WE must chop the forest down to save the planet

I made the claim there are zero offshore wind farms on the coast of massachusetts. In reply, unwittingly crick posted this and seems to be demanding I comment on this;
I have made no demand on you for squat, dude. I simply commented that you had not yet done so. And you seemed to be treating Block Island as part of offshore Massachusetts but I will let that slide.
Crick, "intends", means that they, in the future, have plans to build. In no way shape or form does intend mean, that there are offshore wind turbines.
I fully understood what that text meant. My first response was solely to the graphic that Abu posted. I agree that, at present, there appear to be no wind turbines off the Massachusetts shore but offshore wind is new stuff almost everywhere in the US. You, however, have to agree that within a relatively short period, there will be quite a number of them. I see ten different fields already established and leased. I think that within two or three years, Massachusetts will be an offshore wind powerhouse. Woo-woo. Aren't you the lucky one: emission-free power with which to charge your EVs. You will be the envy of the entire forum.
I have made no demand on you for squat, dude. I simply commented that you had not yet done so. And you seemed to be treating Block Island as part of offshore Massachusetts but I will let that slide.

I fully understood what that text meant. My first response was solely to the graphic that Abu posted. I agree that, at present, there appear to be no wind turbines off the Massachusetts shore but offshore wind is new stuff almost everywhere in the US. You, however, have to agree that within a relatively short period, there will be quite a number of them. I see ten different fields already established and leased. I think that within two or three years, Massachusetts will be an offshore wind powerhouse. Woo-woo. Aren't you the lucky one: emission-free power with which to charge your EVs. You will be the envy of the entire forum.
Bullshit, they are nit emission free. The cement alone will release millions of tons of pollution in the air.

At least a 1000 tons of cement per wind turbine. This will drive up the price of building houses and apartment buildings.

Yes, the rich politicians have won. You get to destroy the ocean and give us almost no emectricity in return.

I see you hate being wrong. Claiming there is offshore wind where thete is none is pretty stupid.

Demanding I comment on your post, and provong you wrong with your post shows you have no idea what you support.

Only fools want inefficient expensive wind turbines that are proven failures.

Once welcome with open arms, wind turbines are falling out of favor over much of Germany since swaths of treasured forests have been cleared away to make way for massive industrial wind parks.
Can we stop the kinder madness. Big Green energy is not your friend and you arent saving the planet
Not many realise the number of rare earth minerals that are needed to make a wind turbine. The costs of manufacture, transportation to the location, erection and maintenance outweigh the number of kilowatts (kW) produced and the revenue generated over the 20-25 year lifespan of each wind turbine. Not to forget to mention, most locations require the removal of a lot of trees if you give a shit about stuff like that. Not all green energy is healthy for the environment.
Not many realise the number of rare earth minerals that are needed to make a wind turbine. The costs of manufacture, transportation to the location, erection and maintenance outweigh the number of kilowatts (kW) produced and the revenue generated over the 20-25 year lifespan of each wind turbine. Not to forget to mention, most locations require the removal of a lot of trees if you give a shit about stuff like that. Not all green energy is healthy for the environment.
Most chip devices use rare earth metals, including TVs.
Funny how the poorest states can afford Wind now and are going gangbusters for it.

Our plains/plains states and Offshore are wide open, and most of Wind turbines are heavily in Farmer's fields where they get from $4000-$10,000 per turbine.
Farmers and Ranchers love it!

Renewable energy​

Oklahoma generated 45% of its total electricity from renewable resources in 2021.

Oklahoma generated 45% of its total in-state electricity from renewable resources in 2021, an increase from about 10% in 2011. About 91% of the state's renewable generation came from Wind energy, but other renewable energy resources contributed to in-state generation, including hydropower and, to a lesser extent, biomass and solar energy.85

In 2021, wind energy accounted for 41% of Oklahoma's total in-state electricity net generation, a larger share than in all but three other states—Iowa, South Dakota, and Kansas.86 megawatts of wind capacity, which was 85% of Oklahoma's total generating capacity from all renewable resources.
Most chip devices use rare earth metals, including TVs.
Funny how the poorest states can afford Wind now and are going gangbusters for it.

Our plains/plains states and Offshore are wide open, and most of Wind turbines are heavily in Farmer's fields where they get from $4000-$10,000 per turbine.
Farmers and Ranchers love it!

Renewable energy​

Oklahoma generated 45% of its total electricity from renewable resources in 2021.

Oklahoma generated 45% of its total in-state electricity from renewable resources in 2021, an increase from about 10% in 2011. About 91% of the state's renewable generation came from Wind energy, but other renewable energy resources contributed to in-state generation, including hydropower and, to a lesser extent, biomass and solar energy.85

In 2021, wind energy accounted for 41% of Oklahoma's total in-state electricity net generation, a larger share than in all but three other states—Iowa, South Dakota, and Kansas.86 megawatts of wind capacity, which was 85% of Oklahoma's total generating capacity from all renewable resources.
Check this out.
Wind Turbine Cost: Worth The Million-Dollar Price In 2022?
From the numbers there, it looks to me like a single 4 MW wind turbine, after initial cost of $5.2 million split over 20 years and $45k/yr O&M, would clear $50,000/year.
It would appear to be that.


If you have a wind farm that powers 5000 homes, it's summer and everyone has their a/c on the load and demand is high for electricity, but there is no wind, does everyone get to suffer in their jocks and melt?

Wind turbine power generation should be a supplemental form of power generation and not the primary source. As it has a variable (wind) that if it's not present, no power.
If you have a wind farm that powers 5000 homes, it's summer and everyone has their a/c on the load and demand is high for electricity, but there is no wind, does everyone get to suffer in their jocks and melt?

Wind turbine power generation should be a supplemental form of power generation and not the primary source. As it has a variable (wind) that if it's not present, no power.
I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that the people who build and operate utility power systems already know that.
I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that the people who build and operate utility power systems already know that.
But do the consumers know it? Not that many.

Also regarding the OP, what are the two main sources that convert CO2 back into oxygen? Trees/plants and plankton. Remove the trees, you increase the CO2. But you'll have a shit tin of power.
But do the consumers know it? Not that many.

Also regarding the OP, what are the two main sources that convert CO2 back into oxygen? Trees/plants and plankton. Remove the trees, you increase the CO2. But you'll have a shit tin of power.
I suspect that shit tin of power is the one and only consideration for the folk we're talking with.
If you have a wind farm that powers 5000 homes, it's summer and everyone has their a/c on the load and demand is high for electricity, but there is no wind, does everyone get to suffer in their jocks and melt?

Wind turbine power generation should be a supplemental form of power generation and not the primary source. As it has a variable (wind) that if it's not present, no power.
Everything feeds into a common grid. Fossil fuel generation takes over when solar and wind can't keep up with demand (California being the possible exception).
If you have a wind farm that powers 5000 homes, it's summer and everyone has their a/c on the load and demand is high for electricity, but there is no wind, does everyone get to suffer in their jocks and melt?

Wind turbine power generation should be a supplemental form of power generation and not the primary source. As it has a variable (wind) that if it's not present, no power.
Inefficient and expensive is wind power.

How can inefficient possibly be a solution in the 21st century.
Another Stupid OP!

And they're not cutting down here you IDIOT.
Our plains/plains states and Offshore are wide open, and most of Wind turbines are heavily in Farmer's fields where they get from $4000-$10,000 per turbine.
Farmers and Ranchers love it!

Renewable energy

Oklahoma generated 45% of its total electricity from renewable resources in 2021.

Oklahoma generated 45% of its total in-state electricity from renewable resources in 2021, an increase from about 10% in 2011. About 91% of the state's renewable generation came from Wind energy, but other renewable energy resources contributed to in-state generation, including hydropower and, to a lesser extent, biomass and solar energy.85

In 2021, wind energy accounted for 41% of Oklahoma's total in-state electricity net generation, a larger share than in all but three other states—Iowa, South Dakota, and Kansas.86 megawatts of wind capacity, which was 85% of Oklahoma's total generating capacity from all renewable resources.

Not every state is in the 'tornado belt'.

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