We may need new political parties

Perhaps but in 1789 you had wealthy landowner males ONLY in politics and they could finance themselves. We have dark money infused in our elections now from Soros types who's main goal is to put his people in every position he can to rig the system for democrats. The Koch brothers aren't shit compared to the money dems get from corporations and Soros elites.

And yes things like Citizens United have made it worse. Corporations are not people. When government and corporations merge the result is Italian Fascism aka corporatism which is what we are living through now
RFK Jr.'s speech about corporate capture happened in Boston yesterday. If Trump has flipped CIA or was already flipped before 2016 (a CIA puppet is now in the WH), then Nathan Hale links the chron back to 1776 for intelligence gathering, and to 2023 for Pentagon-leaker in dem-controlled media dramatizations.
Most of the time you see a post about promoting a a 3rd party or an alternate party, it's from a democrat who hates Biden but can't get up the fortitude to join republicans. Third parties are all around. You can join CUSA or the Greenies or even a Pot Party that doesn't have an agenda. Stop bothering us with this drivel
If you think the DC Swamp corrupt backlash against Trump was bad, if ever a 3rd party candidate wins the White House all hell will break loose.

with a few exceptions most of so called establishment leadership of BOTH parties need to be flushed down the toilet.

With Proportional Representation there'd be at least SIX viable political parties. The Reps and Dems would lose their unlimited power to stay in office....

I'm reading a Miles Vorkosigan book, by the writer Lois McMaster Bujold, and I took a photo of this sentence from her book:
""Let me tell you, young man - the dirty little secret of democracy is that just because you get to voter, doesn't mean you get your choice"

In fact in the US, just because you get to vote, doesn't mean your choice is a viable choice. So you'll vote negatively against one of the two main parties.
Good Luck getting new parties. After Ross Perot the Uniparty has made it extremely difficult for any other parties to get attention.

We should give equal treatment to every candidate and party that wants to run. Let the best ideas win not who has the most powerful backers and deepest pockets
Thanks to the conservatives on SCOTUS....money=speech. How's that working out of ya?

with a few exceptions most of so called establishment leadership of BOTH parties need to be flushed down the toilet.

But adding parties won't help, since that just splinters the vote more.
We need to eliminate party influence, by requiring open elections and no primaries at all.
If you rank the candidates, then there is no need for a run off, ever.

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