We learned not to trust Republicans.


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.

Neither bought and paid for political party is worth a shit.......are you claiming otherwise????
Why would you trust any politician?

This is precisely why we need to be limiting their power and not handing them our health care
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.

Neither bought and paid for political party is worth a shit.......are you claiming otherwise????
It is the system we have.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.

Neither bought and paid for political party is worth a shit.......are you claiming otherwise????
It is the system we have.

We can have whatever system we want
It's time to vote those traitors out. Bought and paid for by the big corporations and other special interests groups.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.

Neither bought and paid for political party is worth a shit.......are you claiming otherwise????
It is the system we have.

If both are the same at the top, then you have no "system"
that gives the people the choice on how they are "governed".
It's time to vote those traitors out. Bought and paid for by the big corporations and other special interests groups.
The problem is with campaigning and fund raising. Half their job is to ask for money. With money comes corruption... that's where we need to start
It's time to vote those traitors out. Bought and paid for by the big corporations and other special interests groups.
The problem is with campaigning and fund raising. Half their job is to ask for money. With money comes corruption... that's where we need to start
Republicans love the idea that corporations can pump as much money as they want into an election. Congress members keep getting reelected despite their antics. My Congressman is chair of the House transportation committee & has been dating a lobbyist for a major player in Air Transportation whose industry that she represents would profit greatly from his bill to privatize air traffic control.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
when the dem plan is RUSSIA - this is kinda a stupid statement.

makes you look like you're so busy bitching at "the other side" you fail to see the problems of your own side.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
If you haven't learned not to trust any politician regardless of party then you haven't learned anything
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
when the dem plan is RUSSIA - this is kinda a stupid statement.

makes you look like you're so busy bitching at "the other side" you fail to see the problems of your own side.
So you support the Trump campaign working with the Russians to help them influence the election? What an America hating POS you are.

The Democrats actually did pass a healthcare plan. Your pathetic party can't even get their own members to agree. Your political leaders won't run their bill through the proper procedures. They get 13 white men to write a bill & then rush it to the floor for a vote.

This is how God Damn pathetic the Republicans are. They run both houses & have the White House & still can't get shit done.

Why should we trust them to repeal the ACA & then come up with a replacement later. They had 7 years after the ACA passed. They just plain can't do shit.

They couldn;t do it after they blockred Hillary arte.
The founders never envisioned citizens serving in congress for 40 damn years via corruption and election rigging. How is this different than the monarchy and system of nobles the founders defeated?
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
when the dem plan is RUSSIA - this is kinda a stupid statement.

makes you look like you're so busy bitching at "the other side" you fail to see the problems of your own side.
So you support the Trump campaign working with the Russians to help them influence the election? What an America hating POS you are.

The Democrats actually did pass a healthcare plan. Your pathetic party can't even get their own members to agree. Your political leaders won't run their bill through the proper procedures. They get 13 white men to write a bill & then rush it to the floor for a vote.

This is how God Damn pathetic the Republicans are. They run both houses & have the White House & still can't get shit done.

Why should we trust them to repeal the ACA & then come up with a replacement later. They had 7 years after the ACA passed. They just plain can't do shit.

They couldn;t do it after they blockred Hillary arte.

man you jump right into the bullshit and accusations don't you?

all i said was currently the ONLY dem platform is TRUMP SUCKS and that's not working all that well and only hurting the country as a whole.

this has nothing to do with the "god damn liberals" or the "god damn republicans" but all to do with the "god damn assholes who refuse to work with those god damn people on the other god damn side."

like you.

have a day.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
when the dem plan is RUSSIA - this is kinda a stupid statement.

makes you look like you're so busy bitching at "the other side" you fail to see the problems of your own side.
So you support the Trump campaign working with the Russians to help them influence the election? What an America hating POS you are.

The Democrats actually did pass a healthcare plan. Your pathetic party can't even get their own members to agree. Your political leaders won't run their bill through the proper procedures. They get 13 white men to write a bill & then rush it to the floor for a vote.

This is how God Damn pathetic the Republicans are. They run both houses & have the White House & still can't get shit done.

Why should we trust them to repeal the ACA & then come up with a replacement later. They had 7 years after the ACA passed. They just plain can't do shit.

They couldn;t do it after they blockred Hillary arte.

The fact that you think one Party is better than the other reveals your lack of any real intelligence. The fact that you felt you had to mention "white" men reveals you to either be a sniveling , racist black man or a guilt ridden effeminate white transgender. ;)
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
when the dem plan is RUSSIA - this is kinda a stupid statement.

makes you look like you're so busy bitching at "the other side" you fail to see the problems of your own side.
So you support the Trump campaign working with the Russians to help them influence the election? What an America hating POS you are.

The Democrats actually did pass a healthcare plan. Your pathetic party can't even get their own members to agree. Your political leaders won't run their bill through the proper procedures. They get 13 white men to write a bill & then rush it to the floor for a vote.

This is how God Damn pathetic the Republicans are. They run both houses & have the White House & still can't get shit done.

Why should we trust them to repeal the ACA & then come up with a replacement later. They had 7 years after the ACA passed. They just plain can't do shit.

They couldn;t do it after they blockred Hillary arte.

The fact that you think one Party is better than the other reveals your lack of any real intelligence. The fact that you felt you had to mention "white" men reveals you to either be a sniveling , racist black man or a guilt ridden effeminate white transgender. ;)

Evidently there is a difference in the ability to govern.

A mentioned white men because they were all white men who were determining healthcare for everyone. Where were the women? Where were the minorities? Oh wait, this is the Republican party.

I am a white man. One that isn't a racist, bigoted asshole like you.
It was the debt ceiling crisis on 2011. To prevent a shutdown, Republicans went ahead & raised the debt ceiling with the promise to cut spending within a certain time frame. Obama wanted them to hold to their promise so they put in a sequestration clause. Republicans never did the spending cuts.

Now Republicans want to repeal the ACA & promise to vote in a replacement bill in the future.

Really? We should believe them?

What happens if they have no plan?

Will it be another disaster like the sequestration?

We can't trust the Republicans. They control both houses & the White House & can't get it done. What will be different?

Republicans are at the pass a bill,any bill state.
when the dem plan is RUSSIA - this is kinda a stupid statement.

makes you look like you're so busy bitching at "the other side" you fail to see the problems of your own side.
So you support the Trump campaign working with the Russians to help them influence the election? What an America hating POS you are.

The Democrats actually did pass a healthcare plan. Your pathetic party can't even get their own members to agree. Your political leaders won't run their bill through the proper procedures. They get 13 white men to write a bill & then rush it to the floor for a vote.

This is how God Damn pathetic the Republicans are. They run both houses & have the White House & still can't get shit done.

Why should we trust them to repeal the ACA & then come up with a replacement later. They had 7 years after the ACA passed. They just plain can't do shit.

They couldn;t do it after they blockred Hillary arte.

man you jump right into the bullshit and accusations don't you?

all i said was currently the ONLY dem platform is TRUMP SUCKS and that's not working all that well and only hurting the country as a whole.

this has nothing to do with the "god damn liberals" or the "god damn republicans" but all to do with the "god damn assholes who refuse to work with those god damn people on the other god damn side."

like you.

have a day.
Actually, you said the Russian thing.

I have news, Trump dies suck.

I'll tell you what the difference is. Under Bush & the Republicans, the Democrat party was against a lot of stuff they wanted to do. When the Democrats had both Houses & the White House, they got shit done. Within a month, the passed a major economic package. They passed major legislation. They had a healthcare bill running through the committee process. They had passed a budget.

Now Bright boy, tell me what the Republicans have dome? No healthcare bill in committee, No healthcare bill they can agree on, no jobs bill. No budget.

That, my severely mentally deprived friend IS the difference.

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