We must restore constitutional government

They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.
So what programs has Trump created to help clean up these areas of American sloth?
They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.
So what programs has Trump created to help clean up these areas of American sloth?

Who says we need government to create programs to fix pieces of shit?

Parents are responsible for their offspring. Also, people are responsible for themselves. Look at you, looking to government to fix your personal problems..It does not work like that, no sir!

Ask me how I know you're a leftist dork. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am so sorry you did not grow up free like I did and they have ruined your mind. There ought to be a law against that. :blowup:

I guarantee you have no clue as to what Constitutional even is. You may have an idea as to what Institutional is.
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They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.
So what programs has Trump created to help clean up these areas of American sloth?

Who says we need government to create programs to fix pieces of shit?

Parents are responsible for their offspring. Also, people are responsible for themselves. Look at you, looking to government to fix your personal problems..It does not work like that, no sir!

Ask me how I know you're a leftist dork. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am so sorry you did not grow up free like I did and they have ruined your mind. There ought to be a law against that. :blowup:

I guarantee you have no clue as to what Constitutional even is. You may have an idea as to what Institutional is.
Can you name one president that has helped clean up slums and make America a better place to live? Could you name ten? Has Trump done anything? Has any Republican president?
They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.
So what programs has Trump created to help clean up these areas of American sloth?

Who says we need government to create programs to fix pieces of shit?

Parents are responsible for their offspring. Also, people are responsible for themselves. Look at you, looking to government to fix your personal problems..It does not work like that, no sir!

Ask me how I know you're a leftist dork. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am so sorry you did not grow up free like I did and they have ruined your mind. There ought to be a law against that. :blowup:

I guarantee you have no clue as to what Constitutional even is. You may have an idea as to what Institutional is.
Can you name one president that has helped clean up slums and make America a better place to live? Could you name ten? Has Trump done anything? Has any Republican president?

Aren't slums state/city responsibilities?

Trump has done much for the good of the country, but I seriously doubt your TDS will let you ever recognize that

I think we'll have to open Mental Hospitals for the TDS-afflicted come 2020.
Really 3/4 of the other Mental patients should be cared for 1st, but then there's teh TDS-afflicted.
They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.
So what programs has Trump created to help clean up these areas of American sloth?

Who says we need government to create programs to fix pieces of shit?

Parents are responsible for their offspring. Also, people are responsible for themselves. Look at you, looking to government to fix your personal problems..It does not work like that, no sir!

Ask me how I know you're a leftist dork. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am so sorry you did not grow up free like I did and they have ruined your mind. There ought to be a law against that. :blowup:

I guarantee you have no clue as to what Constitutional even is. You may have an idea as to what Institutional is.
Can you name one president that has helped clean up slums and make America a better place to live? Could you name ten? Has Trump done anything? Has any Republican president?

Aren't slums state/city responsibilities?

Trump has done much for the good of the country, but I seriously doubt your TDS will let you ever recognize that

I think we'll have to open Mental Hospitals for the TDS-afflicted come 2020.
Really 3/4 of the other Mental patients should be cared for 1st, but then there's teh TDS-afflicted.
equal protection of the law is also a State responsibility.
One of our recent Democrat presidents did this for America:
He had the Grand Coulee Dam built
Built the Tribourough Bridge
Built the LaGuardia airport
Built 41,300 schools
Built 124,000 bridges
Built 8000 parks
Built TVA
built 18,000 playgrounds
Built125,000 public buildings
Had 69,000 highway light poles installed
10,000 miles of runways
One of our recent Democrat presidents did this for America:
He had the Grand Coulee Dam built
Built the Tribourough Bridge
Built the LaGuardia airport
Built 41,300 schools
Built 124,000 bridges
Built 8000 parks
Built TVA
built 18,000 playgrounds
Built125,000 public buildings
Had 69,000 highway light poles installed
10,000 miles of runways
if 30's is considered recent, sure.

but what would said president think of giving everything away today when at that time he made people work for their $?
One of our recent Democrat presidents did this for America:
He had the Grand Coulee Dam built
Built the Tribourough Bridge
Built the LaGuardia airport
Built 41,300 schools
Built 124,000 bridges
Built 8000 parks
Built TVA
built 18,000 playgrounds
Built125,000 public buildings
Had 69,000 highway light poles installed
10,000 miles of runways
if 30's is considered recent, sure.

but what would said president think of giving everything away today when at that time he made people work for their $?
FDR believed having a job and working was one of the most one of the most parts in combatting the Great Depression.
FDR believed having a job and working was one of the most one of the most parts in combatting the Great Depression.
FDR also believed in abusing power, violating the U.S. Constitution, lying to the American people, and that there was absolutely no place in government for unions.
we should have underground maglev in a vacuum environment like our federal freeway system.
We should? Says who? Where is that written?

What we actually should have is a constitutional government in which the federal government expressly restricts themselves to their express 18 enumerated powers - of which, transportation is expressly not one of them.

You're an express fuck'n moron who should read the express damn document before commenting. Express idiot.
we should have underground maglev in a vacuum environment like our federal freeway system.
We should? Says who? Where is that written?

What we actually should have is a constitutional government in which the federal government expressly restricts themselves to their express 18 enumerated powers - of which, transportation is expressly not one of them.

You're an express fuck'n moron who should read the express damn document before commenting. Express idiot.
Article I, Section 8, which states that “Congress shall have Power to…establish Post Offices and Post Roads.”

However, this has been corrupted by the influence of our automobile industry, resulting in our interstate highway system. Should have been funded at state level, so we could have better public transport instead.
only illegals don't care about express Constitutional law.
Well clearly you're an express illegal because you don't give an express shit about the U.S. Constitution. You're even too express lazy to even express read it.
You are more "illegal than me, Mr. Caucasian." We know where the mountains of the True caucasians are. And, they are not on the continent of the True Americans.
This former Marine - who served his nation honorably to defend the U.S. Constitution - has had his constitutional rights trampled. I would say the people of Oregon need to forcefully remove their state legislatures and governor and restore constitutional government in that state.

Former Marine had firearms seized under Oregon's 'red flag' law over anti-Antifa comments
Dumbass screamed "Fire" (on fellow citizens) in a crowded theater. MEH. That was about as bright as PIckett's Charge... :21:


Oh, and, BTW, the Federal government probably looks unfavorably upon citizens calling for the forcible overthrow of State governments.

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