We have saved the Planet


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
You think that the minerals that make modern life possible just get shit out by unicorns somewhere?
The planet doesn't need saving. We've created terrific scars and it just keeps spinning. We might need saving but we might not.
Then kill yourself.

Every piece of shit moron who thinks there's too much CO2 or too many people should just kill themselves. But they don't because they are all a bunch of cowardly hypocrites.
Life is carbon natural but, it is a great big carbon sink. The carbon you exhale comes from the food you eat. You body is made the same way and if you decompose you will release all the carbon your body had stored at the time of your death. If there was a mass extinction of humans all at once, we would add to the CO2 concentration. But who would care?
Then kill yourself.

Every piece of shit moron who thinks there's too much CO2 or too many people should just kill themselves. But they don't because they are all a bunch of cowardly hypocrites.

Well ... I can think there's too many people on the planet and not be a cowardly hypocrite ... birth rates are negative where the internet is ... and it appears to be fossil fuel affluence that keeps populations in check ...

There's four times as many of us as just 100 years ago ... that can't happen again ... CO2 will be the last of our worries when things start breaking ...


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