We need global tax laws!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

Business is there to make money, not pander to lefty governments and their plans to waste as much money as they can steal from companies.

Business is there to make money, not pander to lefty governments and their plans to waste as much money as they can steal from companies.
And when they make money, they need to pay taxes on that.

I want to make sure they do. That no matter where they go on this planet, they will honor their tax burden.
They already pay taxes. They just don't pay them twice.
First off, they only pay 12%. They don't pay any on the profits they off-shore. And depending on how their corporation is filed, (Type C or Type S), one of those doesn't pay twice.

Who only pays 12% on taxable income? C corps, pay 15%-35%. a sub S corp, is small company, usually that gets taxed @ 35% but doesn't pay tax on dividends, however those are very controlled on how they can be paid.

35% is the highest in the world. Now, Congress, after Reagan ended many tax advantages and brought the effective tax rate to over 18%, have added many more tax advantages and the effective rate is now said to be12.6%.

However many world experts disagree and say the US is the highest.


A global tax? It would be targeted at US companies only and would make it tougher for them to compete in the global market.
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Who only pays 12% on taxable income? C corps, pay 15%-35%. a sub S corp, is small company, usually that gets taxed @ 35% but doesn't pay tax on dividends, however those are very controlled on how they can be paid.

35% is the highest in the world. Now, Congress, after Reagan ended many tax advantages and brought the effective tax rate to over 18%, have added many more tax advantages and the effective rate is now said to be12.6%.

However many world experts disagree and say the US is the highest.

Bottom Line: U.S. Effective Corporate Tax Rates Rank Among the Highest | Business Roundtable

A global tax? It would be targeted at US companies only and would make it tougher for them to compete in the global market.
BP is not a US company. The over 18,000 corporations that have their addresses in the Cayman Islands, are not US company's. And the ones that can compete multi-nationally, are big enough to stay competitive and still pay their tax burden.

This kind of shit, needs to end!

Pepco Holdings (-57.6 percent tax rate)
General Electric (-45.3 percent)
DuPont (-3.4 percent)
Verizon (-2.9 percent)
Boeing (-1.8 percent)
Honeywell (-0.7 percent)​

And this kind of shit, we need to get our 35% of...

The amount of money US corporations are holding
offshoreis an estimated 1.6 trillion dollars!​

...that would erase our deficit.
Who only pays 12% on taxable income? C corps, pay 15%-35%. a sub S corp, is small company, usually that gets taxed @ 35% but doesn't pay tax on dividends, however those are very controlled on how they can be paid.

35% is the highest in the world. Now, Congress, after Reagan ended many tax advantages and brought the effective tax rate to over 18%, have added many more tax advantages and the effective rate is now said to be12.6%.

However many world experts disagree and say the US is the highest.

Bottom Line: U.S. Effective Corporate Tax Rates Rank Among the Highest | Business Roundtable

A global tax? It would be targeted at US companies only and would make it tougher for them to compete in the global market.
BP is not a US company. The over 18,000 corporations that have their addresses in the Cayman Islands, are not US company's. And the ones that can compete multi-nationally, are big enough to stay competitive and still pay their tax burden.

This kind of shit, needs to end!

Pepco Holdings (-57.6 percent tax rate)
General Electric (-45.3 percent)
DuPont (-3.4 percent)
Verizon (-2.9 percent)
Boeing (-1.8 percent)
Honeywell (-0.7 percent)​

And this kind of shit, we need to get our 35% of...

The amount of money US corporations are holding
offshoreis an estimated 1.6 trillion dollars!​

...that would erase our deficit.

We need to lower the US tax burden for corporations, they still pay the highest effective rate in the world, tough for them to compete in that arena when they are at a disadvantage. Most countries tax lower rates on corporations and the have national health care and the highest individual tax rates? Why don't you want to follow Europe's lead?

Again, a UN tax would go to other countries and we would get nothing.
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We need to lower the US tax burden for corporations, they still pay the highest effective rate in the world, tough for them to compete in that arena when they are at a disadvantage. Most countries tax lower rates on corporations and the have national health care and the highest individual tax rates? Why don't you want to follow Europe's lead?

Again, a UN tax would go to other countries and we would get nothing.
We need to raise the tax on capital gains and dividends to 35%. Corporations are paying less tax in the last 60 years. They're not paying what they should be paying and we need to go after that money.

BTW, corporations are sitting on $6 trillion dollars in profits. That's pretty competitive.
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.
We also need global regulation of currency speculation.

We need global regulation of the exploitation of the oceans.

We need global regulation of the various types of pollution.

We need global regulation to protect ecosystems, and the environment in general.

In a globalized 21st century, we need global regulation of a great many things.

When the disasters of non-regulation have piled up sufficiently, global regulation will come.

If we are still around by then.
Listen, while I sympathize with your anger about corporations not paying their "fair" share, what you are proposing is, well, disasterous.

Proposing yet another level of government, one even further removed from the locus of where real power should be exercised, meaning, PEOPLE, that is where governments get their power, is dangerous at best, and at worst, insane.

The reason corporations don't get taxed? It's because they have bought and paid for the political establishments at the national level. If you set up a global taxing authority, do you know who they will tax? You can bet it won't be the corporate elites. They will end up owning the suprar-national entities, just as they own the national and state ruling elites. The only politicians they don't own are your local politicians. Mostly.

Which police do people trust more? The local sheriff, or the state boys? Same goes in politics. If you set up a global taxing authority, YOU will end up with more taxes. The corporations? They might end up with a percentage or five more, maybe. Don't count on it. THEY WILL OWN the supra-national global government. And all of those extra costs will just be passed right on down to the consumer any way.

Nope, we need to divest control of government, not increase control. We need to decrease regulation and protections of monopolies and cartels, make them compete for consumers. Right now, in the west, we live in a CORPORATE POLICE STATE.

If you want corporations taxed more? We need to do it more on the local level. The problem that this causes though, is that then corporations will flee to areas that have the least amount of taxes and environmental regulations. Well, that is the choice of each individual locality. How much do you want a corporation to rape your local environment, abuse your work force and get away with not paying it's way in the community?

That is the price of freedom.

But what gives the rest of the planet the right to tax me and my family? Really? Because taxation is THEFT. Let us not forget that, okay? Government has the legitimized monopoly on the use of force. So let us keep that monopoly on the use of force, as close to home to those we know, just our local sheriff if we can. Otherwise, we will be lorded over by those who would start wars, all for the sake of a dollar. Don't think they won't. History shows, they do, time and again.
We need to lower the US tax burden for corporations, they still pay the highest effective rate in the world, tough for them to compete in that arena when they are at a disadvantage. Most countries tax lower rates on corporations and the have national health care and the highest individual tax rates? Why don't you want to follow Europe's lead?

Again, a UN tax would go to other countries and we would get nothing.
We need to raise the tax on capital gains and dividends to 35%. Corporations are paying less tax in the last 60 years. They're not paying what they should be paying and we need to go after that money.

BTW, corporations are sitting on $6 trillion dollars in profits. That's pretty competitive.

I thought we were talking of a global tax, are you wanting a worldwide capital gains and dividend tax? Not sure how that helps the US.
That no matter where they go on this planet, they will honor their tax burden.

as a liberal you lack the IQ to know that the more taxes they pay the higher the prices they must charge. A corporation is not a tax payer it is a tax collector.

The smart tax policy is to eliminate corporate tax together so prices come down and jobs in America go up. Way over a liberal's head -right?

We don't have the tax to collect revenue, but to pander to pure idiotliberal Marxists who think they are punishing the saintly corporations that provide our jobs and the products that got us from the stone age to here.
We need to lower the US tax burden for corporations, they still pay the highest effective rate in the world, tough for them to compete in that arena when they are at a disadvantage. Most countries tax lower rates on corporations and the have national health care and the highest individual tax rates? Why don't you want to follow Europe's lead?

Again, a UN tax would go to other countries and we would get nothing.
We need to raise the tax on capital gains and dividends to 35%. Corporations are paying less tax in the last 60 years. They're not paying what they should be paying and we need to go after that money.

BTW, corporations are sitting on $6 trillion dollars in profits. That's pretty competitive.

Yes, that is a good plan if you want to kill off the parts of the economy that have managed to limp through the Obama Era.
Proposing yet another level of government, one even further removed from the locus of where real power should be exercised, meaning, PEOPLE, that is where governments get their power, is dangerous at best, and at worst, insane.
Your thinking is not very elastic. Extra levels of government are not on my agenda. What we need to do is eliminate national governments, or greatly attenuate their powers. In the 21st century, the nation-state has outlived its usefulness and has become mainly evil in its effects.

If we are to survive, we must move to a world with global organizations of power and influence, and below them very little government except local governments and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Our present nations should be little more than postal addresses.

Nation states are johnny-come-lately gimmicks. Before they arose, Western society consisted of supra-national powers (the Church, the Hansa, international banking, etc.) and local, feudal domains. The "nations" were weak, or virtually non-existent.

I certainly would not like to go back to the feudal society of the Middle Ages -- but that type of society worked, after a fashion, and we could create a much better version of it in the 21st century.

That no matter where they go on this planet, they will honor their tax burden.

as a liberal you lack the IQ to know that the more taxes they pay the higher the prices they must charge. A corporation is not a tax payer it is a tax collector.

The smart tax policy is to eliminate corporate tax together so prices come down and jobs in America go up. Way over a liberal's head -right?

We don't have the tax to collect revenue, but to pander to pure idiotliberal Marxists who think they are punishing the saintly corporations that provide our jobs and the products that got us from the stone age to here.

Ed, glad I located you. I wanted to know the i.q. breakdown of individuals by their political affiliation. Link please.
Your thinking is not very elastic. Extra levels of government are not on my agenda. What we need to do is eliminate national governments, or greatly attenuate their powers. In the 21st century, the nation-state has outlived its usefulness and has become mainly evil in its effects.

If we are to survive, we must move to a world with global organizations of power and influence, and below them very little government except local governments and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Our present nations should be little more than postal addresses.

Nation states are johnny-come-lately gimmicks. Before they arose, Western society consisted of supra-national powers (the Church, the Hansa, international banking, etc.) and local, feudal domains. The "nations" were weak, or virtually non-existent.

I certainly would not like to go back to the feudal society of the Middle Ages -- but that type of society worked, after a fashion, and we could create a much better version of it in the 21st century.

Why anyone would support the most fascist entity on the planet, is beyond me? I think I'll stick with the government of my nation-state. At least its their job to provide for my general welfare. A corporation looks at me in only 1 of 3 category's:
  1. consumer
  2. warrior
  3. criminal

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