We must restore constitutional government

Our government violates the Constitution routinely at every level. Sure, a lot of what they do can be twisted into being "Constitutional" but they clearly DO violate the original intent that our founders laid out, and they do it often. It's just that over the years, those who have sought to subvert it have found ways to chip away at it, change people's minds about what things mean, convince people that it's supposed to be "flexible" and applicable to "the times". They create crises to exploit and then use fear to get the people to give up a little of their freedom voluntarily.
The founders gave us the tools we need to stop it but we loaned those tools out to the enemy and now the enemy is using them to enslave us all, little by little. And we'll never get them back.

Damn, that sounds bad. If it's really all that bad, you should go live in a cave, and eat nuts and berries. Sounds like that would be more suited for someone with your mentality and outlook.
Look at your avatar and then ask yourself if I should take you seriously. No.
Our government violates the Constitution routinely at every level. Sure, a lot of what they do can be twisted into being "Constitutional" but they clearly DO violate the original intent that our founders laid out, and they do it often. It's just that over the years, those who have sought to subvert it have found ways to chip away at it, change people's minds about what things mean, convince people that it's supposed to be "flexible" and applicable to "the times". They create crises to exploit and then use fear to get the people to give up a little of their freedom voluntarily.
The founders gave us the tools we need to stop it but we loaned those tools out to the enemy and now the enemy is using them to enslave us all, little by little. And we'll never get them back.

Damn, that sounds bad. If it's really all that bad, you should go live in a cave, and eat nuts and berries. Sounds like that would be more suited for someone with your mentality and outlook.
Look at your avatar and then ask yourself if I should take you seriously. No.

What have you got against the first daughter?
Our government violates the Constitution routinely at every level. Sure, a lot of what they do can be twisted into being "Constitutional" but they clearly DO violate the original intent that our founders laid out, and they do it often. It's just that over the years, those who have sought to subvert it have found ways to chip away at it, change people's minds about what things mean, convince people that it's supposed to be "flexible" and applicable to "the times". They create crises to exploit and then use fear to get the people to give up a little of their freedom voluntarily.
The founders gave us the tools we need to stop it but we loaned those tools out to the enemy and now the enemy is using them to enslave us all, little by little. And we'll never get them back.

Damn, that sounds bad. If it's really all that bad, you should go live in a cave, and eat nuts and berries. Sounds like that would be more suited for someone with your mentality and outlook.

Actually I know someone personally with the Constitution Party
who was getting so discouraged at how out of hand and control the Federal Govt is getting,
he did express how he just wants to give up, move to Montana, live in seclusion,
and watch America implode on ourselves where this is going since it's so UNSUSTAINABLE.

This is as bad as when Cortez and others raise concern about the Environmental damage
to the planet escalating beyond repair.

It's not anything to take lightly. It is serious, on all sides, no matter what angle makes more sense to you.

We DO need to stop abuse and waste that is spiraling out of control.
We cannot afford the messes being made at taxpayers' expense.

All sides know this can't go on.
We just have different ways of expressing how impossible the situation is at hand.
Our government violates the Constitution routinely at every level. Sure, a lot of what they do can be twisted into being "Constitutional" but they clearly DO violate the original intent that our founders laid out, and they do it often. It's just that over the years, those who have sought to subvert it have found ways to chip away at it, change people's minds about what things mean, convince people that it's supposed to be "flexible" and applicable to "the times". They create crises to exploit and then use fear to get the people to give up a little of their freedom voluntarily.
The founders gave us the tools we need to stop it but we loaned those tools out to the enemy and now the enemy is using them to enslave us all, little by little. And we'll never get them back.

Damn, that sounds bad. If it's really all that bad, you should go live in a cave, and eat nuts and berries. Sounds like that would be more suited for someone with your mentality and outlook.

Actually I know someone personally with the Constitution Party
who was getting so discouraged at how out of hand and control the Federal Govt is getting,
he did express how he just wants to give up, move to Montana, live in seclusion,
and watch America implode on ourselves where this is going since it's so UNSUSTAINABLE.

This is as bad as when Cortez and others raise concern about the Environmental damage
to the planet escalating beyond repair.

It's not anything to take lightly. It is serious, on all sides, no matter what angle makes more sense to you.

We DO need to stop abuse and waste that is spiraling out of control.
We cannot afford the messes being made at taxpayers' expense.

All sides know this can't go on.
We just have different ways of expressing how impossible the situation is at hand.

Yes, we have lots of problems that need fixing. We always have, and probably always will. I just don't have the fatalistic view as some of the idiots who think the country is crumbling. They are certainly free to spout their "sky is falling" outlook all they want, but I have just as much right to tell them they are nuts and ridicule their goofy remarks. If your friend really is that concerned, perhaps he would be happier in seclusion somewhere in Montana.
Yes, we have lots of problems that need fixing. We always have, and probably always will. I just don't have the fatalistic view as some of the idiots who think the country is crumbling.
So the world isn't going to end when Trump is reelected?
I just don't have the fatalistic view as some of the idiots who think the country is crumbling.
Thanks to President Trump, not only is the U.S. not “crumbling”, it is actually flourishing! Makes people why you hate Trump so much. Almost like you’re rooting against the U.S.
Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?
Your concern for prisoners (and contempt for Americans) is duly noted.

The question was "Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?" Try to keep up.
Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?
Your concern for prisoners (and contempt for Americans) is duly noted.

The question was "Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?" Try to keep up.
And the response was: your concern for prisoners (and contempt for Americans) is duly noted.

I don’t blame you for being ashamed. I would be too if I were you.
Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?
Your concern for prisoners (and contempt for Americans) is duly noted.

The question was "Can you name all the recent presidents that urged cops to bang prisoners around as they were put in the car?" Try to keep up.
And the response was: your concern for prisoners (and contempt for Americans) is duly noted.

I don’t blame you for being ashamed. I would be too if I were you.

Your goofy is showing.
“We must restore constitutional government”

Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right.

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.

The Federal government is functioning as intended by the Founding Generation: a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

A Federal government afforded by the Constitution powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

A Federal government whose laws are supreme, where the Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, as authorized by the doctrine of Judicial Review and Articles III and VI of the Constitution, and where rulings by the Supreme Court become the law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, who have no ‘right’ to ‘nullify’ or ‘ignore’ Federal law or the rulings of Federal courts (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

That conservatives, libertarians, and members of the TPM disagree with Supreme Court decisions because those rulings might conflict with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma is of no consequence and devoid of merit.

Until the opposition gets power......then Clayton's colors change quicker than a fading rainbow after a storm
Yes, we have lots of problems that need fixing. We always have, and probably always will. I just don't have the fatalistic view as some of the idiots who think the country is crumbling. They are certainly free to spout their "sky is falling" outlook all they want, but I have just as much right to tell them they are nuts and ridicule their goofy remarks. If your friend really is that concerned, perhaps he would be happier in seclusion somewhere in Montana.


Jesus Christ!
Watch the Fn Democrat PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES and get off the crack

What the hell is wrong with you??
Dumbest thing said on the boards this week. DAMN!
Yes, we have lots of problems that need fixing. We always have, and probably always will. I just don't have the fatalistic view as some of the idiots who think the country is crumbling. They are certainly free to spout their "sky is falling" outlook all they want, but I have just as much right to tell them they are nuts and ridicule their goofy remarks. If your friend really is that concerned, perhaps he would be happier in seclusion somewhere in Montana.


Jesus Christ!
Watch the Fn Democrat PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES and get off the crack

What the hell is wrong with you??
Dumbest thing said on the boards this week. DAMN!

They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"
They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.
They're all literally running around yelling "The sky is falling!"

They've got the media and corruption not to mention Hollywood all backing their side.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.
Homelessness out of control. Chicago a war zone. But NOOOOOooooooo...nothing's wrong, business as usual to those blind idiots.
Chaos violence and destruction makes their day.
It's not surprising they see things all wonderful and Utopian.

Can you imagine for ONE SECOND their dirty diapers and snowflake meltdowns if the media etc was against them?
You didn’t even scratch the surface!

Baltimore: a third-world shit-hole overflowing with filth, disease, and rats.

Detroit: a third-world shit-hole that had to file bankruptcy.

San Francisco: literally a shit-hole...the streets are overflowing with human feces and heroin syringes

The U.S. has been invaded by 20 million foreigners with millions more at the gate trying to break it down. ANTIFA is assaulting people in the streets and preventing basic 1st Amendment rights. Dumbocrats are ignoring science and claiming that gender is a state of mind.

And what does all of that have in common? It’s 100% the result of left-wing policy. Thank God for President Trump.

According to Orkin, New York has lots more rats than Baltimore. You think Trump Tower doesn't have rats?
The liberterian idea of constitutional government is a government that is powerless to do the will of the people and does only shit that they want. Liberterians and far right conservatives are a bunch of fascist assholes. Simply meaning that they think by the people means that the government should be so limited that the people shouldn't be able to elect a government that does more then sit on its dick.

This guy believes fascism means an impotent central government that can do nothing more than sit on its dick. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

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