"We Lie To You" news

What's your actual point or solution?
..and crickets..

The Bystander Effect - #SolutionsWatch​

The Bystander Effect - #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 10/20/2021 • 184 Comments
"The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better."
(Links, as always, at site.)


The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who have influenced & controlled the response to COVID-19​

This is a tin foil hat conspiracy theory website.

It says chemtrails are real!
Crossing the Ruby-Red Rubicon

What choice do we have? As long as slavish Americans take a medieval peasant's self-hating attitude about the unearned and civilization-destroying privilege of inheritance, our only hope is that this heir of Commodore Vanderbilt, like Julius Caesar, wants to destroy his own class because they disgust him, as they would disgust any normal American who had a peek behind the scenes at the secret life of the Preppyhood.
We Have to Rely on Traitors to This Class

Sorry. I got the Swanson Slinger mixed up with Anderson Cooper, the boytoy son of Gloria Vanderbilt's toy husband. AC is more typical of the doom hereditary wealth and power lays on us excluded plebeians.
This is a tin foil hat conspiracy theory website.

It says chemtrails are real!
Why do you even bother commenting on my posts? :dunno:

"Climate change is creating impacts that are widespread and severe for individuals, communities, economies, and ecosystems around the world. While efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to climate impacts are the first line of defense, researchers are exploring other options to reduce warming. Solar geoengineering strategies are designed to cool Earth either by adding small reflective particles to the upper atmosphere, by increasing reflective cloud cover in the lower atmosphere, or by thinning high-altitude clouds that can absorb heat. While such strategies have the potential to reduce global temperatures, they could also introduce an array of unknown or negative consequences."

Someone starts a thread about boot-licking statists, lying to the public? And Dragonlady can't help but chime in. . . .

Let's see,.. given one was conspiratorially invested and bored enough, should they "Download Free PDF" or "Buy Ebook $59.99" from the illuminati? Decisions, decisions :26:
This is a tin foil hat conspiracy theory website.

It says chemtrails are real!
If you search for “Federal Reserve” on YouTube, one of the first videos to surface is titled “Century of Enslavement.” Using archival footage and the kind of authoritative male voice heard in countless historical documentaries, the 90-minute video espouses the idea the Federal Reserve was formed in secret by powerful, often Jewish, banking families in the early 20th century, causing America to spiral into debt.

With over 1.6 million views, the video is categorized as “News and Politics.” It was created by a channel called the Corbett Report, which also boasts documentaries touting conspiracy theories, including that 9/11 was staged by the US government and that global warming is a hoax. Watching the video quickly leads users down a rabbit hole of “recommended videos” that detail Illuminati conspiracy theories and blame Israel for 9/11.
James Corbett is an anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-voluntarist YouTuber, conspiracy theorist. He performs amateur analysis of politics conspiracy theories and purported propaganda in The Corbett Report, YouTube, Global Research TV, RT news and other shows and websites such as the Boiling Frogs Post, NewsBud, 5G summit and other such occasional events, despite having no credentials in any of these fields, such as 9/11 and the JFK assassination being false flag attacks, government mind control, water fluoridation and chemtrails lowering IQ to make it harder to wake up sheeple, the “Clinton Body Count”, 5G sends toxic EMF, Bill Gates is a Nazi eugenicist, GMOs cause tumours, Climate change is a hoax, vaccines never worked and are also a hoax, moon landing is hoax,[1] eugenics is still alive, America is secretly a socialist country,[2] pizzagate is real,[3] Trump wants to establish a New World Order, among many, many others.

Anytime anything interesting happens anywhere on the planet, there's a very high chance James has found "proof" it is either a false flag operation by the New World Order or a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order to implement the New World Order and has already discussed about it on one of his episodes on YouTube or a podcast on his channel. No exceptions. You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue.
James Corbett..:disbelief:
Ready to start fighting back? What's your actual point or solution? Piss up a rope? Bark at the Moon expecting an answer? Oppose vaccination? Deny global warming?
Wow, embrace the conspiracy nuttery of The Dark Side! Compelling solution!:rolleyes:
Your solution is join the "conspiracy theorist" nut brigade and "warn" people about stuff? :rolleyes:
Fear, fear, fear!
Sit around whining with your thumb up your ass!

The Bilderbergs called to thank you for your service.
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Your solution is join the "conspiracy theorist" nut brigade and "warn" people about stuff? :rolleyes:
Fear, fear, fear!
Sit around whining with your thumb up your ass!

The Bilderbergs called to thank you for your service.
Budlights successful sales prevention plan 😆
I did not find most of this skit very funny though I like most of this comedians work. That line, however, was fucking hilarious.

It really hits home as it feels like almost every news story put out these days where clearly bad decisions are spun as being some massive success.
All corporate news is lies but the funny thing about it is they all lie one way, for the benefit of the State. Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet.
View attachment 780952
boy, are you a dreamer ... is any of them being sued ??? that would be a big fat NO!!!!!! but your heroes at fox noise just got sued and has 2 more or three maybe coming at them for lying... nobody at MSNBC doesn 't have any of the people being sued
boy, are you a dreamer ... is any of them being sued ??? that would be a big fat NO!!!!!! but your heroes at fox noise just got sued and has 2 more or three maybe coming at them for lying... nobody at MSNBC doesn 't have any of the people being sued
I see you're stuck in the two party matrix, and can’t get out. I’m not a con or R, you fool.

You are terribly naive if you don't know the msm is really state run media on the level of Pravda in the old USSR.

Sued? LMFAO.
boy, are you a dreamer ... is any of them being sued ??? that would be a big fat NO!!!!!! but your heroes at fox noise just got sued and has 2 more or three maybe coming at them for lying... nobody at MSNBC doesn 't have any of the people being sued
gipper self-identifies as a "Libertarian/Anarchist"
In other words, a proud, hopelessly ambiguous and self-conflicted mess:
A stance equivalent to publicly proclaiming fresh poop messy and stinky.
boy, are you a dreamer ... is any of them being sued ??? that would be a big fat NO!!!!!! but your heroes at fox noise just got sued and has 2 more or three maybe coming at them for lying... nobody at MSNBC doesn 't have any of the people being sued

Why even bother at this point? Look what they are doing to Assange. . . :rolleyes:

You can't fight city hall. Civil rights and civil liberties are now dead. Even if you use something that was acquired illegally, like the Pentagon Papers? Now? That makes the press complicit, and any journalist that isn't in bed with that State, a criminal.

Yeah, folks have tried to sue, and they lose.

Project Veritas loses journalistic and attorney-client privilege claims in Ashley Biden case​


. . . but? It matters no longer. We now know, Biden took showers, and inappropriately sexualized his young daughter. Only partisans are in denial of this now. They only thing they can do at this point? Deflect to Trump and his daughter, as if any of us give a damn about that demagogue. We are led by psychopaths. . . .

And these tools, only care about destroying the Bill of Rights for the oligarchy they represent. They don't give a damn about any of us. . . .


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