We Know Who Dances With the Devil

You really hate yourself for being a straight white American male, don't you?

How about punching yourself in the face until you pass out? That might make you forget what you are.

I'm serious.

The Democrat party is the party of straight white men who don't take shit from women or darkies or other minorities. Object or worse try to leave and you find out Democrats still very much believe in slavery. If you're black be prepared to be called "Uncle Tom" and a white supremist on your way out
Marjorie Taylor Greene hits the nail on the head with this one.

---"The left has shown us exactly who they are. They hate America, they hate God, and they hate us," Greene tweeted on Monday night.---

Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho is not disliked because of her alleged faith. She is disliked because she regularly bears false witness against her opponents, finds no conspiracy theory too batshit insane to subscribe to, is incredibly stupid and ignorant, and worships at the altar of one of the most corrupt people in America.

In fact, her deeds give Christianity a bad name. Any declarations or performance artistry by her in the Christian vein are purely theater for the rubes. She is evil to the core.

Watching this deranged, prolifically lying, Q-tard trying to hide behind Jesus is one of the most sickening displays of blasphemy I have ever witnessed.
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Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho is not disliked because of her alleged faith. She is disliked because she regularly bears false witness against her opponents, finds no conspiracy theory too batshit insane to subscribe to, is incredibly stupid and ignorant, and worships at the altar of one of the most corrupt people in America.

In fact, her deeds give Christianity a bad name. Any declarations or performance artistry by her in the Christian vein are purely theater for the rubes. She is evil to the core.

Watching this deranged, prolifically lying, Q-tard trying to hide behind Jesus is one of the most sickening displays of blasphemy I have ever witnessed.


You speak for Christianity, LOL. Sure you do, Homer, sure you do ...

Want to be judged? Run to your nearest racist Democrat, like you
So your explanation for an entirely extraneous post is......nothing?

You just felt like it?

Well, at least here, this is still the land of liberty.
Socialism Is an Upper-Class Scam. A Communist Is a Capitalist, Junior.

You bootlickers resent it when I expose your plutocratic idols' destructive education. By the way, Paul Johnson showed what an educated snob Professor Marx was. As do all stuck-up Leftists and their Rightist fake opponents, PhD Marx deplored anyone from the actual working class who had opinions.
Socialism Is an Upper-Class Scam. A Communist Is a Capitalist, Junior.

You bootlickers resent it when I expose your plutocratic idols' destructive education. By the way, Paul Johnson showed what an educated snob Professor Marx was. As do all stuck-up Leftists and their Rightist fake opponents, PhD Marx deplored anyone from the actual working class who had opinions.

You couldn't be more wrong if being more wrong was your intention.

.”KARL MARX has had more impact on actual events, as well minds of men and women, than any other intellectual in modern times. The reason for this is not primarily the attraction of his concepts and methodology, though both have a strong appeal to unrigorous minds, but the fact that his philosophy has been institutionalized in two of the world’s largest countries, Russia and China, and their many satellites.

… the kind of personal dictatorship he envisaged for himself (as we shall see) was actually carried into effect, with incalculable consequences for mankind, by his three most important followers, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tse-tung, all of whom, in this respect, were faithful Marxists.” Paul Johnson, “Intellectuals”

Do you see capitalism in any of those places?

His anti-Semitism was also a reflection of his anti-capitalism.
While Marx’s views began with the attack on Jews, as a way of an attack on the money-economy, he prophesied a great conflagration, a bloody revolution spear-headed by a proletariat that had ‘nothing to lose but their chains.’
What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money.’

The Jews had gradually spread this ‘practical’ religion to all society: Money is the jealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may exist. Money abases all the gods of mankind and changes them into commodities. Money is the self-sufficient value of all things. It has, therefore, deprived the whole world, both the human world and Nature, of their own proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man’s work and existence: this essence dominates him and he worships it. The god of the Jews has been secularized and has become the god of the world.

Thus far Marx’s explanation of what was wrong with the world was a combination of student-café anti-Semitism and Rousseau.”
Paul Johnson, “Intellectuals”

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