drone that was shot down...and after he declared taking military action was not a proportional response

Well, it wouldn't be a proportional response. Plain and simple. Don't pretend that if the Orange Virus did take military action you wouldn't be celebrating the decision from the rooftops.

leftists then called him a coward.

Awwww. :boo_hoo14: Da libs called him a bad name. Tragic.

An 'Elite'? Hardly.

First you say this: ^^

This 'Elite' has done right by a LOT of Americans and has worked hard to make this country better despite having to fight tooth an nail every day against both Democrats and Republicans who have been attempting to undermine him and his administration

Then you completely contradict it. ^^ By your own standards, you refer to him as a part of the 'elite'.

Case closed, no?

So basically you are arguing Trump is an 'Elite' because it fits your Trump-Hating Narrative. Got it. Thanks.

I don't need that argument (which you apparently agree with). I've known he's garbage for going on thirty years now, and I'm not afraid to say it. Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.
British historian Arnold Toynbee’s famous quote that “civilizations die by suicide not by murder” rings as true today as it did when it first appeared many years ago in his multi-volume Study of History published 1934-61. Toynbee concluded that great civilizations decay from the inside out, almost always at the hands of a parasitic elite that fails to rise to the challenges facing society but instead falls to its own hubris and cannibalizes its followers.

Toynbee would no doubt find the political decadence of American leadership interesting in light of its efforts to destroy its own constitution by relinquishing its national sovereignty. There is little doubt that the US Constitution in not compatible with the grinding approach of a world government surrounding it.

The first three words in the Preamble to our Constitution are “We the People”. This means that the people call the shots, not an insectoid central authority that calls itself the government. When America embarked on its journey to “Secure the Blessings of Liberty for itself and its posterity” it became an experiment that was studied and admired by the rest of the world.

But as American leadership went to the dark side by throwing its own people under the bus with international trade agreements, the US Constitution became an obstacle standing in the way of a new world order. Only a fool cannot see that Deep State actors are now in the process of importing and implanting interlopers from the third world to corrupt the character of its citizenry, undermine its history and ultimately overthrow its constitutional republic.

Once the American people have been convinced to commit mass suicide with the toxic displacement of invited invaders, the circle will be complete and the US elite will join the rest of the world as global royalty in complete control of the people. The Kool Aid of Sanctuary Cities is now being passed around there are plenty of takers.

The obnoxious refusal to enforce federal immigration laws is propagandized as some kind of “greater good” with Bolshevik/globalist packaging advertised as a new and improved “higher purpose”. It’s really just the same old creeping socialism that permeates all free societies like Dark Energy.

Donald Trump’s election was a red flag to the elites that the people are not yet convinced to drink the Kool Aid.

The were tired of blue cool aid, so they bought the orange kind.
I don't need that argument (which you apparently agree with). I've known he's garbage for going on thirty years now, and I'm not afraid to say it. Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.

Of course YOU will, lil snowflake. Thanks for the emotional opinion.
I don't need that argument (which you apparently agree with). I've known he's garbage for going on thirty years now, and I'm not afraid to say it. Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.

Of course YOU will, lil snowflake. Thanks for the emotional opinion.

Lol. You're certainly welcome yet again for the education you've so obviously been lacking. You can run along back to your tribe now.

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