We Need to Make it Much harder to get a Gun

we have thousands of innocent people dying every week in the mass shootings.
thousands of kids dying all the time from these school shootings.

Guns are too easy to get and must be restricted like automobiles are.
First of all, no you don't have thousands dying weekly in mass shootings. Just seems that way because the gutter media wants you to see that. Guns are NOT easy to get and automobiles are NOT restriccted. Guns are not the problem. The problem is mental illness. The left has got to stop promoting it and treat these folk who are mentally ill for gender confusion or whatever else it is.
we are averaging a mass shooting every month or more.

If we had a real gun control in place we could have easily prevented the Nashville shooting because we could have prevented the shooter from buying guns as they would not have passed a rigorous screening process that is clearly needed.
that's not true. You're hormonal. Nothing prevents a mentally ill person or a criminally insane person from killing. HE/She will find SOME way to do it. There IS a rigorous screening process for buying a gun. How about a rigorous process for identifying the mentally ill....you can start with people who are gender confused.

Clearly you know nothing about guns or the process of buying one.
we are averaging a mass shooting every month or more.

If we had a real gun control in place we could have easily prevented the Nashville shooting because we could have prevented the shooter from buying guns as they would not have passed a rigorous screening process that is clearly needed.
Nothing you proposed would have stopped it. It's retarded to suggest otherwise.
You act like somebody is taking away your gun??
Nobody is doing that.
I have no worries about that. I simply know what "shall not be infringed" means.

But they need to make it harder to get a gun and make the screening process much more rigorous and thorough to prevent the so called crazies from getting guns. It is much too easy to get a gun, and that needs to change. Then we would have much less shootings and innocents being killed.
See here. You advocate for infringement. There are plenty of hoops to jump through already. You would make it harder and more costly for law abiding citizens to acquire firearms without a demonstrable benefit.

Most bad guys probably buy their guns on the street, not at licensed dealers or at gun shows from private sellers, and nothing you propose would change that.

Here is what you are specifically proposing...

>That needs to stop. A Gun license needs to be like a drivers license. We need to track and monitor all guns and sales like cars, and all gun owners just like vehicle owners.

That's nuts. Currently, in most states, a permit is required to carry a gun concealed. It's tracked all right. When someone gets pulled over by a cop, the cop can easily check to see if the driver has a carry permit. The thing is, the people with the permits are not the ones the cop needs to worry about. It's the people who have a weapon who have not gone through the process of a background check and paying the fee for the right.

The bad guys don't usually worry about these silly laws. Licenses, ha! People drive without a license all the time - the bad people.

When people are convicted of a felony, they are informed that their right to possess a firearm has been revoked. The bad guys ignore this law.

Your proposed surveillance state would only restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, not those who are willing to commit gun violence. No law will ever prevent an evil person intent on doing harm, especially one willing to die doing it.

>They need to close all the major loop holes like private sales, online sales, and hun show sales

Private sale ban - only the law-abiding would pay any attention to such a law.
On-line sales - you obviously are misinformed about these. You have to have the gun shipped to a licensed dealer - background check and all that. Same as going to a gun store.
Gun show sales - Nothing burger. Most are dealers, where a background check is required. Not many people are going to rent a booth to sell a couple of guns.

So, Banker, I think your proposals simply infringe upon the fundamental right of the law-abiding to exercise their inalienable rights.

The real problem is that that Dems keep letting the bad guys out of jail. The problem is with people, not guns, knives, cars, or baseball bats.

Here is a list of crimes in New York for which a criminal must be set free on own recognizance until trial. It includes
  • 4th degree Criminal possession of a weapon
  • Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds
  • Criminal possession of a firearm
  • 3rd degree Criminal possession of a weapon
  • Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon

we have thousands of innocent people dying every week in the mass shootings.
thousands of kids dying all the time from these school shootings.

Guns are too easy to get and must be restricted like automobiles are.
Driving is a privilege.
Gun ownership is a right protection by the Constitution.
Your comparison is a fail.
Nobody wants to take away guns from responsible owners, but there are way too many irresponsible owners out there, and it is way too easy to get a gun. In some states you can just go to the store or a private sale, or a gun show, and instantly buy one. Online sales are a free for all.

That needs to stop. A Gun license needs to be like a drivers license. We need to track and monitor all guns and sales like cars, and all gun owners just like vehicle owners.

Cars kill if used irresponsibly and we have a whole slew of laws and policies designed to keep people safe from irresponsible drivers.

Guns kill way more than cars and are substantially more dangerous, yet most people can easily get one. That needs to stop, because too many innocent kids die.

They need to close all the major loop holes like private sales, online sales, and hun show sales, and they need to get serious about keeping us safe.

Drug overdoses now kill more than 100,000 Americans a year — more than vehicle crash and gun deaths combined.

In 2020, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC. That figure includes gun murders and gun suicides, along with three other, less common types of gun-related deaths tracked by the CDC: those that were unintentional, those that involved law enforcement and those whose circumstances could not be determined.

Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (24,292), while 43% were murders (19,384), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were unintentional (535), involved law enforcement (611) or had undetermined circumstances (400)

According to the National Safety Council, an estimated 42,060 people were killed during 2020.

So in reality it is 42,060 car deaths versus 19,384 gun murders.
The fear is real. Too many innocent people are dying because it is too easy to get guns.
You are trying to act like we don't have thousands of innocent people and kids constantly dying from guns, but we do. Non stop.

If it were harder to get guns, much less innocent people would die. You people just can't admit and accept that so you try and spin bull shit.

Gun owners are extremely selfish and have major blood on their hands.
Not that I support existing gun laws any more than I would support new gun laws, but shouldn't you be screaming more about LA, Chicago, NY, and other places where people use guns in crimes and get off without even the minimum 5 and 10 year Federal sentences for gun crimes? Because, based on the history of gun-law enforcement, which you have no problem with, no minority or gang-land criminal would ever go to jail for possessing an illegal gun - because they don't go to jail today for possessing an illegal gun.

The only ones who would pay the price for enforcement on a new law making gun ownership more difficult to obtain would be those without criminal records, who live in the suburbs instead of the inner cities, or straight white males, regardless of their past or where they live.
I'm beginning to see that a human life is not that important to a lot of republicans. A fetus? Yes. Human life? No.
You are forgettting firearms can be used to stop attacks.

I am likely only here to point this out because of a firearm. My mother was walking home from work in the dark when she was rushed by a man. She fortunately had a revolver and fired it two times over the man’s head and he ran. The shots alerted her father who responded with a Colt .45 Automatic but the man was not caught.

Had my mother been raped or killed, I likely would not have been born. I owe my life to a S&W Ladysmith revolver.
we are averaging a mass shooting every month or more.

If we had a real gun control in place we could have easily prevented the Nashville shooting because we could have prevented the shooter from buying guns as they would not have passed a rigorous screening process that is clearly needed.
We don't need MORE gun control however we could start with better management of those members of society that are KNOWN to be violent. The Parkland shooter in Florida publicly fantasized about being a school shooter on his social media account according to news reports and one of the school resource officers tried to "Baker Act" him (involuntary commitment). He was unsuccessful because whoever had the final say in the matter was reportedly more concerned about staining his life at an early age by having that on his record than protecting his fellow classmates from him.

Then they tried to prosecute (and persecute) the officer for refusing to go in alone and unassisted against an assault rifle after he tried to warn them of the problem with Cruz. Last I heard he was still awaiting trial? I haven't checked up on him in a while but his name I believe is Scott Petersen and I vehemently oppose what they are trying to do to him and his life.
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Nobody wants to take away guns from responsible owners, but there are way too many irresponsible owners out there, and it is way too easy to get a gun. In some states you can just go to the store or a private sale, or a gun show, and instantly buy one. Online sales are a free for all.

That needs to stop. A Gun license needs to be like a drivers license. We need to track and monitor all guns and sales like cars, and all gun owners just like vehicle owners.

Cars kill if used irresponsibly and we have a whole slew of laws and policies designed to keep people safe from irresponsible drivers.

Guns kill way more than cars and are substantially more dangerous, yet most people can easily get one. That needs to stop, because too many innocent kids die.

They need to close all the major loop holes like private sales, online sales, and hun show sales, and they need to get serious about keeping us safe.

The actual data on car deaths isn't that far from guns actually.
What about deaths from car accidents: There were 35,766 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2020. What are we doing to save those lives? (Fatality Facts 2020: State by state)

Alcohol and Driving: Every day, about 32 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that's one person every 45 minutes. What are we doing to save those lives.
(Drunk Driving | NHTSA.)

In fact, if you take out the number of suicides from guns, car deaths are greater than guns.

But wait, there's more!...

What about opioid deaths: Opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from 21,089 in 2010 to 47,600 in 2017 and remained steady through 2019. This was followed by a significant increase in 2020 with 68,630 reported deaths and again in 2021 with 80,411 reported overdose deaths. What are we doing to save those lives.
(Drug Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse.)

What about tobacco: More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease. What are we doing to save those lives.
Tobacco-Related Mortality
See the data and statistical information on tobacco-related mortality rates regarding smoking and tobacco use
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov

The numbers don't lie. The gun narrative in the country ignores the many other preventable deaths.
And you can only legislate so far. Despite all the laws and registering, and licensing, people still do terrible things, like driving drunk. Texting while driving. And the number of deaths due to 2nd hand smoke is up there with guns.
Drug overdoses now kill more than 100,000 Americans a year — more than vehicle crash and gun deaths combined.

In 2020, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC. That figure includes gun murders and gun suicides, along with three other, less common types of gun-related deaths tracked by the CDC: those that were unintentional, those that involved law enforcement and those whose circumstances could not be determined.

Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (24,292), while 43% were murders (19,384), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were unintentional (535), involved law enforcement (611) or had undetermined circumstances (400)

According to the National Safety Council, an estimated 42,060 people were killed during 2020.

So in reality it is 42,060 car deaths versus 19,384 gun murders.
Posted almost the same thing LOL. But, but. No one cares about all the other preventable deaths, why? Because those deaths are't politically divisive and a vote generating machine. Period!
Nobody wants to take away guns from responsible owners, but there are way too many irresponsible owners out there, and it is way too easy to get a gun. In some states you can just go to the store or a private sale, or a gun show, and instantly buy one. Online sales are a free for all.

That needs to stop. A Gun license needs to be like a drivers license. We need to track and monitor all guns and sales like cars, and all gun owners just like vehicle owners.

Cars kill if used irresponsibly and we have a whole slew of laws and policies designed to keep people safe from irresponsible drivers.

Guns kill way more than cars and are substantially more dangerous, yet most people can easily get one. That needs to stop, because too many innocent kids die.

They need to close all the major loop holes like private sales, online sales, and hun show sales, and they need to get serious about keeping us safe.

Dear The Banker
I found lists of states with more gun deaths than car deaths.

What if ALL CITIZENS of each district that wants 2nd Amendment rights agree to undergo the SAME
screening, training and oath that police and military are required in order to use arms for defense of the law and due process protections of persons and property, life and liberty?

If everyone in a district AGREES to undergo mental health screening and healing therapy to address pre-existing conditions of abuse, addiction or other impairing disorder otherwise preventing legal competence and compliance,
wouldn't that address both the issue of identifying dangerous people who aren't legally competent to defend the laws with arms, and defend the 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms for the purpose of defending laws and liberty from criminal infringement?
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