We must restore constitutional government

“We must restore constitutional government”

Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right.

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.

The Federal government is functioning as intended by the Founding Generation: a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

A Federal government afforded by the Constitution powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

A Federal government whose laws are supreme, where the Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, as authorized by the doctrine of Judicial Review and Articles III and VI of the Constitution, and where rulings by the Supreme Court become the law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, who have no ‘right’ to ‘nullify’ or ‘ignore’ Federal law or the rulings of Federal courts (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

That conservatives, libertarians, and members of the TPM disagree with Supreme Court decisions because those rulings might conflict with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma is of no consequence and devoid of merit.

The Founders would be shocked and appauled at what the Federal government does today. They wouldn't recognize the country as one supposedly run by their principles. Imagine the Federal government sending checks of other people's money to people, they couldn't conceve that is their document
“We must restore constitutional government”

Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right.

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.

The Federal government is functioning as intended by the Founding Generation: a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

A Federal government afforded by the Constitution powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

A Federal government whose laws are supreme, where the Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, as authorized by the doctrine of Judicial Review and Articles III and VI of the Constitution, and where rulings by the Supreme Court become the law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, who have no ‘right’ to ‘nullify’ or ‘ignore’ Federal law or the rulings of Federal courts (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

That conservatives, libertarians, and members of the TPM disagree with Supreme Court decisions because those rulings might conflict with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma is of no consequence and devoid of merit.

The Founders would be shocked and appauled at what the Federal government does today. They wouldn't recognize the country as one supposedly run by their principles. Imagine the Federal government sending checks of other people's money to people, they couldn't conceve that is their document

They would line up half our leadership and have them shot. The Democrat half, mostly.
I love how left-wing legislators believe that as long as they convince people to vote on something, that magically makes it "legal" and ok.
But in his first inaugural address, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called for constitutional change. He claimed the Great Depression should be treated as an “emergency of war,” requiring a “temporary departure from the normal balance of public procedure.”
Typcial of the left-wing facists (especially this one). Everything is an "emergency" requires "more power". But it gets worse...
But it wasn’t until Roosevelt died and President Harry Truman came to power that the government adopted a more systematic and codified framework that set the ground rules for America’s burgeoning administrative state. The cornerstone of this framework was the Administrative Procedures Act.

Under the Administrative Procedures Act, Congress could delegate broad lawmaking powers to executive branch agencies.

That is an outrageous violation of the U.S. Constitution. Legislation is completely and totally irrelevant in this case. The only way to change the structure of power outlined in the U.S. Constitution is to legally amend the U.S. Constitution. This is as idiotic as passing legislation eliminating the Supreme Court. Congress cannot do that. It doesn't work that way.

Thankfully the Republicans are in charge of everything now. Let's hope they do the right thing and start restoring constitutional government.

Trump’s Historic Chance to Dismantle the Administrative State
People have been complaining about Constitutional government since the second president of the United States made it illegal to criticize presidents and other government officials. One thing is certain, however, we will continue the complaining.
People have been complaining about Constitutional government since the second president of the United States made it illegal to criticize presidents and other government officials. One thing is certain, however, we will continue the complaining.
If we would just obey the it - there wouldn't be any complaining.
Asshole, we already have constitutional government.

The federal government can and must invest and govern the lands of this country! Unlike Trumps war on the media and the first amendment it is completely constitutional.

Goddamn you idiots are stupid...Please do me a favor and play in high way...Please.
People have been complaining about Constitutional government since the second president of the United States made it illegal to criticize presidents and other government officials. One thing is certain, however, we will continue the complaining.

Our constitution is extremely broad...That is the main part of it as it can move with the times.
Asshole, we already have constitutional government.
Asshole....no....we don't. The examples are endless. One of hundreds of thousands is Obamacare mandating that citizens purchase health insurance. There is no constitutional power to force citizens to purchase a good or service.
The federal government can and must invest and govern the lands of this country!
The federal government has absolutely no authority to "invest" in anything you nitwit. No governing is constitutionally left to the states (outside of the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them by the states). Which is why states have Governors, you nitwit, and the federal government doesn't.
Goddamn you idiots are stupid...Please do me a favor and play in high way...Please.
Says the nitwit who has never read the U.S. Constitution (or probably anything else for that matter).

By the way my friend - you need to get help for your alcoholism. At night time, your posts get more belligerent and less lucid. Those are sure signs of alcoholism.
Our constitution is extremely broad...
It's three pages you nitwit. There is nothing "broad" about it. :laugh:
That is the main part of it as it can move with the times.
No, really, it can't. It can't move at all. Any more than a speed limit can move or a law about rape can move. In all cases with law - only a legal act of legislation can alter an existing law. In the case of the U.S. Constitution, that would be an amendment.

Ask an adult to explain it to you.
A big step towards restoring the U.S. Constitution...
President Trump on Wednesday ordered U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to study how the federal government has supported "top-down mandates" that rob autonomy from state and local education authorities, taking aim at Obama-era regulations that Republicans have long sought to eliminate.

In an executive order, Trump granted DeVos authority to get rid of K-12 education regulations that don't comport with federal law. A top U.S. Education Department official admitted, however, that DeVos already has this authority.
Trump orders DeVos to get rid of 'overreaching mandates' in schools
A big step towards restoring the U.S. Constitution...
President Trump on Wednesday ordered U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to study how the federal government has supported "top-down mandates" that rob autonomy from state and local education authorities, taking aim at Obama-era regulations that Republicans have long sought to eliminate.

In an executive order, Trump granted DeVos authority to get rid of K-12 education regulations that don't comport with federal law. A top U.S. Education Department official admitted, however, that DeVos already has this authority.
Trump orders DeVos to get rid of 'overreaching mandates' in schools
I kept my daughter home today because of the retarded civil war model that they TAKE THE KIDS OUT OF THEIR OTHER CLASSES to participate in.

They sneaked the Immigration Day one by on me..I didn't find out until after the fact. It was a *model* on election day that taught the kids how evil it is to vet immigrants. It's RACIST! And in case you didn't fully understand that, they *assigned* biases to the kids, so the could internalize what it's like to be a racist.

Today it's the CIVIL WAR day thing. They take the kids out of their classes to impress upon them that it's RACIST! to maintain that the feds have no constitutional authority over the states except as pertains to national security and safety.

While totally ignoring the fact that for a hundred years CHRISTIANS had been lobbying for the end of slavery and the feds didn't give a shit.

The feds didn't give a shit until COTTON and TOBACCO and SUGAR became huge.

Anyway, I am sure the series is part of a federal grant that our school has latched onto and which has been inserted in the slots where history and geography used to be.
Asshole, we already have constitutional government.

The federal government can and must invest and govern the lands of this country! Unlike Trumps war on the media and the first amendment it is completely constitutional.

Goddamn you idiots are stupid...Please do me a favor and play in high way...Please.

Great Matthew! I'm confident if we can agree on THIS we can SUCCEED!
Wonderful, if we can get BOTH major parties and media to police and correct themselves as much as they preach and protest the violations and abuses of opponents, we d have it made!!

How do we help all parties to check balance and correct the grievances being put forth left and right? Lots of yelling back and forth, lots of pots and kettles calling each other out. But where is the work to Correct these abuses? And pay back Taxpayers who've been accruing the costs and debts while these wrongs get dumped on us to pay for???

Did you get my other post, about how Democrats are equally guilty of pushing Beliefs through govt and punishing people for not complying where said policies Violate citizens beliefs . that's not Constitutional either, to abuse govt to discriminate and regulate by CREED. But Democrats have done this including Obama and Pelosi, enforcing laws that violate Constitutional beliefs and rights of citizens our laws are supposed to include protect and respect Equally.

We can fix this. I'm with you, Matthew, as a progressive Green Democrat who believes in Constitutional equal inclusion of beliefs and consensus on policies that respects consent of the governed in all areas of law - by organizing people and resources by party to either collaborate by free choice or agree to separate funding and programs instead of imposing on each other. Www.ethics-commission.net
Asshole, we already have constitutional government.
Asshole....no....we don't. The examples are endless. One of hundreds of thousands is Obamacare mandating that citizens purchase health insurance. There is no constitutional power to force citizens to purchase a good or service.
The cops have no problem invalidating the 4th amendment with their greed..

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