We have a President who is itching to use a nuclear weapon , so


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Sorry Dani. We know Iran has been passing all checks, but he is a war monger and wants to flex his muscles by sending off a nuke.
don't worry about Dani the 'muslim' he has a helmet and the protection of his 'gawd' Penny !!

Hear Oh Iran.

It comes.
I think he's pulling an ipswitch.

I think he's going for Iran while China takes out Lil Kim.

We'll see soon enough. He's not doing this alone. He's doing it on the q.t.
I think he's pulling an ipswitch.

I think he's going for Iran while China takes out Lil Kim.

We'll see soon enough. He's not doing this alone. He's doing it on the q.t.

Really? You think that Trump has some grand deal with China to take out N. Korea while we take out Iran? That takes a special kind of stupid there Ropey.
I think he's pulling an ipswitch.

I think he's going for Iran while China takes out Lil Kim.

We'll see soon enough. He's not doing this alone. He's doing it on the q.t.

Really? You think that Trump has some grand deal with China to take out N. Korea while we take out Iran? That takes a special kind of stupid there Ropey.
Let's just watch and see what happens.

Interesting times.

I know, the left are shaking in their boots. The left who gave both NK and Iran the path.

Fuck them, and you. :)
I think he's pulling an ipswitch.

I think he's going for Iran while China takes out Lil Kim.

We'll see soon enough. He's not doing this alone. He's doing it on the q.t.

Really? You think that Trump has some grand deal with China to take out N. Korea while we take out Iran? That takes a special kind of stupid there Ropey.
Let's just watch and see what happens.

Interesting times.

I know, the left are shaking in their boots. The left who gave both NK and Iran the path.

Fuck them, and you. :)

Trump hasn't got some secret deal with China. If anything, China is laughing at him while still trading with N. Korea. Besides, the world knew that Trump was a paper tiger when he said there was a "carrier armada" off the coast of N. Korea, when there in fact were none.
You're talking out of your ass. Do you know how close Iran and NK are? The ships and the B-2's in Guam can hit anywhere in China and Iran... and then the subs also.

You don't know what will happen and I don't know either.

We will see.

You're just another frightened chump along with all the other weepers.

I'll be back here when more happens.
I'm wondering who he's gonna piss off enough to start a war with first, N. Korea or Iran?
--------------------------------------------------- They both need destruction BSailor !!

Really? What about all the innocent civilians who didn't choose to live there? Do they need destruction as well?
------------------------------------------------------------------------- like i said , both 'iran' and the norks need destruction . Remember 'hiroshima' and 'nagasaki 'and 'dresden' BSailor !!

You're just another frightened chump along with all the other weepers.

I'll be back here when more happens.

In other words, ya got nothin'. What do I have to be scared of anyway?
You're always weeping for someone.

Iran and NK right now.

Just like Obumbler and Hildabeastie.
You're talking out of your ass. Do you know how close Iran and NK are? The ships and the B-2's in Guam can hit anywhere in China and Iran... and then the subs also.

You don't know what will happen and I don't know either.

We will see.

Iran isn't the boogeyman they are being made out to be. I haven't forgot '79 but..

They don't even make the women wear hijabs. They look a lot like us.

The US should never have done the regime-change thing in their country. (in '53)

In 20 years, they'll be ready to join the world stage.

Unless something stupid happens.

They're not bad people. They recently suffered a terrorist attack.

Unlike Pakistan or Turkey.
More Americans standing up for Iran's Ayatollahs and crying for the people they could care less about and actually said sending millions to their deaths just shows how much they love Allah more than life.

Good on you. /s

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