We have a Pope

Did you notice how that incredibly clumsy and ridiculous attempt at distraction failed completely? Yeah, so did everyone else.

Like I said, coming from you, it means very little.

And coming from you, THAT means less than nothing. Good job.

It used to be even more before the government forced them out of providing adoption services.

the further we push god out of our lives through the separation of church and everything the further we get away form charitable acts

Exactly as the leftists want.

one of the first steps of leaders who want umimpeded control it to ban religion. They can't have the competition. banning won't fly in a free nation so the next best thing is to isolate and minimize
well he had better tell Cardinal Mahony that....

I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL

Non-catholics, right or left, are against child rape and protecting pedophiles from the law.

This pope will be just like all the others - money, fetuses and the church are far more important than children.
gee its funny how you have spent this whole thread calling those who don't agree with you or who are not taking this as seriously as you would like.....sympathizers with "pedophiles".....and of course they are all "rw's" too cant forget that......and now you include the RIGHT in this statement you make?......you are a little sniveling man Dudley.....
Once again, we have a thread involving religion, and as usual, the atheists show up to fully prove that they are some of the most miserable, hateful people on the planet.

Oh well.....Par for the course, I guess.
How many children's lives have been ruined because they were raped by a teacher? Or is that okay because the teacher was an atheist democrat?

Not at all, but normally (if its not a female teacher) they get put in prison. There are way more skeletons in the broom closets of the Popes palace then molested children.

I'll bet katzenfool has a link to prove that all pedophiles are atheists and vote Dem. He/she/it was one of those who boughht into the lie that all mass shooters are libs/dems. Pretty stupid but some people will believe anything if it furthers their scum agenda.

Actually, this is just the sloppy way katzenjerk's "brain" works: Talk about the church hiding pedophiles? Blame teachers.

Bottom is, or should be, our children should be able to be safe at school or church and they're not. Schools try to get rid of pedophiles but their system is way less than effective.

The Catholic church rewards pedophiles with vacations on a beautiful island and a new church and all new victims.

Instead of living in denial the way katzen does, why not try to work to help the victims of pedophiles as well as identify the criminals and stop them from getting their vile hands on more innocent children?

gee that kinda describes this poster here named Dudley the Pedite....
Not atheists. Just dont like this dude being help up as the Christ, when he has some serious questions to answer. Im also put off by those who are so offended that this dude gets made fun of when they do the exact same thing to others.
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Well, he's anti birth control so I'm sure all the good Catholics will be throwing away their bc. Otherwise, gee, that would make them dishonest hypocrites.

The Catholic church is a vile evil joke with its followers as the sad punchline.

It's amazing how much non-Catholic think their views on someone's else religion should be taken seriously.

No one is forcing you to baptize your children and attend mass on Sunday. And I dont think there is a Catholic alive who cares about your personal abhorrence to religion.

The real issue is that Catholics have quietly accepted the ruination of thousands of children's lives and the protection of hundreds of pedophile priests. Further, many Catholics have continued to take their children to the Catholic church and continued to leave them in the care of nice priest.

Its unforgivable that the Catholic church has served as a giant pimp for their priests but far worse that parents have stood silent.

Its not just that Catholics don't care what the anti's like me think. Its that they don't care about their own children and/or the children of others.

But, dare to utter the word "abortion" and they get all kinds of holier than thou.

Its beyond reprehensible and disgusting.

That's a whole lot of nonsense. What you are is upset that Catholics haven't walked away from their faith because of the issues with some Priests. You dont get to dictate how others react, and how they choose to resolve the situation.

I think it's beyond reprehensible how the church shielded those men. However that doesn't mean I'm going to allow the doings of man to drive me from my church.
Religion is not logical.

Because concluding there isnt a God because you decide there isn't one is much more logical.

All it takes is one experience with God for man to know He exists. In order to know He doesn't, you'd have to be every in and out universe at all periods of time and outside of time. In other words, the only way to know there isn't a God is to be a god.

Clearly claiming something you can't possibly know simply because you haven't seen the evidence or had experiences is logical to you. To anyone who is actually logical, it's completely arrogant and illogical.
In all fairness, My Sister (a good Catholic) says that its true that this guy is a hard ass, and that he wont tolerate the diddling of children, or another bull shit.

well he had better tell Cardinal Mahony that....

I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL

Considering the way many of them are slandering him already, i dont think it will take that long.
How many children's lives have been ruined because they were raped by a teacher? Or is that okay because the teacher was an atheist democrat?

Not at all, but normally (if its not a female teacher) they get put in prison. There are way more skeletons in the broom closets of the Popes palace then molested children.

And if they are in the closet, how do you know they exist?
It's amazing how much non-Catholic think their views on someone's else religion should be taken seriously.

No one is forcing you to baptize your children and attend mass on Sunday. And I dont think there is a Catholic alive who cares about your personal abhorrence to religion.

The real issue is that Catholics have quietly accepted the ruination of thousands of children's lives and the protection of hundreds of pedophile priests. Further, many Catholics have continued to take their children to the Catholic church and continued to leave them in the care of nice priest.

Its unforgivable that the Catholic church has served as a giant pimp for their priests but far worse that parents have stood silent.

Its not just that Catholics don't care what the anti's like me think. Its that they don't care about their own children and/or the children of others.

But, dare to utter the word "abortion" and they get all kinds of holier than thou.

Its beyond reprehensible and disgusting.

That's a whole lot of nonsense. What you are is upset that Catholics haven't walked away from their faith because of the issues with some Priests. You dont get to dictate how others react, and how they choose to resolve the situation.

I think it's beyond reprehensible how the church shielded those men. However that doesn't mean I'm going to allow the doings of man to drive me from my church.

That's nice.

Not so nice for the children but certainly comfy for you.

Seriously. That's what it always come down to. We each have our comfort level and for some, the total hypocrisy (on every level and in every aspect of their existence) of their church is just nifty.
There you go again assuming your personal morality is superior to mine. You can decide church is bad for you and yours. I support your right to reject religion. You however, condemn my right to pass my faith on to my children. You are broad brushing all priests and all Catholics with the actions of a few.
The entire Catholic church is the total antithesis of "humility".

You're not exactly in a place to determine someone elses humility.

Yeah, cuz I live in incredible wealth and ease, just like the cardinals and pope.

Really, that was a pretty lame insult. Can't you do better?

And if they are in the closet, how do you know they exist?

So, all the thousands of victims of child raping pedophile priests are lying?

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