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We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy.

We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy

^^^ moronic lib thread of the day. Cutting taxes and regulations won't crash the economy you morons, even though we know the left wishes for this daily. :icon_rolleyes:
Trump will crash the economy. It is inevitable with the stupid mistakes he has made.

He's a businessman who's built His businesses based on bankruptcy.

You expect Him to do anything less with our government?

Out of hundreds of ventures, Donald J Trump has had a half dozen bankruptcies. Hardly his modus operandi.
Actually, Trump's M.O. failed so catastrophically that no banks in the US would touch him any more. He had to turn to a Russian mob money laundering bank in Germany to stay afloat.
Actually, Trump's M.O. failed so catastrophically that no banks in the US would touch him any more. He had to turn to a Russian mob money laundering bank in Germany to stay afloat.

Hence all these collusion charges.
We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy

^^^ moronic lib thread of the day. Cutting taxes and regulations won't crash the economy you morons, even though we know the left wishes for this daily. :icon_rolleyes:
Running our deficits back up to a trillion dollars and losing a trade war will crash the economy. The massive leveraging up of private debt, and not doing anything to stop it, will crash the economy. The entire planet's economy.,
The next thing you know dumb ass left wingers will tell us we need to increase taxes, increase regulations on business, and sign more shit trade deals that let other countries take our jobs. Am I right you stupid shits? The question is rhetorical. :icon_rolleyes:
We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy

^^^ moronic lib thread of the day. Cutting taxes and regulations won't crash the economy you morons, even though we know the left wishes for this daily. :icon_rolleyes:
Running our deficits back up to a trillion dollars and losing a trade war will crash the economy. The massive leveraging up of private debt, and not doing anything to stop it, will crash the economy. The entire planet's economy.,

Tax cuts didn't increase the deficit. Now Dem's refusing to cut spending that increases the deficit daily.
You know, when it comes to the economy, Trump is behaving exactly like the New York Democrat I have always said he is.

Failed protectionist trade policy. Massive government overspending. Corruption at the highest levels.
We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy

^^^ moronic lib thread of the day. Cutting taxes and regulations won't crash the economy you morons, even though we know the left wishes for this daily. :icon_rolleyes:
Running our deficits back up to a trillion dollars and losing a trade war will crash the economy. The massive leveraging up of private debt, and not doing anything to stop it, will crash the economy. The entire planet's economy.,

Tax cuts didn't increase the deficit. Now Dem's refusing to cut spending that increases the deficit daily.
Hey dumbass. The Republicans have owned the budget since 2014, and the White House for two years. In that time, they ACCELERATED the deficit. They inherited a declining deficit from the Democrats and have doubled it since then.

Deficit Donald just submitted a $4.4 trillion budget which beats Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

No one is drinking your Kool-Aid, retard.
Tax cuts didn't increase the deficit. Now Dem's refusing to cut spending that increases the deficit daily.

Dems aren't in charge of anything, asshole!

Dems are in charge of the courts, the media, academia, the federal reserve, hollywood, as well as all of the elected and appointed positions in hard left states like NY and CA. And in January, they will have control of the House of Reps.
Dems are in charge of the courts, the media, academia, the federal reserve, hollywood, as well as all of the elected and appointed positions in hard left states like NY and CA. And in January, they will have control of the House of Reps.

Thank God for that!
$22Trn in debt and we raise rates. So F*CKING stupid. Thank you for leading us into the recession.
Want to get rid of the 22 trillion dollar debt?

he War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Stop this endless war that the liberals created and after 20 years of no welfare, people will either have a job or be shot for trying to rob other people. And the 1 trillion dollars a year that would of gone to the lazy fuckers, could be put to the debt. That fucking easy....


Posting memes from 2009 is JUST A BIT ridiculous.
If Trump was elected on 3rd base, Obama was elected in the locker room.
Nice try that was the meme for 2016. but then you head has been up your ass, so you wouldn't no better.
And by the way, the fake Trump tax cuts DID add to the deficit. $1.5 trillion over ten years. And all the pseudocons praised this $1.5 trillion "economic stimulus".

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

Just another example of Trump's left wing Keynesian economic belief system.

The unborn will pay the price.
We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy

^^^ moronic lib thread of the day. Cutting taxes and regulations won't crash the economy you morons, even though we know the left wishes for this daily. :icon_rolleyes:
Running our deficits back up to a trillion dollars and losing a trade war will crash the economy. The massive leveraging up of private debt, and not doing anything to stop it, will crash the economy. The entire planet's economy.,

Why do you think America will lose a trade war? Too many 5th columnists in this country, so the best we can hope for is an obamunistic decline?
Trump's economic policies were not smart. He borrowed ridiculous amounts of money (Much more than the Obama Stimulus...) 8+ years into an economic expansion, pumped it into the economy, got a little bounce with only a few quarters of good growth, and now the economy is looking worn out and ready to crash.

This is identical to Bush. Bush inherited a budget surplus, gave a big tax cut to the ultra wealthy along with massive spending packages, squandered the surplus, racked up massive deficits, and had a total economic melt down.

Republicans can't take responsibility for any of their failures. Bush's collapse is somehow the 2006 democrats fault. The 2 losing wars, not his fault, etc etc. When Trump's policies collapse this economy we know that the GOP will not man up and take personal responsibility for their policies, they will blame... THE FED.

Here's David Stockman breaking down Trump's economic policies and why they are bad:

They have to time it perfectly for the 2020 election like they did with "W".. You don't want things to bottom too quickly and then give Trump an opportunity to fix them.

When in his miserable life did he fix anything? Usually made them worse
Tax cuts didn't increase the deficit. Now Dem's refusing to cut spending that increases the deficit daily.

Dems aren't in charge of anything, asshole!

Dems are in charge of the courts, the media, academia, the federal reserve, hollywood, as well as all of the elected and appointed positions in hard left states like NY and CA. And in January, they will have control of the House of Reps.
And when the blithering idiot , Nancy "blinkie" Pelosi takes up the gavel, 2 years later it will be back in the hands of Republicans, again.

We Know Who They Will Blame When Trump Crashes the Economy

^^^ moronic lib thread of the day. Cutting taxes and regulations won't crash the economy you morons, even though we know the left wishes for this daily. :icon_rolleyes:
Running our deficits back up to a trillion dollars and losing a trade war will crash the economy. The massive leveraging up of private debt, and not doing anything to stop it, will crash the economy. The entire planet's economy.,

Why do you think America will lose a trade war? Too many 5th columnists in this country, so the best we can hope for is an obamunistic decline?
I don't have to think we are losing. We ARE losing. Our trade deficit has INCREASED since Tariff Man shot himself in the mouth.

Trump depends on you tards being too fucking stupid to look.
Tax cuts didn't increase the deficit. Now Dem's refusing to cut spending that increases the deficit daily.

Dems aren't in charge of anything, asshole!

Dems are in charge of the courts, the media, academia, the federal reserve, hollywood, as well as all of the elected and appointed positions in hard left states like NY and CA. And in January, they will have control of the House of Reps.
And when the blithering idiot , Nancy "blinkie" Pelosi takes up the gavel, 2 years later it will be back in the hands of Republicans, again.

The most hilarious part of all this is that the pseudocon tards actually believe that Democrats are the big spenders and that Republicans are savers and believe in small government.

Their propagandists absolutely depend on them being too stupid to notice that every time the GOP has taken full control, spending SKYROCKETS.

Talk about willful blindness!!!!
You have no idea what happened the eight years before under Obama, super duper. Just 7 1/2 years strait of growth...anything that happens now is the result of trade Wars and stupid tariffs and a giant tax cut to get a little juice. Stupid GOP regulation and crap as always. Without BS propaganda you might know what was going on, super duper.
I lived it, puddinhead...The Wall Street banksters got $4 trillion in funny money to play with, while economic illiterates like you pranced and danced around like little children who had come upon a crashed ice cream truck.

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