We have a Pope

And send them to be little altar boys ...................................

is that what happened to you Dudley?....is that why you are the spiteful little man you are now?....you were an Alter boy?.....and was ignored by the Monsenor?.....

Not surprising that you believe children want to be raped. You agree with NAMBLA too? You should join the other assholes sticking up for admitted child rapist/serial pedophile Ted Shitty Pants Draft Dodger Nugent.

so that's what happened?.....NAMBLA members turned you down as well as the Monsenor....are you that fucking ugly?.....keep talking Dudley.....its the best way to get it off your scrawny chest.....
In all fairness, My Sister (a good Catholic) says that its true that this guy is a hard ass, and that he wont tolerate the diddling of children, or another bull shit.

well he had better tell Cardinal Mahony that....

I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL
In all fairness, My Sister (a good Catholic) says that its true that this guy is a hard ass, and that he wont tolerate the diddling of children, or another bull shit.

well he had better tell Cardinal Mahony that....

I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL

He will have the naughty priests thrown out of airplanes just like the good old days.
white smoke

The Argentinian church
The Catholic church was complicit in dreadful crimes in Argentina.*

As it happens, in the week before Christmas in the city of Córdoba Videla and some of his military and police cohorts were convicted by their country's courts of the murder of 31 people between April and October 1976, a small fraction of the killings they were responsible for. The convictions brought life sentences for some of the military. These were not to be served, as has often been the case in Argentina and neighboring Chile, in comfy armed forces retirement homes but in common prisons. Unsurprisingly there was dancing in the city's streets when the judge announced the sentences.

What one did not hear from any senior member of the Argentinian hierarchy was any expression of regret for the church's collaboration and in these crimes. The extent of the church's complicity in the dark deeds was excellently set out by Horacio Verbitsky, one of Argentina's most notable journalists, in his book El Silencio (Silence). He recounts how the Argentinian navy with the connivance of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now the Jesuit archbishop of Buenos Aires, hid from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission the dictatorship's political prisoners. Bergoglio was hiding them in nothing less than his holiday home in an island called El Silencio in the River Plate. The most shaming thing for the church is that in such circumstances Bergoglio's name was allowed to go forward in the ballot to chose the successor of John Paul II

Steal other people's words often?

That is commonly referred to as plagiarism. And there are laws about it.
well he had better tell Cardinal Mahony that....

I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL

He will have the naughty priests thrown out of airplanes just like the good old days.

Actually, he'll just have them removed from their office. But do please continue bullshitting. I'm sure you find yourself entertaining.
And send them to be little altar boys ...................................

is that what happened to you Dudley?....is that why you are the spiteful little man you are now?....you were an Alter boy?.....and was ignored by the Monsenor?.....

Not surprising that you believe children want to be raped. You agree with NAMBLA too? You should join the other assholes sticking up for admitted child rapist/serial pedophile Ted Shitty Pants Draft Dodger Nugent.

Are you still working on your basic comprehension skills?
I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL

He will have the naughty priests thrown out of airplanes just like the good old days.

Actually, he'll just have them removed from their office. But do please continue bullshitting. I'm sure you find yourself entertaining.

Your right. He will be to busy warming his ass in his golden throne while he delegates the dirty work to thugs hired by his underlings.

Pope Francis and Argentina?s military junta: Which side was he on? - The Globe and Mail

“Many people who held far-right political beliefs frowned on our presence in the slums,” the priest writes. “They thought we were living there in support of the guerrillas, and set out to denounce us as terrorists. We knew which way the wind was blowing, and who was responsible for these slanders. So I went to [Father Bergoglio] and explained that they were playing with our lives. He promised that the military would be told that we were not terrorists. But from subsequent statements by an officer and 30 documents that we were able to access later, we saw without doubt that [Father Bergoglio] had not kept his promise but, on the contrary, had filed a false complaint with the military.”

Reuters reports that the other kidnapped priest, Orlando Yorio, testified in a book, The Silence, by journalist Horacio Verbitsky, that Father Bergoglio had deliberately caused the kidnapping of the priests by withdrawing the Jesuit order’s protection of the two, and thus signalling to the regime that they were enemies.
No, you don't. We (Catholics) have Pope Francis. And a fine pick he is too.

You claim to be allot. Ghost hunter, English this that, now you are catholic to since its is the flavor of the day ? Guess you will be Buddhist when they get a new Dali Lama then ?

California Girl has always been a catholic....i've known it since i started coming here. Where have you been?

Join Date: Sep 2011
Everyone expecting miracles, massive changes, and a total restructuring of the church by the new Pope is going to be massively disappointed. He's the Pope, not God. He can't wave a magic wand and change everything you dislike about the church. :rolleyes:

However, he does seem like a good choice and will hopefully turn the church in a more back to basics direction.
In all fairness, My Sister (a good Catholic) says that its true that this guy is a hard ass, and that he wont tolerate the diddling of children, or another bull shit.

well he had better tell Cardinal Mahony that....

I suspect many heads are gonna roll with the new Pope. And that will be fine by me. Watch him gut the Vatican insiders. He'll do what Obama should have done politically... clean out the crap and restore the Church's backbone.

The Left will hate him in a year. LOL

Non-catholics, right or left, are against child rape and protecting pedophiles from the law.

This pope will be just like all the others - money, fetuses and the church are far more important than children.
Everyone expecting miracles, massive changes, and a total restructuring of the church by the new Pope is going to be massively disappointed. He's the Pope, not God. He can't wave a magic wand and change everything you dislike about the church. :rolleyes:

However, he does seem like a good choice and will hopefully turn the church in a more back to basics direction.

Well, he's anti birth control so I'm sure all the good Catholics will be throwing away their bc. Otherwise, gee, that would make them dishonest hypocrites.

The Catholic church is a vile evil joke with its followers as the sad punchline.
IU am not a Catholic but am impressed with the sincerity and humility of Pope Francis. He goes to his hotel to pick up his luggage and pay his bill? He goes to a local church to humbly pray for guidance - all without the royal trappings of previous popes?

In Argentina, he routinely washed the feet of the faithful and performed baptisms. Rode to work in a bus. Ignored the lavish apartments of a Cardinal. Cooked his own meals.

This is indeed a man worthy of being the leading pastor of the Roman Catholic Church.

My wishes for a successful term and efforts to clean up the mess in the Vatican.

Choosing the name Francis was an indication of humility as well.
Everyone expecting miracles, massive changes, and a total restructuring of the church by the new Pope is going to be massively disappointed. He's the Pope, not God. He can't wave a magic wand and change everything you dislike about the church. :rolleyes:

However, he does seem like a good choice and will hopefully turn the church in a more back to basics direction.

Well, he's anti birth control so I'm sure all the good Catholics will be throwing away their bc. Otherwise, gee, that would make them dishonest hypocrites.

The Catholic church is a vile evil joke with its followers as the sad punchline.

It's amazing how much non-Catholic think their views on someone's else religion should be taken seriously.

No one is forcing you to baptize your children and attend mass on Sunday. And I dont think there is a Catholic alive who cares about your personal abhorrence to religion.

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