We have things flying around in our skys....no one knows what they are

Reality shows make a bundle claiming everything from haunted houses to Nazi treasure to unexplained flying junk. It's manipulated B.S. Don't swallow it. The post belongs in conspiracy theories not current events.
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I'm sure we'll hear pretty soon from the right wing why we should be afraid of whatever they are and how Fauci is responsible for it.

Is everything politics with you?
Not at all...

But somehow ever right wing cock sucker who was quick to make fun of the anti-vaxxers all of the sudden have decided that the covid vaccine is poison. And they came to that conclusion at about the same time electoral votes started being counted.

So I like making fun of shit brained lunatics like yourself.

From 2019...
View attachment 510559
I don’t think most people think the vaccine is poison there might be some but the vast vast majority that’s not the case. I didn’t get the “jab” because I can do math. It’s the same reason I dont get flu shots To a large degree. The risk matrix on getting COVID vs getting a largely untested vaccine tilts easily toward Covid and thats assuming I get infected which isnt for 100%.

You can do math? So can they.

The resistance is unreal and idiotic.
Yeah math. Im under 65 and not fat. Even if I get COVID my chances of dying or even having a serious illness are minuscule. No one really knows the long term effects of this vaccine especially since it's a new type of vaccine. I hope everyone who got their shot actually did the risk matrix on it, somehow I dont think that happened.

And if you're wrong.... what are you risking?

Let me guess....you're fabulously wealthy...nobody in your family for generations will ever have to worry about money or insurance... Standard right wing pablum.

Do the math--for real.
The math is the math. Could I get COVID and die? Sure. It’s possible. It’s highly improbable but it’s possible. Heres the thing. I now the risks associated with COVID and I’m just not that concerned. We don’t yet know all the risks associated with this vaccine. It’s possible maybe even likely that there are few if any long term affects associated with the vaccine. I hope that ends up the case but we don’t know.

And no I’m not fabulously wealthy. My wife and I both retired from the military and we live quite a modest life. My kids will have to work to earn their place in the world just like my wife and I did and our parents did before us.

Why the hell are you two continuing to argue about the Covid vaccine in this thread? You realize the OP has nothing to do with Covid or vaccines, don't you?
I think with the advent of drones we see more unidentified flying objects. They don’t behave like normal aircraft.

But visitors from another planet?
cant even begin to imagine that there is something out there more advanced than your marxist comrades and big gov can you ?
Are you a christian? Because I don't think real christians believe in aliens. They believe we are god's only creation in the universe. I don't think aliens disprove god exists but they sure do disprove Christianity.

Also, are you a christian who believes in ghosts? Then you aren't a real christian because jesus said it doesn't work that way. The next dead person that will visit earth will be him.

Yet lots of Christians believe in aliens and ghosts. Cherry pickers.
Can you quote the verse where it states God didn’t create life on other planets? I’ve read the Bible a couple times and I don’t remember that one.

Also the one and only requirement to be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Everything else is bickering in the margins.
I’ve been telling Christians this for years. Life on other planets won’t disprove a creator. But there is something in their holy books that leads them to believe we are the center of the universe and gods only children. I agree with you. He would have more than just us.

So you tell me why so many Christians believe we are the only ones. I can’t be science or logic Or math. No with the number of planets in the universe. Yet so many Christians believe we are it. Explain To me where they got this.

Dont you have to be baptized? I know many Christians who disagree with you.
I think with the advent of drones we see more unidentified flying objects. They don’t behave like normal aircraft.

But visitors from another planet?
cant even begin to imagine that there is something out there more advanced than your marxist comrades and big gov can you ?
Are you a christian? Because I don't think real christians believe in aliens. They believe we are god's only creation in the universe. I don't think aliens disprove god exists but they sure do disprove Christianity.

Also, are you a christian who believes in ghosts? Then you aren't a real christian because jesus said it doesn't work that way. The next dead person that will visit earth will be him.

Yet lots of Christians believe in aliens and ghosts. Cherry pickers.
Can you quote the verse where it states God didn’t create life on other planets? I’ve read the Bible a couple times and I don’t remember that one.

Also the one and only requirement to be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Everything else is bickering in the margins.
I’ve been telling Christians this for years. Life on other planets won’t disprove a creator. But there is something in their holy books that leads them to believe we are the center of the universe and gods only children. I agree with you. He would have more than just us.

So you tell me why so many Christians believe we are the only ones. I can’t be science or logic Or math. No with the number of planets in the universe. Yet so many Christians believe we are it. Explain To me where they got this.

Dont you have to be baptized? I know many Christians who disagree with you.
Do Space Aliens believe Jesus Christ is their savior?
I think with the advent of drones we see more unidentified flying objects. They don’t behave like normal aircraft.

But visitors from another planet?
cant even begin to imagine that there is something out there more advanced than your marxist comrades and big gov can you ?
Are you a christian? Because I don't think real christians believe in aliens. They believe we are god's only creation in the universe. I don't think aliens disprove god exists but they sure do disprove Christianity.

Also, are you a christian who believes in ghosts? Then you aren't a real christian because jesus said it doesn't work that way. The next dead person that will visit earth will be him.

Yet lots of Christians believe in aliens and ghosts. Cherry pickers.
Can you quote the verse where it states God didn’t create life on other planets? I’ve read the Bible a couple times and I don’t remember that one.

Also the one and only requirement to be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Everything else is bickering in the margins.
I’ve been telling Christians this for years. Life on other planets won’t disprove a creator. But there is something in their holy books that leads them to believe we are the center of the universe and gods only children. I agree with you. He would have more than just us.

So you tell me why so many Christians believe we are the only ones. I can’t be science or logic Or math. No with the number of planets in the universe. Yet so many Christians believe we are it. Explain To me where they got this.

Dont you have to be baptized? I know many Christians who disagree with you.
Do Space Aliens believe Jesus Christ is their savior?
Why do you assume their Adam ate the forbidden fruit?
I think with the advent of drones we see more unidentified flying objects. They don’t behave like normal aircraft.

But visitors from another planet?
cant even begin to imagine that there is something out there more advanced than your marxist comrades and big gov can you ?
Are you a christian? Because I don't think real christians believe in aliens. They believe we are god's only creation in the universe. I don't think aliens disprove god exists but they sure do disprove Christianity.

Also, are you a christian who believes in ghosts? Then you aren't a real christian because jesus said it doesn't work that way. The next dead person that will visit earth will be him.

Yet lots of Christians believe in aliens and ghosts. Cherry pickers.
Can you quote the verse where it states God didn’t create life on other planets? I’ve read the Bible a couple times and I don’t remember that one.

Also the one and only requirement to be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Everything else is bickering in the margins.
I’ve been telling Christians this for years. Life on other planets won’t disprove a creator. But there is something in their holy books that leads them to believe we are the center of the universe and gods only children. I agree with you. He would have more than just us.

So you tell me why so many Christians believe we are the only ones. I can’t be science or logic Or math. No with the number of planets in the universe. Yet so many Christians believe we are it. Explain To me where they got this.

Dont you have to be baptized? I know many Christians who disagree with you.
Do Space Aliens believe Jesus Christ is their savior?
And some planets are bigger than earth. Maybe it took god 10 days to make their world.

Also in their world the planet is all ice except for the interior. All life there is marine life so no great flood.
I'm sure we'll hear pretty soon from the right wing why we should be afraid of whatever they are and how Fauci is responsible for it.

Is everything politics with you?
Not at all...

But somehow ever right wing cock sucker who was quick to make fun of the anti-vaxxers all of the sudden have decided that the covid vaccine is poison. And they came to that conclusion at about the same time electoral votes started being counted.

So I like making fun of shit brained lunatics like yourself.

From 2019...
View attachment 510559
I don’t think most people think the vaccine is poison there might be some but the vast vast majority that’s not the case. I didn’t get the “jab” because I can do math. It’s the same reason I dont get flu shots To a large degree. The risk matrix on getting COVID vs getting a largely untested vaccine tilts easily toward Covid and thats assuming I get infected which isnt for 100%.

You can do math? So can they.

The resistance is unreal and idiotic.
Yeah math. Im under 65 and not fat. Even if I get COVID my chances of dying or even having a serious illness are minuscule. No one really knows the long term effects of this vaccine especially since it's a new type of vaccine. I hope everyone who got their shot actually did the risk matrix on it, somehow I dont think that happened.

And if you're wrong.... what are you risking?

Let me guess....you're fabulously wealthy...nobody in your family for generations will ever have to worry about money or insurance... Standard right wing pablum.

Do the math--for real.
The math is the math. Could I get COVID and die? Sure. It’s possible. It’s highly improbable but it’s possible. Heres the thing. I now the risks associated with COVID and I’m just not that concerned. We don’t yet know all the risks associated with this vaccine. It’s possible maybe even likely that there are few if any long term affects associated with the vaccine. I hope that ends up the case but we don’t know.

And no I’m not fabulously wealthy. My wife and I both retired from the military and we live quite a modest life. My kids will have to work to earn their place in the world just like my wife and I did and our parents did before us.

Why the hell are you two continuing to argue about the Covid vaccine in this thread? You realize the OP has nothing to do with Covid or vaccines, don't you?
its the newest tool for more division their dem leaders have instructed them to use ....its that simple
I think with the advent of drones we see more unidentified flying objects. They don’t behave like normal aircraft.

But visitors from another planet?
cant even begin to imagine that there is something out there more advanced than your marxist comrades and big gov can you ?
Are you a christian? Because I don't think real christians believe in aliens. They believe we are god's only creation in the universe. I don't think aliens disprove god exists but they sure do disprove Christianity.

Also, are you a christian who believes in ghosts? Then you aren't a real christian because jesus said it doesn't work that way. The next dead person that will visit earth will be him.

Yet lots of Christians believe in aliens and ghosts. Cherry pickers.
Can you quote the verse where it states God didn’t create life on other planets? I’ve read the Bible a couple times and I don’t remember that one.

Also the one and only requirement to be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Everything else is bickering in the margins.
I’ve been telling Christians this for years. Life on other planets won’t disprove a creator. But there is something in their holy books that leads them to believe we are the center of the universe and gods only children. I agree with you. He would have more than just us.

So you tell me why so many Christians believe we are the only ones. I can’t be science or logic Or math. No with the number of planets in the universe. Yet so many Christians believe we are it. Explain To me where they got this.

Dont you have to be baptized? I know many Christians who disagree with you.
They get it from a couple pieces of scripture, but mostly because a biblical scholar told them that was the case. Most of the passages come out of revelation and the return of Christ to earth. It talks about the destruction of the current universe and earth and the creation of a new one.

The simple truth is there are ZERO passages that state that God didnt create life on other planets. The reality is we have no idea and IMO its pretty arrogant for anyone to say they know what God did, plans on doing or is thinking.

As to why people argue it I have no idea. It's no different than the age of the earth argument. Whether the earth is 6 million, 6 thousand or 6 minutes old has no real bearing on whether God exists and believing one or the other has nothing to do with your salvation. Also see evolution, whether it rained on earth before the great flood, etc etc.

And no you dont have to be baptized. Baptism is an outward expression of our love for Jesus and wanting to follow in his footsteps. The thief on the cross next to Jesus went to heaven was he baptized?

Because I have actually seen them. I KNOW they exist. There was nothing else that they could have been. Now some may say that they are just secret American aircraft. But people have been seeing these things throughout human history. I think the problem with people like you is that the level of proof it would take to convince you personally (and share with others) is proof that the extraterrestrials have absolutely no interest in providing. It is something like Star Trek's "Prime directive." Openly interfering with and drastically changing human society is almost certainly an immoral act to them.

Because I have actually seen them. I KNOW they exist. There was nothing else that they could have been. Now some may say that they are just secret American aircraft. But people have been seeing these things throughout human history. I think the problem with people like you is that the level of proof it would take to convince you personally (and share with others) is proof that the extraterrestrials have absolutely no interest in providing. It is something like Star Trek's "Prime directive." Openly interfering with and drastically changing human society is almost certainly an immoral act to them.
Bull shit
They get it from a couple pieces of scripture, but mostly because a biblical scholar told them that was the case. Most of the passages come out of revelation and the return of Christ to earth. It talks about the destruction of the current universe and earth and the creation of a new one.

The simple truth is there are ZERO passages that state that God didnt create life on other planets. The reality is we have no idea and IMO its pretty arrogant for anyone to say they know what God did, plans on doing or is thinking.

As to why people argue it I have no idea. It's no different than the age of the earth argument. Whether the earth is 6 million, 6 thousand or 6 minutes old has no real bearing on whether God exists and believing one or the other has nothing to do with your salvation. Also see evolution, whether it rained on earth before the great flood, etc etc.

And no you dont have to be baptized. Baptism is an outward expression of our love for Jesus and wanting to follow in his footsteps. The thief on the cross next to Jesus went to heaven was he baptized?

On the bright side, however, Ham said they won’t need redemption anyway ... since they don’t exist. The Bible, according to his strict interpretation, says only Earth was made to be inhabited


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