We need FBI polygraph tests of the persons named in affidavits to confirm voter fraud.

Give one daily to the lying fucking asshole tRUMP!
Meh. Even though polygraphs aren't admissible in court, their results would show "deception" or not.
IMHO most of the yahoos who committed voter fraud would have glaring results, proving voter fraud.
Polygraphs would at least be doing "something" as opposed to doing nothing and letting the cheaters win.

Sure. Give one to Biden while your at it.
Meh. Even though polygraphs aren't admissible in court, their results would show "deception" or not.

No, they don't. What they show is that the reaction to a particular question is different than the reaction to a set of control questions, nothing more, nothing less.

If I asked you "Is your name Kyzr?", and you say yes, the polygraph would not register any change from any other question you answer truthfully. But if I ask you if you like steak, and you're a strict vegan and answer "no", just the thought of you eating steak will likely elicit a physiological response which will differ from the responses given to control questions, even if you're truthful.

The problem is that there's no way to know what the reaction to a dishonest question would be. There's no way to quantify "dishonest", and that's why polygraph results are inadmissible in court...
Any day, but you , the fascists that you are, certainly don't want tRUMP to have any taken.

Give one daily to the lying fucking asshole tRUMP!
Meh. Even though polygraphs aren't admissible in court, their results would show "deception" or not.
IMHO most of the yahoos who committed voter fraud would have glaring results, proving voter fraud.
Polygraphs would at least be doing "something" as opposed to doing nothing and letting the cheaters win.

Sure. Give one to Biden while your at it.
Polygraphs aren't admissible in court but I'd bet you would get loads of those counters who couldn't pass one.

The idea that a polygraph test is "pass" or "fail" is false. It's really not...

righto---they are INTERPRETED for evidence of
physiologic response to LIE (as in nose legthening)

No, they're not.

Ask any examiner how long he or she's been administering lie detector tests and they will tell you they never have, simply because there's no such thing.

What an examiner identifies is simply the different physiological reactions to different questions. That's it...
Also, there is a little detail called the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution. Forcing someone to take a polygraph violates that.
I'm not proposing using the polygraphs to prosecute the poll workers, but to prove or disprove the claims of voter fraud.
The MSM and democrats are claiming "nothing to see here" that all the claims have been "debunked".
Polygraphs would show that voter fraud had been committed, or not.

Shouldn't those claiming voter fraud be the ones to take it?
Polygraphs aren't admissible in court but I'd bet you would get loads of those counters who couldn't pass one.

The idea that a polygraph test is "pass" or "fail" is false. It's really not...

righto---they are INTERPRETED for evidence of
physiologic response to LIE (as in nose legthening)

No, they're not.

Ask any examiner how long he or she's been administering lie detector tests and they will tell you they never have, simply because there's no such thing.

What an examiner identifies is simply the different physiological reactions to different questions. That's it...

duh-----dats what I wrote. There are frequent physiologic changes DETECTED via skin leads commonly seen when a person lies related to
pulse, blood pressure, sweating. ------the test can be overcome by all sorts of manipulations including meds like "beta-blockers' and mimicked by emotional reactions not related to deceit
duh-----dats what I wrote. There are frequent physiologic changes DETECTED via skin leads commonly seen when a person lies related to
pulse, blood pressure, sweating. ------the test can be overcome by all sorts of manipulations including meds like "beta-blockers' and mimicked by emotional reactions not related to deceit

Ask any polygraph examiner to to tell you what the specific reactions to lying are and they'll tell you they don't know.

Because they don't.

If they could say definitely "This is a lie" or "That is a lie", then polygraph results would be admissible in court. But because no examiner would ever say that, they're not...
duh-----dats what I wrote. There are frequent physiologic changes DETECTED via skin leads commonly seen when a person lies related to
pulse, blood pressure, sweating. ------the test can be overcome by all sorts of manipulations including meds like "beta-blockers' and mimicked by emotional reactions not related to deceit

Ask any polygraph examiner to to tell you what the specific reactions to lying are and they'll tell you they don't know.

Because they don't.

If they could say definitely "This is a lie" or "That is a lie", then polygraph results would be admissible in court. But because no examiner would ever say that, they're not...

your answer is naive----there are PATTERNS on the polygraph (DA WAVES) that correspond
STATISTICALLY to what happens when a person lies at the SKIN. ----same is true of
EEG (electroencephalogram) for that matter--same is true of EKG
The many poll workers accused of voter fraud should be made to take polygraph tests to prove or disprove voter fraud.
If the TX lawsuit can force the issue, so much the better, otherwise the bogus electors in question should be voided.
The basis for suspecting voter fraud is the mathematical proof based on voting norms.
Lets have some tests for all those who avoided subpoenas that would have led to the scums impeachment ?
your answer is naive----there are PATTERNS on the polygraph (DA WAVES) that correspond
STATISTICALLY to what happens when a person lies at the SKIN.

What statistics are those?

What happens on a polygraph when someone is deceptive? Does the chart spike up? Can it spike down?
Can it do nothing at all? Can someone who's telling the truth be measured as being deceptive?

Please, regale us with your intimate knowledge of polygraph tests.

One of the main reasons polygraphs aren't admissible, aside from the reasons I've already laid out, is that they are simply inaccurate up to 15% of the time, and there are plenty of examples where the polygraph failed to do what was hoped.

Oh, I worked for NIS (Naval Investigative Service) for five years while on active duty and was present for more than a few of these...
your answer is naive----there are PATTERNS on the polygraph (DA WAVES) that correspond
STATISTICALLY to what happens when a person lies at the SKIN.

What statistics are those?

What happens on a polygraph when someone is deceptive? Does the chart spike up? Can it spike down?
Can it do nothing at all? Can someone who's telling the truth be measured as being deceptive?

Please, regale us with your intimate knowledge of polygraph tests.

One of the main reasons polygraphs aren't admissible, aside from the reasons I've already laid out, is that they are simply inaccurate up to 15% of the time, and there are plenty of examples where the polygraph failed to do what was hoped.

Oh, I worked for NIS (Naval Investigative Service) for five years while on active duty and was present for more than a few of these...

you are being simplistic, argumentative and stupid-----I never said that they are ACCURATE enough to hang a person----for that matter, neither is EEG all that accurate in diagnosing
epilepsy or brain tumor
The many poll workers accused of voter fraud should be made to take polygraph tests to prove or disprove voter fraud.
If the TX lawsuit can force the issue, so much the better, otherwise the bogus electors in question should be voided.
The basis for suspecting voter fraud is the mathematical proof based on voting norms.
Why not have the people signing affidavits take polygraph tests. That would make more sense...
I'd favor a lie detector tests idea for any affidavit not based on conjecture but concerns a charge of somebody performing an illegal act. Additionally the submitter of the affidavit should be subject to perjury if the person named in the affidavit passes the test.
Polygraph ?

Send them to Gitmo and waterboard their asses until they come clean !!!!! (no pun intended)

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