"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Go to the places in the world where the poor are really poor in all its glorious poorness,

with little or no help from the government, and then, if that's what you want America to look like,

then continue to fight for the end of all redistribution of wealth, in all its forms.
The federal government is the least efficient at distributing anything you fucking piece of shit.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?
The right wing has a problem with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, so more people will be able to pay, more taxes.
90% or even more of small businesses can't afford $15 an hour you fucking piece of shit.
Food stamp use increased because of the Great Bush Recession of 2008

If, as Progressives claim, we had such a great recovery under the reign of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, why did the number of people on food stamps continue to rise until we could see the light at the end of the tunnel? Obama leaving office.
When their not making 1200 a month paying 800 in rent, 150 in utilities, and let's say a low payment of 100 in a car payment so they can get to work...... helllloooooooo

Why can't these people by food, education, medical coverage ....they don't have the moneyyyy

Minimum wage is far too low in most places

Since you seem knowledgeable on this subject, please share with us specifically how many American households exist on the income of one worker earning the minimum wage.

Would you do that for us please?
Yeah they will improve skills and get one of those jobs sent to china.
/---/ reform the tax and labor laws that sent the jobs to China.

Repubs don't do anything....
/---/ correct and Trump Could fix that if you libs and never Trumpers would get out of his way.
Idiot can't even get his own party behind him.
/----/ Pres Trump is an outsider and the establishment won't get behind him, but you already knew that
They don't run the company. None hold positions in the company.

Not any more. They've done their work. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits.

Most of them never.

That's OK. If the freeloaders that work there think they know so much about the business, let them start a competitor. Most of them have trouble finding the exit when their shift is over.

Give them the billions the Walton's started with and they would be glad to.
/----/ what billions? Sam Walton started with one tiny store in Arkansas and built an empire.

So trump said he would do all those things when he knew he couldn't?
So trump said he would do all those things when he knew he couldn't?

Specifically what? Keep in mind, he has been in office fewer than eight months.


Each household will save $2,500. on average per year.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
We need a modern day Robin Hood. Someone to steal the money from the government and give it back to the people it was stolen from.
Food stamp use increased because of the Great Bush Recession of 2008

If, as Progressives claim, we had such a great recovery under the reign of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, why did the number of people on food stamps continue to rise until we could see the light at the end of the tunnel? Obama leaving office.

Food stamp usage declined repeatedly in the last years of Obama
Go to the places in the world where the poor are really poor in all its glorious poorness,

with little or no help from the government, and then, if that's what you want America to look like,

then continue to fight for the end of all redistribution of wealth, in all its forms.

Why do you believe the "pie" remains the same size?

How much do you believe Jeff Bezos took out of your net worth since he founded Amazon in 1994?

English, Pedro. Pour favor.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?
In other words it's time workers get a raise. Isn't that what Trump's trying to do? Unemployment is low so wages should be going up.

So loosen the purse strings

Food stamp usage declined repeatedly in the last years of Obama

Yes, people saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Donald Trump announced his run for president June 15, 2015. People saw hope!

In 2014 those on food stamps hit an impressive record of 47 million. That is 20 million more than the previous high of 27 million back in 1994. In 2015 that number dropped to 46 million and in 2016. After the announcement by Trump, it dropped FOUR MILLION to 41 million.

The economy is growing.
So trump said he would do all those things when he knew he couldn't?

Specifically what? Keep in mind, he has been in office fewer than eight months.


Each household will save $2,500. on average per year.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Well so far he has done nothing.

Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.
Not any more. They've done their work. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits.

Most of them never.

That's OK. If the freeloaders that work there think they know so much about the business, let them start a competitor. Most of them have trouble finding the exit when their shift is over.

Give them the billions the Walton's started with and they would be glad to.

Sam Walton didn't start with billions.

You have to have the ability to do it. Most of them don't have the ability to make change at the register unless the digital readout tells them how much.

Yes Sam, not the kids.

But Sam's kids can make change without a digital readout.
According to you BOY Obama, the economy isn't experiencing slow growth. Are you saying he lied?

You have a problem repeating yourself.

You have a problem understanding. Things have to be repeated for stupid people.

You also have a problem answering direct questions. That's a sign of being an idiot, too.
I have responded moron. I bore repeating myself to an idiot.

You never said whether or not Obama lied.

I bore myself talking to a stupid NL like you.

I said look at the numbers. You are the idiot quoting obama for no apparent reason.

I'm quoting the President you supported. His quotes don't match what you say. Is he telling a lie? Will you answer?
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

The redistribution of wealth makes since if the natural workings of the economy are producing extreme divergences between rich and poor.


The cause of the divergence isn't money so handing someone on the low end something they didn't earn won't solve anything. It hasn't for 50 years with $22 trillion wasted trying to do so with the war on poverty.
How about people pay for their own education, healthcare, and retirement like the responsible people do?

That's called anarchy

So I am an anarchists then?

Who knew.

You do need education.
Public schooled?
Seems that way if you oppose free public education

It's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.
Best education New York State can provide

If you're the best they can do, it's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.
It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.

Then you must be mad repubs have not changed a thing.

Your ****** had 8 years. Why should the white guy be expected to do in 7 months what the black guy never did?
You aren't using the N word again are you?

Who are you going to whine to about it, pussy? Go tell on me.
Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Stock market increased more than every president before him combined

Food stamp use went to a high number than every President before him despite his claims the economy was booming.
Food stamp use increased because of the Great Bush Recession of 2008
/----/ And continued for eight years under Obozo "great economy"
President Obama prevented a Depression

Not bad for a community organizer

By putting a record number on food stamps?
No such thing.

They make billions while tax payers subsidize labor.

Make being the key word.

I've indicated how the subsidized labor could be stopped. No more handouts.

You said the Walton family had few skills. How does someone with so few skills make enough to buy you a million times over?

They were born to Sammy. Being born isn't a skill. We all did it.

Blacks were born black. Why should being born black get you special consideration when it comes to admittance to college or hiring?
Because until very recently in history they literally COULD NOT do those things!! :banghead:

They've been able to do those things for years. Don't equate not willing to do so with being unable to do so.

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