“We Have Become Disfigured”. Christian Fears Trump Years Have Permanently Scarred Evangelicals

Yes, us heathen humans are sinners.

humans are not sinners, only as made to believe the desert religions in their writings that have abandoned the religion of antiquity employ evil to attain their misbegotten goals.

and of course, tea party, trump and the capital rioters are indeed sinners - by their own deeds of their own making.

- and excuse their behavior ... being born that way.
Too many conservative “christians“ forget the part about serving two masters...
Trump was never our master...he was the president of the United States....a real president unlike the imposter Finger rapist Joe....and God is not our master either...he is our creator...
Liberoidals have never met a Bible verse that they couldn't take out of context and pervert.

Its a matter of education. Many Evangelicals don't know they are following the Scofield Heresy.
How do you know what Trump's relationship with Christ is?
You don't.
Oh, I think we do. I think you do, too.

You just don't want to admit it so use the technicality/escape route of requiring absolute proof to avoid acknowledging a truth universally known.
How do you know what Trump's relationship with Christ is?
You don't.
Oh, I think we do. I think you do, too.

You just don't want to admit it so use the technicality/escape route of requiring absolute proof to avoid acknowledging a truth universally known.


I don't know what any man's heart holds - this includes you.
I don't know what any man's heart holds
Sure. You have to tell yourself that while the evidence stares you in the face. Otherwise you have to abandon your position in which so much ego is invested.
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

"Disfigured" may be putting it mildly. They sold their religion for a cult of personality. Devotion to Dear Leader is an indication that they now approve of hate, violence, and conspiracy theories.

Read the shit your fellow libs have already posted in this thread. And you wonder why they politically ally with your enemy?

Because you hate them.

Do you know who Cyrus Scofield was/

Yet he is far from religious, is a liar, is an adulterer, etc. etc. I mean, I could understand a majority, given the (R) behind his name. But 97%? Wow!

Yes, us heathen humans are sinners.

How do you know what Trump's relationship with Christ is?
You don't.
Even us Catholics are sinners; good thing about JC, hey!!

Even us Catholics are sinners; good thing about JC, hey!!
no, catholics commit sins and rationalize everyone in unanimity are the same to ease their minimal consciousness in regards to the evil intent as somehow acceptable. through their savior ... lying is one of their favorite. sins. as an example.
Yet he is far from religious, is a liar, is an adulterer, etc. etc. I mean, I could understand a majority, given the (R) behind his name. But 97%? Wow!

Yes, us heathen humans are sinners.

How do you know what Trump's relationship with Christ is?
You don't.
Even us Catholics are sinners; good thing about JC, hey!!

Even us Catholics are sinners; good thing about JC, hey!!
no, catholics commit sins and rationalize everyone in unanimity are the same to ease their minimal consciousness in regards to the evil intent as somehow acceptable. through their savior ... lying is one of their favorite. sins. as an example.

What? Why are you bashing Catholics? Are you an Evangelical?
Yet he is far from religious, is a liar, is an adulterer, etc. etc. I mean, I could understand a majority, given the (R) behind his name. But 97%? Wow!

Yes, us heathen humans are sinners.

How do you know what Trump's relationship with Christ is?
You don't.
Even us Catholics are sinners; good thing about JC, hey!!

Even us Catholics are sinners; good thing about JC, hey!!
no, catholics commit sins and rationalize everyone in unanimity are the same to ease their minimal consciousness in regards to the evil intent as somehow acceptable. through their savior ... lying is one of their favorite. sins. as an example.

What? Why are you bashing Catholics? Are you an Evangelical?
What? Why are you bashing Catholics? Are you an Evangelical?
the desert religions, christianity in particular - have abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil, in their writings for their own individual gain and are responsible for the slide to extinction they demand to include all beings. rather than just themselves. oddly believing they will escape - their own disaster.
97% Trump support among evangelicals is not believable. Most who have any sense don't answer polls.
I once mentioned to my pastor that pre-millennial dispensationalist seem to have the strongest voice in the Church. He said that they don't have the strongest voice, only the loudest. I believe the same to be true of Trump support among evangelicals. They are very loud.
the desert religions, christianity in particular - have abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil, in their writings for their own individual gain and are responsible for the slide to extinction they demand to include all beings. rather than just themselves. oddly believing they will escape - their own disaster.

I agree with this so much. We are to have responsible stewardship of this world God provided for us and all that live here. We are failing in that, even with science showing how we should live in different ways to not contribute to making this world worse, they dismiss the information scientists have gathered, few have made a difference in the other direction from such denial, with great contributions to that from Dr. Kathryn Hayhoe.

97% Trump support among evangelicals is not believable. Most who have any sense don't answer polls.
I once mentioned to my pastor that pre-millennial dispensationalist seem to have the strongest voice in the Church. He said that they don't have the strongest voice, only the loudest. I believe the same to be true of Trump support among evangelicals. They are very loud.[/QUOTE]

I do not know what the percentage of evangelical Christians are Trumpist followers who support him continually in anything, but in my time going to church among evangelical Christians and knowing their communication this way, I know that very many of them are that way. With seeing myself how it is so cultish, I have distanced myself from them necessarily, seeking godliness in living does not guide in that direction. I seek Christian living according to what Jesus Christ tells us, which supports knowing what the Bible says, without being told what to believe from a church.
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A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

Thanks for the article by a hack.
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

He has a point. What even are they, now? Freakish.
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

Hatred built this country. Love did not slaughter the Indians. Love did not say death to zoosexuals, gays or people accused of being a pedophilia person. Love did not want naked people to be arrested, and or accused of being a sex offender, or pedophilia person. Hate likes the harsh sounding pedophile, and zoophile names. Christ is not in any of it. Love did not in the make of money. That made people war to obtain it. People become a type of Dracula to get it, charging people in whatever way they can. The white pages are not exempt from people who charge a price. God does not want his image to be like that. It is insane to say that Jesus wanted us to use money.
Evangelicals will become whole when they are broken. Broken people will give rest to gays, and zoosexuals and pedophilia people, and naked people working out their own salvation, not terrorizing others. Money will vanish when God comes in. People will care about god's image rather than a thing that comes from nothing. That which is requested, within reason, will be given to whoever.

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