We need more babies

What problem? Our population is growing every year.
Not via birth rates of American citizens. It's happening due to massive scale immigration/invasion. The seedy part of all this hype of "we need more babies"; is that you, and I don't need more babies. The oligarchs, and power mongers need more babies to support their government ponzi schemes, and to continue to grow profits. Yes native born Americans are having fewer children. As the boomers die off, the younger generations being fewer in number cannot maintain the schemes, and profit margins designed to cater to the boomers who created them. We don't need higher birth rates, and more people. THEY do...
Not via birth rates of American citizens. It's happening due to massive scale immigration/invasion. The seedy part of all this hype of "we need more babies"; is that you, and I don't need more babies. The oligarchs, and power mongers need more babies to support their government ponzi schemes, and to continue to grow profits. Yes native born Americans are having fewer children. As the boomers die off, the younger generations being fewer in number cannot maintain the schemes, and profit margins designed to cater to the boomers who created them. We don't need higher birth rates, and more people. THEY do...
Automation is making entire classes of jobs obsolete.
It is not that we need more babies. We need more White babies unless the parents are stupid Moon Bats.
/——/ Here’s North Korea’s diet choices.

I've seen her on YouTube, I think she said that some people eat mud as well when they have too. Yet so Americans and Brits whinge about their own country.

Send prisoners to North Korea to live in the suburbs for a few years, if they make it back, that might be a better deterrent than jail's here.
The fact is smaller families are the trend. That isn't going to change because nobody has kids for the "good of the nation". That's the ladt, very ladt eason to have them. Many couples are having no kids or even only 1. That's THEIR choice and the nation as a collective should have zero voice to pressure them to have more because that's unpatriotic.
The fact is smaller families are the trend. That isn't going to change because nobody has kids for the "good of the nation". That's the ladt, very ladt eason to have them. Many couples are having no kids or even only 1. That's THEIR choice and the nation as a collective should have zero voice to pressure them to have more because that's unpatriotic.
It's the trend due to cost and red tape.
Fewer children can also be an effective strategy for combining, and compounding generational wealth

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