We got Trump because the people didn't like the Kool Aid.

Yes. I sure all the trumpublican's all still get wood when they see childish shit like that.

. . .and I am equally sure all the Obamabots hate being reminded how evil she was.

Fools. The lot of them all.

And such a nice fact filled presentation of her vile evilness too. Well, enough to convince any serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian.
Anyone that seriously investigated the history of the Clintons and the history of Trump knew that no good options existed.

I really don't see what your point is.

Serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian's are easily swayed by a snappy presentations.
Serious and thoughtful Obamabots are easily swayed by emotional appeals.

Emotional Appeal: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Nice punt.

I'm sure Alex Jones will be along shortly to declare this photo a Hoax.
. . .and I am equally sure all the Obamabots hate being reminded how evil she was.

Fools. The lot of them all.

And such a nice fact filled presentation of her vile evilness too. Well, enough to convince any serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian.
Anyone that seriously investigated the history of the Clintons and the history of Trump knew that no good options existed.

I really don't see what your point is.

Serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian's are easily swayed by a snappy presentations.
Serious and thoughtful Obamabots are easily swayed by emotional appeals.

Emotional Appeal: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Nice punt.

I'm sure Alex Jones will be along shortly to declare this photo a Hoax.

You already punted you humorless hypocrite. Now we we've devolved to slinging Ad homs have we? :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, you are seriously confused. The last thing tRump stands for is "we the people".

But folks knew that the alternative absolutely stood against their interests. They had verified proof given by a leaks.

Were they leaks? Were they hacks? Who the hell know? Who the hell cares? :dunno:

One thing is for sure, these globalists have sure focused the last three years on THAT story, and not what was in those leaks.

Lol, only the ones who fell for the Russian propaganda.

Like you apparently.

Which one of the documents in Wikileaks was false?

Was any of Seymour Hersch's reporting on Hillary's actions as Secretary of State proven to be false?

Is Libya more or less successful now or after Hillary's policies there?

What does ANY of these questions have to do with Russian propaganda?
All of it was false. All of it was Russian propaganda. And you believed all of it. Russia affected your vote.



Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks
Two experts lay out the facts surrounding the controversy.
by Jonathan Zittrain and Molly Sauter
Dec 9, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks

The Red Line and the Rat Line
Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels
LRB · Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels

. . . . . and I didn't vote in national elections. No appealing options. I just sat back and watched the world burn.


Lotta tRumpkins claiming they didn't vote these days.....

But folks knew that the alternative absolutely stood against their interests. They had verified proof given by a leaks.

Were they leaks? Were they hacks? Who the hell know? Who the hell cares? :dunno:

One thing is for sure, these globalists have sure focused the last three years on THAT story, and not what was in those leaks.

Lol, only the ones who fell for the Russian propaganda.

Like you apparently.

Which one of the documents in Wikileaks was false?

Was any of Seymour Hersch's reporting on Hillary's actions as Secretary of State proven to be false?

Is Libya more or less successful now or after Hillary's policies there?

What does ANY of these questions have to do with Russian propaganda?
All of it was false. All of it was Russian propaganda. And you believed all of it. Russia affected your vote.



Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks
Two experts lay out the facts surrounding the controversy.
by Jonathan Zittrain and Molly Sauter
Dec 9, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks

The Red Line and the Rat Line
Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels
LRB · Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels

. . . . . and I didn't vote in national elections. No appealing options. I just sat back and watched the world burn.


Lotta tRumpkins claiming they didn't vote these days.....

What makes you think I am a "tRumpkin?" Because I don't agree with you and the folks you support, so I have to naturally support those you oppose?

Seems like pretty simplistic thinking. . . . .

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"The People"?
How many people? As compared to how many people who didn't vote for him?
"The People"?
You could say that about any prez in our lifetime and beyond.
Counting those who abstain, it's safe to say that we are not being governed by consent.
What blows my mind is the way that partisans claim that every victory is a "mandate" so that they have an excuse to shove their agendas down our throats, and that "the people have spoken".

What a steaming pile of bullshit.
The only people I've heard talking about a Trump mandate are bitter leftards whining that others are talking about a Trump mandate. Just saying
just another partisan

Which party am I irrationally loyal to?

Well, you're being an apologist for Russia, so I'd assume you lean to the right. No?

I voted for Bernie Sanders. Also leaning left or right does not make somebody a partisan. I think you might not understand what the word means.

Sure I do. You however, deem yourself an enlightened moderate then, yes?

But folks knew that the alternative absolutely stood against their interests. They had verified proof given by a leaks.

Were they leaks? Were they hacks? Who the hell know? Who the hell cares? :dunno:

One thing is for sure, these globalists have sure focused the last three years on THAT story, and not what was in those leaks.

Lol, only the ones who fell for the Russian propaganda.

Like you apparently.

Which one of the documents in Wikileaks was false?

Was any of Seymour Hersch's reporting on Hillary's actions as Secretary of State proven to be false?

Is Libya more or less successful now or after Hillary's policies there?

What does ANY of these questions have to do with Russian propaganda?
All of it was false. All of it was Russian propaganda. And you believed all of it. Russia affected your vote.



Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks
Two experts lay out the facts surrounding the controversy.
by Jonathan Zittrain and Molly Sauter
Dec 9, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks

The Red Line and the Rat Line
Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels
LRB · Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels

. . . . . and I didn't vote in national elections. No appealing options. I just sat back and watched the world burn.


Lotta tRumpkins claiming they didn't vote these days.....

Careful with your stereotyping. This guy doesn't seem like Cult45.
The only people I've heard talking about a Trump mandate are bitter leftards whining that others are talking about a Trump mandate. Just saying
Then you somehow didn't notice all the references to mandates and landslides after Trump won.

One of the primary symptoms of partisan ideology is selective mental myopia, so I guess that's possible.
"The People"?
How many people? As compared to how many people who didn't vote for him?
"The People"?
You could say that about any prez in our lifetime and beyond.
Counting those who abstain, it's safe to say that we are not being governed by consent.
What blows my mind is the way that partisans claim that every victory is a "mandate" so that they have an excuse to shove their agendas down our throats, and that "the people have spoken".

What a steaming pile of bullshit.
The only people I've heard talking about a Trump mandate are bitter leftards whining that others are talking about a Trump mandate. Just saying

Link to a quote please.
And such a nice fact filled presentation of her vile evilness too. Well, enough to convince any serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian.
Anyone that seriously investigated the history of the Clintons and the history of Trump knew that no good options existed.

I really don't see what your point is.

Serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian's are easily swayed by a snappy presentations.
Serious and thoughtful Obamabots are easily swayed by emotional appeals.

Emotional Appeal: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Nice punt.

I'm sure Alex Jones will be along shortly to declare this photo a Hoax.

You already punted you humorless hypocrite. Now we we've devolved to slinging Ad homs have we? :auiqs.jpg:


It really was all you had to begin with.

Anyone that seriously investigated the history of the Clintons and the history of Trump knew that no good options existed.

I really don't see what your point is.

Serious and thoughtful Trumpublcian's are easily swayed by a snappy presentations.
Serious and thoughtful Obamabots are easily swayed by emotional appeals.

Emotional Appeal: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Nice punt.

I'm sure Alex Jones will be along shortly to declare this photo a Hoax.

You already punted you humorless hypocrite. Now we we've devolved to slinging Ad homs have we? :auiqs.jpg:


It really was all you had to begin with.

Always a pleasure Boo. . . .
British historian Arnold Toynbee’s famous quote that “civilizations die by suicide not by murder” rings as true today as it did when it first appeared many years ago in his multi-volume Study of History published 1934-61. Toynbee concluded that great civilizations decay from the inside out, almost always at the hands of a parasitic elite that fails to rise to the challenges facing society but instead falls to its own hubris and cannibalizes its followers.

Toynbee would no doubt find the political decadence of American leadership interesting in light of its efforts to destroy its own constitution by relinquishing its national sovereignty. There is little doubt that the US Constitution in not compatible with the grinding approach of a world government surrounding it.

The first three words in the Preamble to our Constitution are “We the People”. This means that the people call the shots, not an insectoid central authority that calls itself the government. When America embarked on its journey to “Secure the Blessings of Liberty for itself and its posterity” it became an experiment that was studied and admired by the rest of the world.

But as American leadership went to the dark side by throwing its own people under the bus with international trade agreements, the US Constitution became an obstacle standing in the way of a new world order. Only a fool cannot see that Deep State actors are now in the process of importing and implanting interlopers from the third world to corrupt the character of its citizenry, undermine its history and ultimately overthrow its constitutional republic.

Once the American people have been convinced to commit mass suicide with the toxic displacement of invited invaders, the circle will be complete and the US elite will join the rest of the world as global royalty in complete control of the people. The Kool Aid of Sanctuary Cities is now being passed around there are plenty of takers.

The obnoxious refusal to enforce federal immigration laws is propagandized as some kind of “greater good” with Bolshevik/globalist packaging advertised as a new and improved “higher purpose”. It’s really just the same old creeping socialism that permeates all free societies like Dark Energy.

Donald Trump’s election was a red flag to the elites that the people are not yet convinced to drink the Kool Aid.
I think the reasons we have Trump has little to do with a desire for national suicide but rather:
  • Trying to pick the best of two bad alternatives
  • Putting a republican in the White House to get conservatives on the courts.
  • Voting for an obnoxious candidate because traditional candidates did not produce the desired results. Take a look at other despots around the world who got in office simply because the problems were so great qualified people could not solve them.
Two things will bring about an elected dictatorship:

1. Economics

2. Desire to end senseless violent street behaviour.

If liberals want to take control they seem to have a poor grasp on priorities.
But folks knew that the alternative absolutely stood against their interests.

Or enough voters were convinced by the massive propaganda attack that she was, enough to swing a narrow victory in the EC.
Her own words were a propaganda attack?

Yes. I sure all the trumpublican's all still get wood when they see childish shit like that.

. . .and I am equally sure all the Obamabots hate being reminded how evil she was.

Fools. The lot of them all.


Since they probably don't believe it why should it bother them. It's the same way with Trumpsters, when they hear about Trump, the pussy grabber. It's all false news.
Two things will bring about an elected dictatorship:

1. Economics

2. Desire to end senseless violent street behaviour.

If liberals want to take control they seem to have a poor grasp on priorities.
The public will hardly even notice it. Trump issues some more declarations of emergency to bypass congress, issues more executive orders to replace legislation he couldn't get thru congress, and executive agreements in place of ratified trade treaties. Election help from Russia and foreign counties is welcomed. It works so well for this president, his successor follows suit and expands his powers. Thus each president becomes more power and accomplishes so much more. Everything is working so well, the media isn't issuing any false news because the president's office of information is approving all communications. Cases that go to the Supreme have to be approved by the Justice Dept. And like Germany, the US will wake one day and say, "how the fuck did we get into this mess"?
The election of 2016 was a shit show. We had a corporate establishment politician get beaten by a reality show shock jock. I ended up voting third party because I could not pull the lever for either one. Enough of the electorate wanted something new and shiny. Thus we have the Donald!

Welcome to the greatest show...
And every person who did like you did bears the responsibility for Trump

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