We need more babies

Well, the Marxist Feminist movement throughout the last 50 years has totally fucked up relations between men and sTrOnG iNdEpEnDeNt wOmEn here in America.
Just another example of the chipping away of society by the demented LEFT.
Way to go, assholes.
No, that would be the Christo-fascist right and other authoritarian conservatives who want to use the state to control women – such as forcing them to have children against their will.
Considering that the census reports an increase in our population every year, I question the need to offer incentives for having babies.

In addition to adding to the deficit for something totally unnecessary, how do you phrase the qualifications for the incentive? Can't just offer the incentive to any woman, or you'll end up with the "wrong people" having babies.
This isn't just a North Korea thing, it's something needed in many, many countries. Even here in America. We need more American women to have more babies.

---Kim Jong Un openly weeps as he urges North Korean women to have more babies---

You’re way late. Far too late.
Not to worry a new baby boom will appear soon. All those "immigrants" Joey Xi has allowed in will soon be increased two fold in a short while.
So… is it starting to make sense now?
We might just need immigrant workers going foreword?
At least put the proposition for America up for discussion and debate .
Also the health and safety aspects .

And it is the men we find generally odious -- not the women .
Yaass…all those swarthy young men coming to get your-rubicunda-nubiles.

Demographers have known for about 20 years that unless something unexpected and almost miraculous happens, the welfare systems of Western Europe will collapse somewhere in the 2030's . It'sa pyramid and when the people receiving benefits are not mathched by the larger workers at the bottom contributing from wages ,it fails.Elderly are increasing, young and workers ,decreasing.World disaster. Simple math really and no one denies it they just say 'we will find the people' Watch for a preview in 2025-2026 when the Enrollment Cliff for higher education comes in.And there is absolutely no avoiding it. 7% left due to Covid and never came back and 15%( well over one-half milllion)of stuidents are not there.

the “demographic cliff” anticipated by up to a 15 percent drop in freshman prospects approaches, beginning in 2025 due to the decline in birth rate in the 2008 recession and lasting for years after. Those missing babies in 2008 would have begun entering college 17 years later, in 2025.

Now, we see another major drop in births during 2020, with births down 4 percent over the year, but notably accelerating to 8 percent by December as the impact of COVID took hold earlier in the year, reducing births nine months later. It remains to be seen just how long and how significant the decline will be through this year. This new birth drop echo will begin to reach colleges by 2037.

These drops come in the context of a half a dozen years of annual declines in births in the United States.

It's a ponzi scheme simple, and plain. And Ponzi schemes are outlawed practically everywhere. Except the ones mandated by government...
I'm still waiting for of the posters to answer my question. If not the women, who gets to choose whether they have babies or not?
No, that would be the Christo-fascist right and other authoritarian conservatives who want to use the state to control women – such as forcing them to have children against their will.
We don't need to force them to do anything. We just need to overturn Griswold.

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