We had best raise the taxable cap on Social Security.

Sounds like it's time to reign in the spending and quit hitting up the tax payers.
LOL, but the vegetable told us that our taxes wouldn't go up if we made 400K or less. Bullshit. Doubling the cost of fuel doubled fuel taxes. It also increased prices on everything else by 8% overall and since sales taxes are based on a percentage of cost, sales taxes increased by 8%. But the democrats don't lie. I would LMAO if it wasn't so sad that such a large portion of the American electorate is so STUPID.
LOL, but the vegetable told us that our taxes wouldn't go up if we made 400K or less. Bullshit. Doubling the cost of fuel doubled fuel taxes. It also increased prices on everything else by 8% overall and since sales taxes are based on a percentage of cost, sales taxes increased by 8%. But the democrats don't lie. I would LMAO if it wasn't so sad that such a large portion of the American electorate is so STUPID.
Thats right and the rich will pay more for Fica if I have anything to say about it.
Thats right and the rich will pay more for Fica if I have anything to say about it.
"the rich" is a subjective term. To the person who has nothing, you are rich---and that is exactly how the vegetable sees you. That is why you are paying more for everything including TAXES.
That same year, 2034, the trust fund for social security is expected to run out, leaving the US government struggling to make full benefit payments. That looming deadline is a reflection of the intense and rising pressure on social security and Medicare given long-term funding shortfalls.

Conservatives have consistently tried to chip away at the programs. Most recently, House Republicans proposed raising the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 69 and social security from 67 to 69.
No cap on SS and keep raising the tax on Medicare.
Romney don't want to raise taxes, pitiful. We have to take care of elderly and disabled.
"the rich" is a subjective term. To the person who has nothing, you are rich---and that is exactly how the vegetable sees you. That is why you are paying more for everything including TAXES.
Tax as people making over 400,000.
and dismiss the tax on SS and raise the caps on Medicare.
Why is there a cap? Seriously.

Why are capital gains exempt from the Payroll Tax? Why not 1%? It would raise a ton of money.

Retired people are the wealthiest demographic. Why isn't SS adjusted for wealth and other income? It is a "welfare" program, after all. Then, maybe they could raise the payments for those who really need it.

Social Security "Trust Fund"? Gimmeafukkinbreak.
Eliminate all compensatory taxation and go straight to consumption taxes....it will:

1.) Triple the revenue by all estimates
2.) Usher in the much ballyhooed era of egalitarianism
3.) Reduce the 100 billion plus waste of money on the CPA industry in order to deal with the onerous tax code.
4.) Give people a real option when it comes to how they spend the money they earn.

Thats right and the rich will pay more for Fica if I have anything to say about it.
So you figure that your taxes didn't go up after the vegetable doubled the price of fuel and created 8% inflation. Who do you think is paying those increased sales and fuel taxes plus those higher prices?

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