We must repeal the 16th Amendment.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

We got by without the 16th Amendment for over 125 years of our country's history until a bunch whiny socialists came along. Woodrow Wilson finally signed it into law in 1913.

Take a look at this and compare it to where we have gotten today.

"In order to fund the Civil War, the Revenue Act of 1862 imposed a 3% tax on the incomes of citizens earning more than $600 per year, and 5% on those making over $10,000. After the law was allowed to expire in 1872, the federal government depended on tariffs and excise taxes for most of its revenue."

The 16th Amendment: Establishing Federal Income Tax

That's right, two tax brackets were introduced to finance an extremely expensive Civil War, 3% and 5%. They were then allowed to expire in 1872. Then, "progressives" came along and started pushing us towards a slippery slope of shit for brains socialists wanting to tax the most productive citizens at 90%.

We should only tax goods that are consumed, not income from our labor. Tax the consumer, not the producer.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.
When a spendthrift is out of control, you cut them off. Maybe next time the fed gov will exercise control (there will be no next time).

Repealing the 16th ends both the Federal Reserve and its collection wing, the IRS.

We need to repeal the entire year of 1913.

1913 gave us the 16th Amendment (which they lacked authority to do) it gave us the Federal Reserve and, again, its collection wing, the IRS.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.
When a spendthrift is out of control, you cut them off. Maybe next time the fed gov will exercise control (there will be no next time).


but they will just keep spending even if you give them less and less.

as long as incumbents have a 95% reelection rate, they will spend till the cows come home.

every time the voters send someone back to DC they are saying "keep up that spending, we are not going to hold you accountable".

but the sad reality is that we are stuck in a self made duopoly with two parites that are both fiscal socialist and both believe deficit spending no matter what is going on.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.
When a spendthrift is out of control, you cut them off. Maybe next time the fed gov will exercise control (there will be no next time).


but they will just keep spending even if you give them less and less.

as long as incumbents have a 95% reelection rate, they will spend till the cows come home.

every time the voters send someone back to DC they are saying "keep up that spending, we are not going to hold you accountable".

but the sad reality is that we are stuck in a self made duopoly with two parites that are both fiscal socialist and both believe deficit spending no matter what is going on.

That ties into allowing deficit spending. The government should not be allowed to borrow money. They should only be able to spend revenue from the consumption tax that has already been collected.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.

Any money they collect would have to be from consumption tax and they should only be able to spend what they have already collected. The worst president in our history, FDR, was the most responsible for starting the country down the horrible path of deficit spending with his pathetic "New Deal". He tried to spend his way out of the Great Depression and failed miserably. World War II is what got us out of the Great Depression and saved Roosevelt's reputation.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.
That is because the Federal Reserve Act opened the highway to the Federal Income Tax. That tax was supposed to be for people who made a lot of money when started. Today there are thousands of taxes, fees and fines in all ways that takes from the citizen. Every time a tax is approved across the board like say a local sales tax increase it affects the working class much more. A gas tax increase is the same as just one example out of many more.
Yes, let's repeal the federal government's key means of generating tax revenue. Because we all know that Congress proven time and time again that they won't spend money if they can't first raise the revenue.
When a spendthrift is out of control, you cut them off. Maybe next time the fed gov will exercise control (there will be no next time).


but they will just keep spending even if you give them less and less.

as long as incumbents have a 95% reelection rate, they will spend till the cows come home.

every time the voters send someone back to DC they are saying "keep up that spending, we are not going to hold you accountable".

but the sad reality is that we are stuck in a self made duopoly with two parites that are both fiscal socialist and both believe deficit spending no matter what is going on.

That ties into allowing deficit spending. The government should not be allowed to borrow money. They should only be able to spend revenue from the consumption tax that has already been collected.

I agree 100%, except for in a time of emergency. But that will never happen because people keep reelecting incumbents at a 95% clip.
"should do this.....should do that"...

A lot of good suggestions.......

But talk is cheap.....
I want to know when are "We The People" actually gonna get off our collective lazy apathetic arses and DO something about it?

Oh wait.....the new fortenight is out......and they just released that new movie I wanna see.....and wait...the latest iPhone is due out tomorrow...... :rolleyes:

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