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We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy.

They also fail to mention that when a loan is paid back, that "imaginary money" which was created for the loan is then destroyed.

This a huge and deliberate lie of omission kept from the parroting rubes. It's never mentioned in those stupid cartoons they watch because it would explode the narrative to smithereens.

I bet most of them have no idea what I am talking about.

They also fail to mention that when a loan is paid back, that "imaginary money" which was created for the loan is then destroyed.

They don't have a clue as to what you are talking about

They're not lying. They're ignorant
Answer me this, Trumptards. When Cowardly Lyin' Donald isn't composing bogus self-aggrandizing Lists O'Accomplishments or out golfing, what is he doing to get the private sector to deleverage?

Trump should be increasing taxes and regulations on corporations and the rich am I right?
Taxes, no. Our debt problems are not caused by taxes being too low on the rich.

Enforcement of regulations, yes.

Fool if you took every dime they earn it would be like shooting a spitwad at the national debt.
Deleveraging has nothing to do with taxes, dumbass.

That you even asked this question shows you have no idea what deleverage means, or how to accomplish it.

It also shows you have no idea what Trump is doing or not doing.
Answer me this, Trumptards. When Cowardly Lyin' Donald isn't composing bogus self-aggrandizing Lists O'Accomplishments or out golfing, what is he doing to get the private sector to deleverage?

Trump should be increasing taxes and regulations on corporations and the rich am I right?

Twenty trillion in national debt and corporate profits at an all time high.

Maybe it's time they kick in. You know, for the good of the country that allows them to operate unimpeded.
Once again, maybe it is time to stop the Failed War, that no one can win.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Trump's economic policies were not smart. He borrowed ridiculous amounts of money (Much more than the Obama Stimulus...) 8+ years into an economic expansion, pumped it into the economy, got a little bounce with only a few quarters of good growth, and now the economy is looking worn out and ready to crash.

This is identical to Bush. Bush inherited a budget surplus, gave a big tax cut to the ultra wealthy along with massive spending packages, squandered the surplus, racked up massive deficits, and had a total economic melt down.

Republicans can't take responsibility for any of their failures. Bush's collapse is somehow the 2006 democrats fault. The 2 losing wars, not his fault, etc etc. When Trump's policies collapse this economy we know that the GOP will not man up and take personal responsibility for their policies, they will blame... THE FED.

Here's David Stockman breaking down Trump's economic policies and why they are bad:

LIAR!! The Economy was tanking the year before Bush took office. Get your facts right!!

Answer me this, Trumptards. When Cowardly Lyin' Donald isn't composing bogus self-aggrandizing Lists O'Accomplishments or out golfing, what is he doing to get the private sector to deleverage?

Trump should be increasing taxes and regulations on corporations and the rich am I right?

Twenty trillion in national debt and corporate profits at an all time high.

Maybe it's time they kick in. You know, for the good of the country that allows them to operate unimpeded.

Corporate profits high is good, no? People rely of corporations for their jobs and also for their dividends in retirement.

Trash the Private Sector, like Obama did and hillary promised to continue, and it puts a big burden on the taxpayers.

These brainwashed morons don't get it. They think the 'rich' and corporations are a bottomless well of money and that slamming them with tax increases won't have any negative impact on the economy.
One of the biggest contributing factors in the last big crash was massive over-leveraging.

Bush's SEC actually allowed the top five broker-dealers to change their net capital reserve rules. And that led to the destruction of all five.
Fool if you took every dime they earn it would be like shooting a spitwad at the national debt.

LOL...A trillion here and a trillion there and all of a sudden it starts to look like real money ...
'I remember Tea Baggers screaming because the entire COST of the ACA was proposed to be one trillion over 10 years and Trump just gave that and an extra half trillion to the rich and corps. And that wasn't an addition to the debt...that was the entire cost....not the net cost

Which they didn't understand either
If the stock market loses a thousand points does that mean the economy is crashing despite record low unemployment, strong business outlook, regulations being rolled back which is encouraging businesses to open and expand. So is the economy going to crash or is just the stock market going to crash?

Stock markets don't crash in a healthy economy.
Casino Oinkonomics

It had its worst sudden stumble in history during the Reagan Boom. Who cares if parasites go broke trying to freeload off working people?
Corporate profits high is good, no? People rely of corporations for their jobs and also for their dividends in retirement.

Stock market's doing real good these days, isn't it Zippy?

No it is not, the fed is working to sink the economy to punish the 62 million deplorables for their impudence in elected Donald J Trump. Make sure that these folks leave voting and elections to the elite in the future.
Being over leveraged greatly amplifies the effects of a downturn, creating a snowball effect. It creates an instant liquidity crisis because suddenly no one trusts the other party.

Our private debt-to-GDP ratio has been rising since 2013. We are now at 203 percent. We were at 211 percent in 2008.
Answer me this, Trumptards. When Cowardly Lyin' Donald isn't composing bogus self-aggrandizing Lists O'Accomplishments or out golfing, what is he doing to get the private sector to deleverage?

Do you think He knows what deleverage means?

Gather another 11 liberals, even then I'll have more brain matter than you.
I have this image of you ...a person with a head 11 times larger than normal...drooling all over himself.
Dude a brain is a terrible thing to waste. A really YUGE abnormally freakishly large one is just a horrible thing.
Due to our dumbed-down Government School System, very few Americans know anything about the Federal Reserve. It's not their friend. It's collapsed the US Economy all throughout history.

The Fed always benefits greatly from such collapses. Americans just need to become informed about the Federal Reserve, and its long dark history. Once they do that, they'll quickly see that the Fed isn't their friend.
Federal Reserve has protected our economy for a hundred years

It is you morons who want to go back to the radical peaks and valleys of the gold standard
Fool if you took every dime they earn it would be like shooting a spitwad at the national debt.

LOL...A trillion here and a trillion there and all of a sudden it starts to look like real money ...
'I remember Tea Baggers screaming because the entire COST of the ACA was proposed to be one trillion over 10 years and Trump just gave that and an extra half trillion to the rich and corps. And that wasn't an addition to the debt...that was the entire cost....not the net cost

Which they didn't understand either

The defunct political movement to which you refer is the Tea Party, not "tea baggers". "tea baggers" was a slang reference to a gay sex practice that was so obscure even a guy on another board that devoted his life to homosexuality had no idea what it meant before 2009. Shows how liberal minds are n the gutter.
No it is not, the fed is working to sink the economy to punish the 62 million deplorables for their impudence in elected Donald J Trump. Make sure that these folks leave voting and elections to the elite in the future.

According to the so called experts the economy was going to crash the day Trump was sworn in.

Looks like his foes are gonna crash it for him. He's one of very few leaders in history to openly criticize the Federal Reserve. It usually doesn't end well for those who do that. The Federal Reserve has unlimited powers. It's above the law.

It can collapse the US Economy anytime it chooses too. It's done it all throughout history. Collapses are very good for the Fed. It benefits from them greatly. I'll be praying for ole Trump. He's taking on some incredibly dark powerful folks.
You going to blame his foes for his stupidity in the way he 's handling China ?

I fully support his handling of China.The Globalists have completely sold American Citizens out. They've forced Americans to become slaves to China. I'll support anyone who opposes the Globalists. They don't have Americans' best interests in mind. So i say, GO TRUMP!
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

The lazy gutless escapist Millennial Millies deserve to become coolie boys for the Chinese. So let's dump Trump and MAKE AMERICA INVERTEBRATE AGAIN.
Fool if you took every dime they earn it would be like shooting a spitwad at the national debt.

LOL...A trillion here and a trillion there and all of a sudden it starts to look like real money ...
'I remember Tea Baggers screaming because the entire COST of the ACA was proposed to be one trillion over 10 years and Trump just gave that and an extra half trillion to the rich and corps. And that wasn't an addition to the debt...that was the entire cost....not the net cost

Which they didn't understand either

The defunct political movement to which you refer is the Tea Party, not "tea baggers". "tea baggers" was a slang reference to a gay sex practice that was so obscure even a guy on another board that devoted his life to homosexuality had no idea what it meant before 2009. Shows how liberal minds are n the gutter.
Are you concerned that defunct weirdos will be offended?

To my knowledge it was a reference to "party bros" like Kavanaugh who liked to dangle their junk in people's faces at drunken parties

Probably accounting for why your gay buddy didn't know what it was
Answer me this, Trumptards. When Cowardly Lyin' Donald isn't composing bogus self-aggrandizing Lists O'Accomplishments or out golfing, what is he doing to get the private sector to deleverage?

Do you think He knows what deleverage means?

Gather another 11 liberals, even then I'll have more brain matter than you.
I have this image of you ...a person with a head 11 times larger than normal...drooling all over himself.
Dude a brain is a terrible thing to waste. A really YUGE abnormally freakishly large one is just a horrible thing.

We have all seen your prior posts, yeah they are pretty much self mocking.

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