We Need a Law for Cops Killing Unarmed Black People

Correct. But it was tolerated by the mayor and the police chief as this was not the first time Chauvin went rogue. Shame on Minny as many other cities are paying for their mistake now and greatly.
I posted not long ago about how Amy Klobuchar simply ignored all reports of bad cops referred to her as prosecutor in Minnesota's largest county.
For whatever reason dysfunctional Minnesota has a real bad cop problem.
I did as well. It was systemic in Minny it seems.
Well there's always the fact that he has not been found guilty of any crime, but that's probably irrelevant in this discussion.
He was killed before his case could be adjudicated. I guess technically he was innocent but it still leaves up in the air the matter of his arrest. I'm not willing to call him "innocent" because that hasn't been determined
and maybe never will be.
The most I will say is he wasn't found guilty of anything but that's probably irrelevant in this discussion.
Innocent is assumed in a court of law but not in the court of public opinion which is what we have here.
And Flopper FLOPS again. Hilarious!
“There are always two sides to every story, and it is generally wise, and safe, and charitable, to take the best; and yet there is probably no one way in which persons are so liable to be wrong, as in presuming the worst is true, and in forming and expressing their judgement of others, and of their actions, without waiting till all the truth is known.”

― Jonathan Edwards, Charity & Its Fruits
Well there's always the fact that he has not been found guilty of any crime, but that's probably irrelevant in this discussion.
He was killed before his case could be adjudicated. I guess technically he was innocent but it still leaves up in the air the matter of his arrest. I'm not willing to call him "innocent" because that hasn't been determined
and maybe never will be.
The most I will say is he wasn't found guilty of anything but that's probably irrelevant in this discussion.
Innocent is assumed in a court of law but not in the court of public opinion which is what we have here.
And Flopper FLOPS again. Hilarious!
“There are always two sides to every story, and it is generally wise, and safe, and charitable, to take the best; and yet there is probably no one way in which persons are so liable to be wrong, as in presuming the worst is true, and in forming and expressing their judgement of others, and of their actions, without waiting till all the truth is known.”

― Jonathan Edwards, Charity & Its Fruits
Ha-ha! Flopper FLOPS one more time!
We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
Why just unarmed Black People?
What about Asians, Latinos and White folks also?
Because there are plenty of laws against murder already.
Less than .5% of Police shootings are cases of murder.
BTW, the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects annually than Black suspects.
I conceded some time ago in this thread any law should apply to all races and any persons murdered by a cop.
I also concede some circumstances may require deadly force even for unarmed persons. Drugs, alcohol, and plain craziness can make an unarmed person dangerous enough to be deadly. Each case and situation is different. Police have to have special powers for protecting themselves, however, once it is established a murder has occurred, I am suggesting an additional charge should be added.
You do realize that the Police are highly scrutinized and that they can't get away with murder.
“There are always two sides to every story, and it is generally wise, and safe, and charitable, to take the best; and yet there is probably no one way in which persons are so liable to be wrong, as in presuming the worst is true, and in forming and expressing their judgement of others, and of their actions, without waiting till all the truth is known.”

― Jonathan Edwards, Charity & Its Fruits
I am indeed waiting until all truths are known until I render my final and best judgements, for whatever that is worth.
Too bad other people cannot do the same and want to impose their virtue signaling political "white wash"
over the whole matter (all puns fully intended).

George Floyd IS innocent as far as anyone knows right now and maybe forever more.
But is he truly and factually innocent? Well, we just don't know and I'm not obliged to lie and say we do know to make you feel better about yourself because the justice you want to see done will be magically conferred
(whether due or not).

My early impression of Floyd is that he had a spotty legal record and now I can't find a single reference to
that anywhere, as part of his secular martyring and media cleansing.
If that were true, IF, then that might cast doubt on the claim of innocence in passing counterfeit bills.
But that just can't be discussed or examined now or possibly ever.
I don't claim to know one way or the other.

However my conscience is clear on the matter and I don't have to feel good about myself because I've
never condemned the man and applaud removing the bad cops from the Minneapolis police force. How about you?
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We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
Right me if I am wrong, but I believe that we already have a law making it illegal to kill anyone who is unarmed.

God bless you always!!!

Well there's always the fact that he has not been found guilty of any crime, but that's probably irrelevant in this discussion.
He was killed before his case could be adjudicated. I guess technically he was innocent but it still leaves up in the air the matter of his arrest. I'm not willing to call him "innocent" because that hasn't been determined
and maybe never will be.
The most I will say is he wasn't found guilty of anything but that's probably irrelevant in this discussion.
Innocent is assumed in a court of law but not in the court of public opinion which is what we have here.
And Flopper FLOPS again. Hilarious!
“There are always two sides to every story, and it is generally wise, and safe, and charitable, to take the best; and yet there is probably no one way in which persons are so liable to be wrong, as in presuming the worst is true, and in forming and expressing their judgement of others, and of their actions, without waiting till all the truth is known.”

― Jonathan Edwards, Charity & Its Fruits
Ha-ha! Flopper FLOPS one more time!
You realize I take that as a compliment. Absolute consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, and flip-flopping for the right reasons is emblematic of courage and a keen mind. Most of the posters on this board have unshakable opinions and work quite hard to twist the facts to fit their opinion. They don't seem to grasp the fact that all political ideologies have strengths and weakness just as there are two sides to every issue.
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We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
Why just unarmed Black People?
What about Asians, Latinos and White folks also?
Because there are plenty of laws against murder already.
Less than .5% of Police shootings are cases of murder.
BTW, the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects annually than Black suspects.
I conceded some time ago in this thread any law should apply to all races and any persons murdered by a cop.
I also concede some circumstances may require deadly force even for unarmed persons. Drugs, alcohol, and plain craziness can make an unarmed person dangerous enough to be deadly. Each case and situation is different. Police have to have special powers for protecting themselves, however, once it is established a murder has occurred, I am suggesting an additional charge should be added.
Camp, the THING that would NOT go away. Yikes!
I am working on two pieces of art, pencil and inks on paper, to finish by the weekend, Friday exactly. Colored pencil portions need many layers and are time-consuming. They are of a local rock band, on stage playing. While doing this, I am entertaining myself with this thread.
Good for you, and THANK YOU for an intelligent reply. Nicely done.
Thank you. The drummer and bass player have been a team forever, over a decade. So, each work highlights them as individual performers. I use color, light, and shading for making them stand out in each work. The drummer stands out in one and the bass player in the other.
You're welcome. And sorry about being so harsh towards you on this thread. I CAN be an asshole on here at times. I TRY to keep it in check, but I'm obviously not always successful!
Camp deserves harsh words as he has me on ignore.
I have no one on ignore. Never have. Don't even know how to put someone on ignore.
We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
Right me if I am wrong, but I believe that we already have a law making it illegal to kill anyone who is unarmed.

God bless you always!!!

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am suggesting an additional law, like a hate crime law for adding to homicide for police who murder an unarmed civilian.
We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
Why just unarmed Black People?
What about Asians, Latinos and White folks also?
Because there are plenty of laws against murder already.
Less than .5% of Police shootings are cases of murder.
BTW, the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects annually than Black suspects.
I conceded some time ago in this thread any law should apply to all races and any persons murdered by a cop.
I also concede some circumstances may require deadly force even for unarmed persons. Drugs, alcohol, and plain craziness can make an unarmed person dangerous enough to be deadly. Each case and situation is different. Police have to have special powers for protecting themselves, however, once it is established a murder has occurred, I am suggesting an additional charge should be added.
Camp, the THING that would NOT go away. Yikes!
I am working on two pieces of art, pencil and inks on paper, to finish by the weekend, Friday exactly. Colored pencil portions need many layers and are time-consuming. They are of a local rock band, on stage playing. While doing this, I am entertaining myself with this thread.
Good for you, and THANK YOU for an intelligent reply. Nicely done.
Thank you. The drummer and bass player have been a team forever, over a decade. So, each work highlights them as individual performers. I use color, light, and shading for making them stand out in each work. The drummer stands out in one and the bass player in the other.
You're welcome. And sorry about being so harsh towards you on this thread. I CAN be an asshole on here at times. I TRY to keep it in check, but I'm obviously not always successful!
Camp deserves harsh words as he has me on ignore.
I have no one on ignore. Never have. Don't even know how to put someone on ignore.
So it’s willful. Got it.

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