We have a Pope

There you go again assuming your personal morality is superior to mine. You can decide church is bad for you and yours. I support your right to reject religion. You however, condemn my right to pass my faith on to my children. You are broad brushing all priests and all Catholics with the actions of a few.

Children should be MORE important than fetuses and a hell of a lot more important than pedophile priests.

The Catholic church disagrees with that and, apparently, so do some/many/most/all Catholics.

Only you can decide what your own morals are. I have not said anything to the contrary. I could not support a church that hides pedophiles AND gives them new victims. There is simply not a path, a way around that fact. The time for denial is long gone. Now, Catholics must decide just how much they're willing to forgive.

Personally, I could not hand any child over to that church. YMMV

I'm sick of this round and round. I have a neighbor who is positively orgasmic over the election of a pope. She too ignores what her church does. Her own (Down syndrome) grandchild was molested by a priest at some sort of cath-camp. She refuses to accept or believe it and just blithely goes off to mass every single day. I don't understand that and refuse to accept that its just part of being Catholic.

Go to your mass, fumble with beads, worship magic smoke, magic water, do whatever it is that makes it okay for priests to diddle little kids. I don't have words for how horrible and painful this is to me.
There you go again assuming your personal morality is superior to mine. You can decide church is bad for you and yours. I support your right to reject religion. You however, condemn my right to pass my faith on to my children. You are broad brushing all priests and all Catholics with the actions of a few.

Children should be MORE important than fetuses and a hell of a lot more important than pedophile priests.

The Catholic church disagrees with that and, apparently, so do some/many/most/all Catholics.

Only you can decide what your own morals are. I have not said anything to the contrary. I could not support a church that hides pedophiles AND gives them new victims. There is simply not a path, a way around that fact. The time for denial is long gone. Now, Catholics must decide just how much they're willing to forgive.

Personally, I could not hand any child over to that church. YMMV

I'm sick of this round and round. I have a neighbor who is positively orgasmic over the election of a pope. She too ignores what her church does. Her own (Down syndrome) grandchild was molested by a priest at some sort of cath-camp. She refuses to accept or believe it and just blithely goes off to mass every single day. I don't understand that and refuse to accept that its just part of being Catholic.

Go to your mass, fumble with beads, worship magic smoke, magic water, do whatever it is that makes it okay for priests to diddle little kids. I don't have words for how horrible and painful this is to me.

well then it sucks for you. we all happen to be thrilled. deal with it
There you go again assuming your personal morality is superior to mine. You can decide church is bad for you and yours. I support your right to reject religion. You however, condemn my right to pass my faith on to my children. You are broad brushing all priests and all Catholics with the actions of a few.

Children should be MORE important than fetuses and a hell of a lot more important than pedophile priests.

The Catholic church disagrees with that and, apparently, so do some/many/most/all Catholics.

Only you can decide what your own morals are. I have not said anything to the contrary. I could not support a church that hides pedophiles AND gives them new victims. There is simply not a path, a way around that fact. The time for denial is long gone. Now, Catholics must decide just how much they're willing to forgive.

Personally, I could not hand any child over to that church. YMMV

I'm sick of this round and round. I have a neighbor who is positively orgasmic over the election of a pope. She too ignores what her church does. Her own (Down syndrome) grandchild was molested by a priest at some sort of cath-camp. She refuses to accept or believe it and just blithely goes off to mass every single day. I don't understand that and refuse to accept that its just part of being Catholic.

Go to your mass, fumble with beads, worship magic smoke, magic water, do whatever it is that makes it okay for priests to diddle little kids. I don't have words for how horrible and painful this is to me.

well then it sucks for you. we all happen to be thrilled. deal with it
It's just too obvious that Duddley Hermaphrodite's story about his neighbor, is pure fiction.
Children should be MORE important than fetuses and a hell of a lot more important than pedophile priests.

The Catholic church disagrees with that and, apparently, so do some/many/most/all Catholics.

Only you can decide what your own morals are. I have not said anything to the contrary. I could not support a church that hides pedophiles AND gives them new victims. There is simply not a path, a way around that fact. The time for denial is long gone. Now, Catholics must decide just how much they're willing to forgive.

Personally, I could not hand any child over to that church. YMMV

I'm sick of this round and round. I have a neighbor who is positively orgasmic over the election of a pope. She too ignores what her church does. Her own (Down syndrome) grandchild was molested by a priest at some sort of cath-camp. She refuses to accept or believe it and just blithely goes off to mass every single day. I don't understand that and refuse to accept that its just part of being Catholic.

Go to your mass, fumble with beads, worship magic smoke, magic water, do whatever it is that makes it okay for priests to diddle little kids. I don't have words for how horrible and painful this is to me.

well then it sucks for you. we all happen to be thrilled. deal with it
It's just too obvious that Duddley Hermaphrodite's story about his neighbor, is pure fiction.
yea as are his tales of how he is a gun owner and is for gun rights.....he is just like LaKota.....they both say they own guns and are for SANE gun rights.....but yet what they post,and what they say with the post sure does not back up what they say......
The entire Catholic church is the total antithesis of "humility".

You're not exactly in a place to determine someone elses humility.

Yeah, cuz I live in incredible wealth and ease, just like the cardinals and pope.

Really, that was a pretty lame insult. Can't you do better?

And if they are in the closet, how do you know they exist?

So, all the thousands of victims of child raping pedophile priests are lying?

That's not what determines pride or humility.

Im not trying to insult you. I am just pointing out you're not in a position to criticize someone else's lack of humility.

Pride isn't a sin isnt just one of people at the top looking down on others. It's far more common to see pride in the bottom looking up. People who are comfortable can be humble. People who are not living wealthy can be proud.

What you are talking about are symptoms of pride. Pride itself is emnity. Emnity between the individual and God & the individual with his/her fellow man. You put up a wall between you and your fellow man.

If you dispise someone because they have more wealth than you, you have pride in your heart. If you aren't concerned about what you make in terms of wealth, only what you have compared to others, then you have pride in your heart. If you are involved in gossiping, backbiting, easily offended, unwilling to forgive, etc. The proud require the world to tell them whether they have worth. Their self-worh is determined by what others think of them.

The proud are damned because their pride makes it difficult for them to learn. Because in order to change their point, they have to admit they are wrong. The proud cause divisions instead of uniting people.

So there is much more to pride than wealth and power. Im familiar with pride because it's been one of the sins I struggle with the most. If you can't tell I like discussing topics. Sometimes i let my pride get the best of me and start fighting. In fact, I dont know that I know more than one or two people on this message board who doesnt struggle with the sin of pride.

Humility on the other hand comes when we esteem our our brothers as ourselves. That is why classware is so insideous. It feeds and nutures pride rather than humility. When you hate someone they make more money than you or when they make less money than you, you are suffering from pride. That's one of the evils of the entitlement system. It creates pride in people who think they are entitled to what others have earned through their industry and wisdom instead of recognizing that when someone helps you with their means, you should have gratitude. It creates resentment in those who are producing their means because they labor for others against their will. It makes people less inclinded to give of their own.

Humility comes when we lift others higher than they are and sometimes higher than we are. Instead of resenting people who succeed at things we do, we are grateful that they have been blessed. Instead of tearing down we lift up.

Humility is forgiving others who offend, especially if they meant to offend us.

Humility is serving others selflessly.

You have been very critical of the new Pope, yet all the evidence I've seen is he is a humble man. He gives of himself. He doesn't live it up. He may have some pride in him, almost all of us do, but it's not readily apparent.

Pride is the universal sin because it leads to so many others and because it's common and difficult to recognize in ourselves and yet difficult to see it in ourselves.

As a people, pride is our biggest obstacle to saving our Republic. If we do not change ourselves and become humble, we will be humbled just by the consequences of our choices.

As for my question on how he knows about scandals hiding in the closet, the context was clearly refering to scandals other than the pedofile scandal. That one is quite open. They aren't hiding that anymore. They can't. So what other scandals are there and how does early know about them?
There you go again assuming your personal morality is superior to mine. You can decide church is bad for you and yours. I support your right to reject religion. You however, condemn my right to pass my faith on to my children. You are broad brushing all priests and all Catholics with the actions of a few.

Children should be MORE important than fetuses and a hell of a lot more important than pedophile priests.

The Catholic church disagrees with that and, apparently, so do some/many/most/all Catholics.

Only you can decide what your own morals are. I have not said anything to the contrary. I could not support a church that hides pedophiles AND gives them new victims. There is simply not a path, a way around that fact. The time for denial is long gone. Now, Catholics must decide just how much they're willing to forgive.

Personally, I could not hand any child over to that church. YMMV

I'm sick of this round and round. I have a neighbor who is positively orgasmic over the election of a pope. She too ignores what her church does. Her own (Down syndrome) grandchild was molested by a priest at some sort of cath-camp. She refuses to accept or believe it and just blithely goes off to mass every single day. I don't understand that and refuse to accept that its just part of being Catholic.

Go to your mass, fumble with beads, worship magic smoke, magic water, do whatever it is that makes it okay for priests to diddle little kids. I don't have words for how horrible and painful this is to me.

Fetuses are children. Stop trying to dehumanize them. There is no child that ceases to be a child because of where they are in the gestational process. You talk about how the Children are so important and yet tell us we should allow them to be killed. As if that is any better than leaving them in the hands of pedofiles.

I hope the Catholics are very forgiving. Because Christ taught us to forgive others. No one here has ever said it's alright for pedofiles to touch children. Why do you persist in creating a straw man that anyone claims it's alright? Why are you insistant in tearing them down instead of encouraging healing for both the victims and the Church?

Im not Catholic. I disagree with plenty of things they teach. I hate that there were some priests who abused their power. And I hate that others covered it up rather than holding them accountable for their actions. But I am not going to attack the other Catholics who had nothing to with the scandal. Nor am I going to rage against them when it does absolutely nothing to heal anyone. When you late rage like that into your heart, you become bitter and it doesn't hurt the ones you are angry at, it only hurts yourself.

You don't ever have to be Catholic or agree with their doctrines or everything they do. But you definitely need to let go of the bitterness you feel for them and forgive whatever evils you think they have perpetuated against you. And not for their sake, but your own. This is going to eat you up inside if you can't forgive them.

I mean heck you're accusing everyone who disagrees with your anger of supporting pedophilia. Despite no one supporting it here. Doesn't that at all warn you of how dangerous feeling this way is?
No you idiot, Catholics have a Pope, god you are stupid.

Did you get fired from teaching because you are this stupid?

I adhere to no religion.

He is still the pope of the world

Shhhhhh...nobody tell Obama. He thinks he is the religious leader of the world.

Well, some people consider him their messiah. Heck, some consider him a god. Maybe he believes it.

But that wont stop me from praying for His eternal well being.
Bottom line - never leave a child alone with a priest.

Soooooo, going by your logic (trying to keep from laughing), one should never leave a child alone with a teacher, seeing as though there have been many who are pedophiles, correct?

Seriously, do you EVER think before posting your abject BS?
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Bottom line - never leave a child alone with a priest.


Should we not leave them alone with teachers just because there are some pedofile teachers? How logical is this?

In California Miramonte Elementary School was so full of child predators the entire school had to close. You don't hear much about that. It was a child brothel for the predator teachers. Every day a teacher is caught molesting children. Silence from the media. obama's safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings, advised boys on the safety of sex with older men. Silence. The outcry against the FEW priests who molested children (the vast number of priests did not) is based on hatred of the Catholic church and has nothing to do with protecting children. If it was a teacher molesting children instead of a priest, they are okay with that.
IU am not a Catholic but am impressed with the sincerity and humility of Pope Francis. He goes to his hotel to pick up his luggage and pay his bill? He goes to a local church to humbly pray for guidance - all without the royal trappings of previous popes?

In Argentina, he routinely washed the feet of the faithful and performed baptisms. Rode to work in a bus. Ignored the lavish apartments of a Cardinal. Cooked his own meals.

This is indeed a man worthy of being the leading pastor of the Roman Catholic Church.

My wishes for a successful term and efforts to clean up the mess in the Vatican.
so if a football players turns up for practice, pays for his coffee dons the uniform, and plays the game that makes him a good sincere football player according to your reasoning
he may just be going thou the motions as the pope might be.
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