we lived in a world that these facts will mena nothing to some


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007

It a very sad state when we can prove Bush knew what a mess this would be and still did this to gain the oil companies revenues on the backs of Dead American Heros and that some of you will still back this.
Months before the invasion of Iraq, U.S. intelligence agencies predicted that it would be likely to spark violent sectarian divides and provide al-Qaeda with new opportunities in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a report released yesterday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Analysts warned that war in Iraq also could provoke Iran to assert its regional influence and "probably would result in a surge of political Islam and increased funding for terrorist groups" in the Muslim world.

The intelligence assessments, made in January 2003 and widely circulated within the Bush administration before the war, said that establishing democracy in Iraq would be "a long, difficult and probably turbulent challenge." The assessments noted that Iraqi political culture was "largely bereft of the social underpinnings" to support democratic development.
Months before the invasion of Iraq, U.S. intelligence agencies predicted that it would be likely to spark violent sectarian divides and provide al-Qaeda with new opportunities in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a report released yesterday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Analysts warned that war in Iraq also could provoke Iran to assert its regional influence and "probably would result in a surge of political Islam and increased funding for terrorist groups" in the Muslim world.

The intelligence assessments, made in January 2003 and widely circulated within the Bush administration before the war, said that establishing democracy in Iraq would be "a long, difficult and probably turbulent challenge." The assessments noted that Iraqi political culture was "largely bereft of the social underpinnings" to support democratic development.

So tell me why is it we are spilling the blood of our bravest in Iraq?
For National Security. I realize thats a foreign thought to you but that is why we went and why we can not just leave.

Even if ( and I don't agree) we shouldn't have gone.... that no longer matters and hasn't since we sent the troops. We have to stay until Iraq can handle her own security. We have to stay for NATIONAL Security.
For National Security. I realize thats a foreign thought to you but that is why we went and why we can not just leave.

Even if ( and I don't agree) we shouldn't have gone.... that no longer matters and hasn't since we sent the troops. We have to stay until Iraq can handle her own security. We have to stay for NATIONAL Security.

Nothing in Iraq affects our national security except for our continued occupation of that country... which impacts it negatively.
Nothing in Iraq affects our national security except for our continued occupation of that country... which impacts it negatively.

You and the people that think like you are sadly either unable to grasp reality or are just, well, challenged when it comes to reality.
You and the people that think like you are sadly either unable to grasp reality or are just, well, challenged when it comes to reality.

Who are the people "like me" (given that you don't know how I think except that I don't support Bush's war of aggression)? Other than the majority of us in this country who think Bush so incompetently handled his war of adventure?
Who are the people "like me" (given that you don't know how I think except that I don't support Bush's war of aggression)? Other than the majority of us in this country who think Bush so incompetently handled his war of adventure?

Anyone that can not grasp that Iraq in chaos or controlled by terrorists or our enemies is a direct threat to us and our allies, thats who people " like me" are.
Anyone that can not grasp that Iraq in chaos or controlled by terrorists or our enemies is a direct threat to us and our allies, thats who people " like me" are.

Well, it wasn't controlled by terrorists before Bush started blowing up stuff there, was it?

And who are the terrorists? Who are the people who simply want us out and are fighting for their autonomy?

You think if another country invaded the U.S. because they didn't like our president, you wouldn't be fighting them?

And I figure that if people "like" you don't see that our service people are being ill-used, then they have bought bush's bubbameitzers hook, line and sinker.

Luckily, there are more of me than you. Unfortunately, Bush holds the veto pen and we don't have enough seats... yet... to be veto proof.
Well, it wasn't controlled by terrorists before Bush started blowing up stuff there, was it?

And who are the terrorists? Who are the people who simply want us out and are fighting for their autonomy?

You think if another country invaded the U.S. because they didn't like our president, you wouldn't be fighting them?

And I figure that if people "like" you don't see that our service people are being ill-used, then they have bought bush's bubbameitzers hook, line and sinker.

Luckily, there are more of me than you. Unfortunately, Bush holds the veto pen and we don't have enough seats... yet... to be veto proof.

What a joke.. Tell me, what happens when no oil comes out of Iraq? What happens when Kuwait , all the small Oil countries along that gulf and Saudia Arabia are threatened and unable to defend themselves? What happens when all that oil in those countries is potentially controlled by people that hate the US and Europe?
What a joke.. Tell me, what happens when no oil comes out of Iraq? What happens when Kuwait , all the small Oil countries along that gulf and Saudia Arabia are threatened and unable to defend themselves? What happens when all that oil in those countries is potentially controlled by people that hate the US and Europe?

But....but....but.... y'all keep saying it's NOT about oil.

How bout we end our dependence on mid-east oil and enriching people who send that money to terrorists? Now THAT is an anti-terrorist measure I think we can all get behind.
But....but....but.... y'all keep saying it's NOT about oil.

How bout we end our dependence on mid-east oil and enriching people who send that money to terrorists? Now THAT is an anti-terrorist measure I think we can all get behind.

Your ignorance is astounding.

We didn't go to Iraq for oil, BUT we can not leave BECAUSE of it. That is called A National Interest and a national Security Interest at that.

We get very little of our oil from Iraq and I don't think we get a lot from the Middle East either. BUT our allies do. The people we trade with and support DO. The world economy DOES.

We could start building Nuclear power plants....ohh wait, no we can't because of Liberals and evironmental whack jobs. And last I checked we still don't have Cold Fusion either.

Assuming we wised up and built Nuclear plants it would take 10 to 20 years and billions of dollars even if we were serious before we could significantly cut oil consumption. And that doesn't help the rest of the world or our allies, now does it?
Your ignorance is astounding.

We didn't go to Iraq for oil, BUT we can not leave BECAUSE of it. That is called A National Interest and a national Security Interest at that.

We get very little of our oil from Iraq and I don't think we get a lot from the Middle East either. BUT our allies do. The people we trade with and support DO. The world economy DOES.

We could start building Nuclear power plants....ohh wait, no we can't because of Liberals and evironmental whack jobs. And last I checked we still don't have Cold Fusion either.

Assuming we wised up and built Nuclear plants it would take 10 to 20 years and billions of dollars even if we were serious before we could significantly cut oil consumption. And that doesn't help the rest of the world or our allies, now does it?

My ignorance? Disagree with me all you want, but I'm far from ignorant, dearie. Having problems keeping up with me? That's your problem, not mine.

Again, you use the extremes to try to define me. Bad mistake. Again, I don't believe in extremes. I think all of you extremists are off base... left and right.

As for nuclear energy, my neighbor who used to live in Chernobyl just lost his larnyx to throat cancer. So you were saying..... ?

How about starting with energy efficiency? Raising CAFE standards? China has better environmental regs than we do, which is pathetic. We can't even export our autos to them because they don't meet their exhaust emissions standards. How sad is THAT?
More ignorance on a specific issue.... You are aware of course that Chernobyl was a VERY bad design with few actual safe guards... be so kind as to cite even on similiar accident in the US or the west. On top of that designs get safer and safer as time passes.
You and the people that think like you are sadly either unable to grasp reality or are just, well, challenged when it comes to reality.

Well, if you have such a firm grasp of reality, perhaps you could explain your position and set aside the empty insults for a moment.
September 25, 2006 at 12:30 p.m.
US intelligence report: Iraq war breeding more terrorists
White House 'strongly disagrees' with spy agencies' assessment.
By Tom Regan | csmonitor.com

A classified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) contends that the war in Iraq has increased Islamic radicalism, and has made the terror threat around the world worse. Based on information from US government officials who had seen the document and spoke on condition of anyonymity, The New York Times reports that the NIE document, titled "Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States," says the war plays a much more direct role in the spread of Islamic radicalism around the world than has previously been indicated by the White House, or in a recent report by the US House intelligence committee.

The intelligence estimate, completed in April, is the first formal appraisal of global terrorism by US intelligence agencies since the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, and it represents a consensus view of the 16 different spy services inside government. The estimate asserts that Islamic radicalism, rather than being in retreat, has metastasized and spread around the globe.

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