We must restore constitutional government

The left continues to piss all over the U.S. Constitution. Those radicals simply cannot accept liberty and a limitation of power.

NYC employs manipulative tactics over gun control law ahead of major SCOTUS case
You don't consider using all the tools in their toolbox to be smart?
Egregiously violating the U.S. Constitution is not a “tool”. And it’s not “smart”. It is extremely unethical and it is flat-out criminal. Not the least bit surprised by your lack of understanding about ethics.
Without crazy unfounded accusations, you wouldn't have anything to post, would you?
Without egregious lies that you make up as you go, you wouldn’t have anything to post.
Please explain what the Warren report has to do with the current political environment.
It’s self-explanatory. Both were government-issued reports resulting from government-run investigations. One revolved the assassination of a sitting U.S. president (nothing is more important). You didn’t care enough to read that...but you pretend like you’ll read the Mueller Report in its entirety. It’s ridiculous. And it’s juvenile.

The fact is, President Trump has been completely and totally exonerated by the Mueller investigation. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The left continues to piss all over the U.S. Constitution. Those radicals simply cannot accept liberty and a limitation of power.

NYC employs manipulative tactics over gun control law ahead of major SCOTUS case
You don't consider using all the tools in their toolbox to be smart?
Egregiously violating the U.S. Constitution is not a “tool”. And it’s not “smart”. It is extremely unethical and it is flat-out criminal. Not the least bit surprised by your lack of understanding about ethics.

Then you should file charges. Your understanding of the constitution is less than adequate.
Without crazy unfounded accusations, you wouldn't have anything to post, would you?
Without egregious lies that you make up as you go, you wouldn’t have anything to post.
Please explain what the Warren report has to do with the current political environment.
It’s self-explanatory. Both were government-issued reports resulting from government-run investigations. One revolved the assassination of a sitting U.S. president (nothing is more important). You didn’t care enough to read that...but you pretend like you’ll read the Mueller Report in its entirety. It’s ridiculous. And it’s juvenile.

The fact is, President Trump has been completely and totally exonerated by the Mueller investigation. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

No matter how much you want that to be true, it just isn't.
Then you should file charges. Your understanding of the constitution is less than adequate.
That’s comical coming from the snowflake demanding to read the Mueller Report but who can’t take 5 minutes to read the U.S. Constitution.
The fact is, President Trump has been completely and totally exonerated by the Mueller investigation. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
No matter how much you want that to be true, it just isn't.
Sorry snowflake...that is 100% true. In the U.S., if sufficient evidence doesn’t exist to even prosecute, one has been completely exonerated.

You just can’t accept that your fellow Americans reject you, your candidate Hitlery, and your fucked up ideology.
The left continues to piss all over the U.S. Constitution. Those radicals simply cannot accept liberty and a limitation of power.

NYC employs manipulative tactics over gun control law ahead of major SCOTUS case
Be legal to the law, right wingers.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
The people tasked with enforcing our laws are the same people violating our most important laws....

Beyond the controversial ways stingray technology works, the secrecy and deception law enforcement agencies use to cloak their use of the devices is also troubling. Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use. Instead of telling judges that they intended to use a stingray or cell site simulator, they have often mischaracterized the technology, describing it as a pen register device instead.

Hacker Lexicon: Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide

"Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use."

most police are conservatives.......

blues lives matter was a counter movement to black lives matter.....


you seem to have a problem with the unconstitutional behavior of your own buddies....

Do you REALLY want to stop conservative policemen from using unconstitutional practices against gays? blacks? liberals? democrats?

I think not......
The left continues to piss all over the U.S. Constitution. Those radicals simply cannot accept liberty and a limitation of power.

NYC employs manipulative tactics over gun control law ahead of major SCOTUS case
Be legal to the law, right wingers.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Ah yes...this old trolling cut & paste answer. Posted thousands of times. As I've pointed out to you before slick - we've been stripped of our 2nd Amendment thanks to you anti-constitutional progressives.
Do you REALLY want to stop conservative policemen from using unconstitutional practices against gays? blacks? liberals? democrats?
They don't, sparky. But if they did - I would absolutely want them to stop using "unconstitutional practices" against gays, blacks, liberals, etc.
“We must restore constitutional government”. Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right. The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.
And C_Clayton_Jones wants you to believe the United States is currently operating under constitutional government. :laugh:

Watch as Cops Detain Entire Bar, Seal Off All Exits, Force EVERYONE to Submit to Record Check
That is the kind of storm trooper behavior that Trump wants.
That is the kind of ignorant, uninformed, uneducated response that the Dumbocrats want. Congrats...the people who have destroyed the U.S. Constitution have made you their mindless minion.
That is the kind of storm trooper behavior that Trump wants.
That is the kind of ignorant, uninformed, uneducated response that the Dumbocrats want. Congrats...the people who have destroyed the U.S. Constitution have made you their mindless minion.

Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?
Our government violates the Constitution routinely at every level. Sure, a lot of what they do can be twisted into being "Constitutional" but they clearly DO violate the original intent that our founders laid out, and they do it often. It's just that over the years, those who have sought to subvert it have found ways to chip away at it, change people's minds about what things mean, convince people that it's supposed to be "flexible" and applicable to "the times". They create crises to exploit and then use fear to get the people to give up a little of their freedom voluntarily.
The founders gave us the tools we need to stop it but we loaned those tools out to the enemy and now the enemy is using them to enslave us all, little by little. And we'll never get them back.

I disagree, we will handle that shortly. :)
Our government violates the Constitution routinely at every level. Sure, a lot of what they do can be twisted into being "Constitutional" but they clearly DO violate the original intent that our founders laid out, and they do it often. It's just that over the years, those who have sought to subvert it have found ways to chip away at it, change people's minds about what things mean, convince people that it's supposed to be "flexible" and applicable to "the times". They create crises to exploit and then use fear to get the people to give up a little of their freedom voluntarily.
The founders gave us the tools we need to stop it but we loaned those tools out to the enemy and now the enemy is using them to enslave us all, little by little. And we'll never get them back.

Damn, that sounds bad. If it's really all that bad, you should go live in a cave, and eat nuts and berries. Sounds like that would be more suited for someone with your mentality and outlook.

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