We need to get a divorce

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I don’t do Twitter, Facebook or other social media. I also don’t use Netflix, Hulu, Amazon. I do have an IPhone but I don’t care for all the entertainment media. It’s more about reducing drama and freeing up time to find the pleasures in life and not become a zombie lemming.

Actually, Amazon is great. You know how much time I save shopping.

Facebook is a great tool for keeping track of friends and promoting business.

It's like any other service, it's there for what you need it to do. I suspect a lot of companies I do business with are run by Trump Supporters.... at least the ones he didn't drive out of business.... Doesn't matter. Either they do the job for me or they don't.
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
Take your ball and go home, whiney little bitch.

President Trump endured four years of ruthless attacks from the left and their media, but there were also certain elements within the GOP who were less than helpful. I predict that should he lose the final count, the GOP will have some serious soul-searching to do. Once the full impact of Donald Trump's term sink in, we may well see a far more conservative and right-wing presidential candidate in the future. Especially if Biden gets the final vote, and the next four years go the way I think they will.

So really, that's all you got... hope that things go badly (Can't imagine them being much worse than they are now" and then hope voters will forget what a bunch of fuckups you are.

You are getting it all wrong, buddy. YOu have to do the usual Republican Playbook.

1) Republican fucks up the economy screwing the working class to benefit the investor class.
2) Wait for a Democrat (Obama, Clinton, JFK, FDR) to come in and fix it.
3) After a few years, people forget you fuck things up, then you get the working class to vote against their own economic interests by create fake moral panics.
Why doesn't conservatives establish their own social media? ... it's not that expensive ... a small annual membership fee and y'all can censor liberal ideas all you want to ...

Excellent question. Or any major media outlets.

Been asking that here for YEARS.

I'm convinced the Right is made up of helpless martyrs

We should get one paid for by taxpayer money like NPR and PBS. Sound good?
Thread's off the meager topic here. Into censorship, sosh media, tubes and other things.. Closed.
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