We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!
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Who gives a fetid dingo's kidney about your arbitrary achievement?
View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!
Plants are ramping up photosynthesis, helping absorb all our carbon dioxide
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen sharply since the start of the Industrial Age — from 270 parts per million (ppm) in the late 1700s to some 400 ppm in January 2015 — and scientists say that's warming the Earth at a dangerous rate.

But new research suggests that in recent decades, we’ve been getting by with a little help from our friends. That is, green plants have ramped up photosynthesis in response to rising carbon dioxide levels, soaking up more of the heat-trapping greenhouse gases and slowing the rate of global warming. It’s welcome news, but don’t get too comfortable: Researchers say it will soon be too hot for plants to keep absorbing so much of our extra carbon dioxide.
What the lying sacks of shit always leave out of the equation of increasing CO2 is that the Green Plants end up increasing also. Liberals don't want you to know this, for then, the MONEY those liberals steal in the name of saving the planet will dry up like California did with Gov Brown's drought order.(when you cut off the canals to southern Cal, then it will turn into a desert). The deception of the left knows, no bounds.
We need to ban volcanoes, cow farts, human farts, stop using electronics, stop sending people to space, stop mowing our yards and stop building roads. Clearly. That's what humans did last time this happened and they saved the planet.
We need to ban volcanoes, cow farts, human farts, stop using electronics, stop sending people to space, stop mowing our yards and stop building roads. Clearly. That's what humans did last time this happened and they saved the planet.
All we have to do is put all the liberals at the bottom of the ocean and Global Warming would go away.....:banana:
View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!

I fill up my tank at night and let it run all night.

I am hoping we break 425 by next year !
View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!

I fill up my tank at night and let it run all night.

I am hoping we break 425 by next year !

Ive been looking for a coal powered prius...any idea where I might find one?
View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!

Oh no....not this shit again!!:ack-1:

Absolutely nobody cares about this except the hyper-k00ks..............just sayin' s0n!:bye1:

s0n......once in awhile, you gotta check the news. When you do, it gives you a compass about what is material to post and what is a waste of time. The Obama Clean Power stuff is basically gone........and the EPA regulatory stoopidry is getting whacked as we speak. KNow what that means? It means threads about PPM are relics of a former era.:deal:

Know what else it means s0n?

It means your side is losing in a style that's even beyond ePiC at this point.:fu::boobies::fu:
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View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!

I fill up my tank at night and let it run all night.

I am hoping we break 425 by next year !

Ive been looking for a coal powered prius...any idea where I might find one?


But if you find one, let me know.

Right now, the best I can do is amp up my fuel injectors.
Well the usual brain dead ignoramuses have chimed in. Perhaps we should consider the results of the present levels of CO2 and CH4.

Image 2 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 4 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Of course that means nothing to you room temperature IQ's, but it is going to have profound effects over the next decade.

Same shit different day....tell me rocks, what do you think the arctic ice looked like during most of the past 10,000 years? Clearly, we are experiencing one of the cooler climates during that time....temperarure has been much warmer for most of the past 10,000 years and the volume of ice has clearly been much lower...describe the environmental disasters that resulted from those warmer temperatures and lower ice during that time..

It is always the same old bullshit with you rocks...you only want to look at the very short term...which is nothing less than flaming hypocrisy for someone who claims to be interested in geology...if one desires to see the future in climate, all one need do is look to the past...it will get warmer, and then it will get colder...we can only hope that the warming continues, because if the warming trend stops, a cooling trend will begin and then the real problems begin...shorter growing seasons..famine..war on a scale we have never seen, etc. etc. etc.


Holocene variability in sea ice cover, primary production, and Pacific‐Water inflow and climate change in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas (Arctic Ocean)

Well the usual brain dead ignoramuses have chimed in. Perhaps we should consider the results of the present levels of CO2 and CH4.

Image 2 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 4 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Of course that means nothing to you room temperature IQ's, but it is going to have profound effects over the next decade.

Get out the sunscreen....

Yeah baby,...............
All we have to do is put all the liberals at the bottom of the ocean and Global Warming would go away.....:banana:

Is there even one denier here who isn't an open sociopath?

In this forum, almost all of them are very open in stating their desire to kill all of their political opponents. Stalin looks warm and fuzzy compared to the deniers.
When did 410 become a "threshold". What does the lab work show as the effects of exploding from 409 to 410?

Nothing right?
View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!

Big whoop. Notice the world is still here.
a cooling trend will begin and then the real problems begin...shorter growing seasons..famine..war on a scale we have never seen, etc. etc. etc.

You and your cult masters have been predicting this catastrophic cooling for 40 years now. It never arrives. Instead, it just keeps warming. Given how your cult has failed totally with every prediction it's made for 40 years running now, why shouldn't everyone put you in the same category as flat earthers?

In contrast, the real scientists have been correct with every prediction over that time. Mainstream scientists have credibility because they've earned it through success. If your cult wants similar credibility, you have to earn it by racking up a similar 40-year win streak. Simply whining about how unfair it is that everyone laughs at your failures is not going to earn you credibility.
View attachment 122579 We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Brian Kahn By Brian Kahn

Published: April 20th, 2017
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has.

On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal). Carbon dioxide hasn’t reached that height in millions of years. It’s a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend with, one that’s trapping more heat and causing the climate to change at a quickening rate.
Click to enlarge.

In what’s become a spring tradition like Passover and Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keeping began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400 ppm. Just four years later, the 400 ppm mark is no longer a novelty. It’s the norm.

We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold

Well, it is just going to keep going up!

This is the reality but posting here is like posting Martin Luther King Jr picnic posters at a KKK hall. The cons here reject science and rational thought. Add to it their galactic case of cognitive dissonance and you have an audience of Joseph Goebbels' at a Jerry Seinfeld gig.

Soon enough the dull-wits will be force to face reality but until then you are asking 5 year-olds to understand how an internal combustion engine works. They'll understand some day, but for now, no.

Good information for the normals that read here who can grasp real science.

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