We Need a Law for Cops Killing Unarmed Black People

There is no means to draft, much less enforce, such a law.

We do, however, have the capability to identify the cops that stack up complaints, against people of any color, as some do so at a greatly enhanced rate relative to others.

In the same way insurance actuaries can develop a risk profile based on a person's health, driving record, and various other bits of data, it could be done here as well for cops. Very little doubt about it, actually. This can be done statistically and objectively. It could be done even without knowing the name or anything else about a given officer.

And it should be. I find myself in the odd position of almost agreeing with Camp. Measures have to be taken. I said it in 2015 here on this board after Laquan McDonald, and I'll say it again now after George Floyd. Cops in both of those cases had a disproportionate number of complaints filed against them with little, if any, repercussions and these things could very well have been prevented. That nothing has been done since McDonald blows my mind.

And that is also what burns my ass. Cops have a tough job. I don't want it. It is important to support the police and most of them are good cops doing a very difficult and dangerous and necessary job, but we have to face the fact that some of them are not always good cops. And, beyond that, we have to do something about it.

These things can absolutely be reduced. The data is there. It isn't even all that difficult in terms of setting up a system to do so. The problem lies with the unions that protect these guys and the lack of balls of public officials to demand it and force it if necessary. They'll do it again here, I have little doubt. Talk, talk, talk. Actions: little to none.

If this is satire it's shit! If this is your real opinion it's still shit only more so.
Maybe if we had a clear concise law the cops would stop murdering unarmed innocent black folks.

Laws for murder already exist, what more do you want?
Are you claiming we have laws against killing innocent unarmed black folks?


Are you saying that laws for murder doesn't exist?

For the record, I think Mr. Floyd was murdered, I have said so many times, I have posted the Court Documents stating that the cops screw up on the job, YOU have seen some of them, you are full of shit!

You get regular cramps in the head?
Passing a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.
Show me the charge. If it exists, it should be available.

BTW, I wasn't aware there was an official charge called "passing a counterfeit 20 dollar bill", so I'm really looking forward to you educating me on that.
I got caught trying to deposit one at my bank. They took it and removed it from my deposit. Never heard another word about it.
Cops kill far more whites than blacks.........,, what was your point again? can't find it here.....
The point, you big dunce, is that when cops commit crime, they should serve time, and even face the death penalty when necessary.
Cops kill far more whites than blacks.........,, what was your point again? can't find it here.....
The point, you big dunce, is that when cops commit crimes, they should serve time, and even face the death penalty when necessary.
We deserve a hate crime kind of law specific for when cops kill unarmed Americans of any race added to the underlying homicide charge.
We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
Acceptable. But, I want included in that law, a stipulation in which criminals, regardless of race, can be shot on sight (armed or not), by law enforcement and law-abiding citizens, thus reducing taxpayer dollars for housing the trash, or at the very least, I want a law mimicking the Islamic law which mandates that anyone caught stealing or possessing stolen property, will have a hand removed (and not allowed to have a prosthetic device to replace it).
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We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
We have plenty enough laws already. All we really need is some enforcement and follow through. We don't need to pass another pastle of laws every time the MSM gets up yet another load of bullshit to gen up money for themselves by entertaining drooling morons who cant think for themselves.
We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
We need black Americans to learn to follow the law. Floyd broke the law, that is why cops were called.
Floyd did what an unknown number of Americans do every day. He mistakenly passed a counterfeit bill.

He mistakenly passed a counterfeit bill.


He had some mistakes...

But wait, I thought the media tried to pass this miscreant off as a good little law-abiding fella!?!? Say it ISN'T so............
Are you turds really trying to demean the man? He was clearly murdered by the cop. His history doesn’t matter nor does it justify him being murdered. What’s wrong with you guys? Seek help
If this is satire it's shit! If this is your real opinion it's still shit only more so.
Maybe if we had a clear concise law the cops would stop murdering unarmed innocent black folks.
Kind of like laws against cocaine and heroin have stopped people from using them, huh?

Oh wait.
Cops kill far more whites than blacks.........,, what was your point again? can't find it here.....
The point, you big dunce, is that when cops commit crimes, they should serve time, and even face the death penalty when necessary.
We deserve a hate crime kind of law specific for when cops kill unarmed Americans of any race added to the underlying homicide charge.

And if they can't prove it's a hate crime, do they throw the whole case out?
The OP likely would have not started this thread, had he been aware of this right here:

New Study Says White Police Officers Are Not More Likely To Shoot Minority Suspects
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July 26, 20195:21 PM ET

We need a law making it illegal for cops to kill unarmed innocent black Americans.
We need black Americans to learn to follow the law. Floyd broke the law, that is why cops were called.
Floyd did what an unknown number of Americans do every day. He mistakenly passed a counterfeit bill.
You have no idea if he passed counterfeit money "mistakenly" or not.
Your comments are just more and more absurd.
Cops kill far more whites than blacks.........,, what was your point again? can't find it here.....
The point, you big dunce, is that when cops commit crimes, they should serve time, and even face the death penalty when necessary.
We deserve a hate crime kind of law specific for when cops kill unarmed Americans of any race added to the underlying homicide charge.
All you deserve is a swift kick in the ass.

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