We Need a Foreign Legion

professional soldiers are not my idea of a good military JIM , professional soldiers work for money and follow the orders of the guy that pays them . I'd prefer enlistees and a draft but that's just me .

Our entire military is professional, dude.

Did you really mean to insult all of them like that?
You want a permanent unit of Foreign troops to party wherever you want despite what Congress or the people think......would you trust Obama with such a unit.......

I would trust Obama with a brigade size element, yes.

Do you have any idea what size of force that is, Einstein?

By your own description of what you thought they were capable of too big to allow any President to play wargames at will with
or the American people , I don't want to see it done but you never know in todays USA .
You want a permanent unit of Foreign troops to party wherever you want despite what Congress or the people think......would you trust Obama with such a unit.......

I would trust Obama with a brigade size element, yes.

Do you have any idea what size of force that is, Einstein?

By your own description of what you thought they were capable of too big to allow any President to play wargames at will with

Why? IF it is not big enough to pull a coup, then whats the problem if Congress authorizes it?

Seems to me we need it.
i simply meant to tell you what i think JIM .

Dude, you have every right to your opinion and I don't mean to imply you don't.

Just wanted some clarification.

BTW, I share your distrust of this President, but not his intentions, which are good. IT is his methods that scare the beejeezus out of me.
Why.... because they could get us into a bigger conflict thats why. You want volunteers....whats wrong with the examples I gave....call for them and let the govt they go to serve pay them and for their equipment.
Why.... because they could get us into a bigger conflict thats why. You want volunteers....whats wrong with the examples I gave....call for them and let the govt they go to serve pay them and for their equipment.

I don't think these conflicts spread as easily as some think.

We went into Afghanistan and Iraq and we didn't get entangled in anything else major for the last fourteen years.
No, I don't mean geo get a bunch of Frogs, I mean lets create a brigade or two or three composed entirely of those who volunteer to fight in those units, volunteers from civilian life or other military. These men would go to any fight the President sends them to without the necessity of a declaration of war for as long as the President thinks it is needed. If at any time they request a transfer out, they get it after a one month processing out.

History has plenty of examples of elites who WANT to be in a fight being more effective than many times their number, and they have the advantages of easier logistical support, fewer casualties and higher morale.

These men would be like US Army Rangers for all services and trained to be deployed like SEALS and to fight by hit and run raids, guided air dropped munitions and quick evac where necessary. They would fight for the sole purpose of killing as many of the enemy as possible by any means and not to hold ground or engage in any asinine rebuilding. Just blow shit up, kill lots of bad guys and break as many things as possible. Rabid dogs on a short leash comes to mind.

If we had just one brigade of such men, we could wipe out ISIL in very little time.

Boots on the ground by their own choice and love of country.

Sounds like a winner to me.

Why the hell not?

The Bush administration hired Blackwater Security, but they fell out of favor just as soon as the Republican government was voted out.

Foreign Legion? If I remember correctly, you joined the Legion for 5 years, and you couldn't get out until your contract was over. Yeah, they still exist. That was my boyhood dream, to join the French Foreign Legion. I never realized that dream, and now I'm too old. That's a good thing, now that I think of it.
No, I don't mean geo get a bunch of Frogs, I mean lets create a brigade or two or three composed entirely of those who volunteer to fight in those units, volunteers from civilian life or other military. These men would go to any fight the President sends them to without the necessity of a declaration of war for as long as the President thinks it is needed. If at any time they request a transfer out, they get it after a one month processing out.

History has plenty of examples of elites who WANT to be in a fight being more effective than many times their number, and they have the advantages of easier logistical support, fewer casualties and higher morale.

These men would be like US Army Rangers for all services and trained to be deployed like SEALS and to fight by hit and run raids, guided air dropped munitions and quick evac where necessary. They would fight for the sole purpose of killing as many of the enemy as possible by any means and not to hold ground or engage in any asinine rebuilding. Just blow shit up, kill lots of bad guys and break as many things as possible. Rabid dogs on a short leash comes to mind.

If we had just one brigade of such men, we could wipe out ISIL in very little time.

Boots on the ground by their own choice and love of country.

Sounds like a winner to me.

Why the hell not?

The Bush administration hired Blackwater Security, but they fell out of favor just as soon as the Republican government was voted out.

Foreign Legion? If I remember correctly, you joined the Legion for 5 years, and you couldn't get out until your contract was over. Yeah, they still exist. That was my boyhood dream, to join the French Foreign Legion. I never realized that dream, and now I'm too old. That's a good thing, now that I think of it.

I hear ya, but I am not talking about that so much.

I mean a force of American citizens that have volunteered specifically to go and fight in whatever war the President thinks is in the national interest and of severe time constraints so that he can act hen ask Congress to approve.

I think we will see more groups like ISIL, and it would be nice to have a high morale force of people who have volunteered to go and fight and kill the enemy up close and personal.
Isn't that how JSOC was set up...as the president's private army?
Isn't that how JSOC was set up...as the president's private army?

Yes, sort of as I understand it, but none are brigade size elements, as I understand it. Delta force is about a regiment size but deploy in battalion strength at most, from what I understand and then rotate the guys with two away from the war while the third is deployed for a period.

What I am thinking of would be an over strength regiment with its own logistical independence and mobility of a small division, i.e. it would deploy in Brigade strength, set up its own bases in the theater, and remain till the President says come home. IT would consist entirely of men who WANT to be in the fight.

IF we deployed all of JSOC to go after ISIL, what is left for anywhere else?

This brigade might fall under JSOC, but it would operate on a larger scale.
No, I don't mean geo get a bunch of Frogs, I mean lets create a brigade or two or three composed entirely of those who volunteer to fight in those units, volunteers from civilian life or other military. These men would go to any fight the President sends them to without the necessity of a declaration of war for as long as the President thinks it is needed. If at any time they request a transfer out, they get it after a one month processing out.

History has plenty of examples of elites who WANT to be in a fight being more effective than many times their number, and they have the advantages of easier logistical support, fewer casualties and higher morale.

These men would be like US Army Rangers for all services and trained to be deployed like SEALS and to fight by hit and run raids, guided air dropped munitions and quick evac where necessary. They would fight for the sole purpose of killing as many of the enemy as possible by any means and not to hold ground or engage in any asinine rebuilding. Just blow shit up, kill lots of bad guys and break as many things as possible. Rabid dogs on a short leash comes to mind.

If we had just one brigade of such men, we could wipe out ISIL in very little time.

Boots on the ground by their own choice and love of country.

Sounds like a winner to me.

Why the hell not?

Read post #2.

And, you might want to review the part the French played in our own history.
I don't like the idea of the professional military made up of people like first responders that are paid same as mercenaries . To me they are the same as the kings or governments men and are the kings KNIGHTS imo . These special people work and follow the orders of those that pay them . Same goes for public police forces and SWAT .
You want a permanent unit of Foreign troops to party wherever you want despite what Congress or the people think......would you trust Obama with such a unit.......

there are ways to do this Flying Tigers AVG - A Brief History of the Flying Tigers

But you'd trust a republican president with such a unit.

Trusting Obama with such a fighting force is as scary as the thought of Haggery Clinton becoming President.

I like the idea, but we already have an ALL VOLUNTEER military, so that point is moot.

I would rather have a bunch of Rambo-types who are willing to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.

Obama and his gang would be the first hard targets. Placing them all under arrest for sedition and treason would be a GREAT DAY for America!

What this country needs is a good old-fashioned MILITARY COUP. I would be willing to live under a temporary military government, until such time that fraud-free elections can be held, and REAL leaders can be elected from BOTH sides of the aisle.

It wouldn't hurt to have MINIMUM IQ requirements, a passing grade on a basic U.S. history test, proof of citizenship, and a valid picture I.D., in order for a U.S. citizen to qualify to vote

I could care less if the new leaders are Republicans or Democrats or whatever else they want to call themselves. I just want HONESTY, TRANSPARENCY, and a "The Buck Stops Here" mentality by our government.

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