"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Blacks were born black. Why should being born black get you special consideration when it comes to admittance to college or hiring?
You are the one who said being born was a skill.

You're the one that thinks because they were born to Sam Walton they didn't have to do anything to learn how to run a business. Are you saying they were born with the ability to run a company?

They don't run the company. None hold positions in the company.

Not any more. They've done their work. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits.
And the people who worked their fingers to the bone actually building said company, THE WORKERS, fuck them right? Work until their old and crippled and HEY! Take away those meals on wheels, they don't get any fruit!!

The workers got paid when they were working. If they thought they could have done better, they could have started their own companies and competed with Sam Walton or any other business.

I've seen those workers at Walmart. I have yet to see one working their hands to the bone.

If you think those on the low end need more, give them your money. Why is it that when bleeding hearts like you say someone needs something you demand others pay the price. Why don't you pay it yourself if you deem the need is a worthy cause?
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.
The poor have it so good.

I was in the store the other day and they were getting filet mignon and lobster with food stamps
Anything with a nutritional value chart on it can be purchased with food stamps.

When are they going to start buying their own fucking food?
When their not making 1200 a month paying 800 in rent, 150 in utilities, and let's say a low payment of 100 in a car payment so they can get to work...... helllloooooooo

Why can't these people by food, education, medical coverage ....they don't have the moneyyyy

Minimum wage is far too low in most places

They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.
The poor have it so good.

I was in the store the other day and they were getting filet mignon and lobster with food stamps
Anything with a nutritional value chart on it can be purchased with food stamps.

When are they going to start buying their own fucking food?
When their not making 1200 a month paying 800 in rent, 150 in utilities, and let's say a low payment of 100 in a car payment so they can get to work...... helllloooooooo

Why can't these people by food, education, medical coverage ....they don't have the moneyyyy

Minimum wage is far too low in most places

"Their"? It's they're just in case you were wondering.

Why can't these people do something about improving their skills?

Minimum wage shouldn't exist. It's not the government's place to force a business to pay someone a certain amount. Why do you oppose personal responsibility of the individual to better him/herself?
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

The redistribution of wealth makes since if the natural workings of the economy are producing extreme divergences between rich and poor.
/----/ there is a reason people are either rich or poor. Spreading the money around will fail because the poor will squander the money and the rich will just make the money back because that is what they do best.

Oh, and I suppose there's a reason people were slaves or slaveowners, so the government should have stayed out of it?
/----/ Everyone held in slavery in the US should get $1,000,000 now go dig up the bodies and pay them you stooge AND make the slave owners pay.

Nice dodge. Sad to see you believe the slaves deserved being enslaved.

Sad to see you believe those that never were slaves deserve something paid for by those that never owned slaves.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?
The right wing has a problem with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, so more people will be able to pay, more taxes.

You ASSume that a $15/hour minimum will automatically result in them paying more taxes.
The redistribution of wealth makes since if the natural workings of the economy are producing extreme divergences between rich and poor.
/----/ there is a reason people are either rich or poor. Spreading the money around will fail because the poor will squander the money and the rich will just make the money back because that is what they do best.

Oh, and I suppose there's a reason people were slaves or slaveowners, so the government should have stayed out of it?
/----/ Everyone held in slavery in the US should get $1,000,000 now go dig up the bodies and pay them you stooge AND make the slave owners pay.

Nice dodge. Sad to see you believe the slaves deserved being enslaved.

Sad to see you believe those that never were slaves deserve something paid for by those that never owned slaves.
Blame Trump.jpg
So trump said he would do all those things when he knew he couldn't?

Specifically what? Keep in mind, he has been in office fewer than eight months.


Each household will save $2,500. on average per year.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Well so far he has done nothing.

Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.

Share what he has done then.
You have a problem repeating yourself.

You have a problem understanding. Things have to be repeated for stupid people.

You also have a problem answering direct questions. That's a sign of being an idiot, too.
I have responded moron. I bore repeating myself to an idiot.

You never said whether or not Obama lied.

I bore myself talking to a stupid NL like you.

I said look at the numbers. You are the idiot quoting obama for no apparent reason.

I'm quoting the President you supported. His quotes don't match what you say. Is he telling a lie? Will you answer?

I can only tell you what the numbers say. I don't follow obama like you it seems. He's not president now dipshit.
So trump said he would do all those things when he knew he couldn't?

Specifically what? Keep in mind, he has been in office fewer than eight months.


Each household will save $2,500. on average per year.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Well so far he has done nothing.

Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.

Share what he has done then.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
So trump said he would do all those things when he knew he couldn't?

Specifically what? Keep in mind, he has been in office fewer than eight months.


Each household will save $2,500. on average per year.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Well so far he has done nothing.

Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.

Share what he has done then.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.
Specifically what? Keep in mind, he has been in office fewer than eight months.


Each household will save $2,500. on average per year.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Well so far he has done nothing.

Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.

Share what he has done then.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.

Divided? Oh hell yeah...make no mistake about it the Right is disgusted by the filthy Left more now than ever...the Right has finally pushed back and is embracing the divide.
"Obama economy"
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....the sackless, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way.
Well so far he has done nothing.

Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.

Share what he has done then.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.

Divided? Oh hell yeah...make no mistake about it the Right is disgusted by the filthy Left more now than ever...the Right has finally pushed back and is embracing the divide.
"Obama economy"
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....the sackless, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way.

Trump has done nothing to change the economy. It is still obamas economy.

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?

Can I answer the questions for the Moon Bats?

There will never be enough for the greedy little welfare queens. They want a big welfare state government but they sure as hell don't want to get the bill for it. They want somebody else to pay for it. Anybody except themselves.
Paying for your, large government, Wars on crime, drugs, and terror? Raise taxes to real times of war tax rates or abolish those alleged wars.
Not true. Worse, you know it isn't true. Why don't you want to drain the swamp? That includes Democrats and Republicans.

Share what he has done then.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.

Divided? Oh hell yeah...make no mistake about it the Right is disgusted by the filthy Left more now than ever...the Right has finally pushed back and is embracing the divide.
"Obama economy"
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....the sackless, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way.

Trump has done nothing to change the economy. It is still obamas economy.

Yeah, yeah...we can go with that if it makes you feel better.
If all he's accomplished in his short seven months is run wetbacks out, demonize the twisted media, get corrupt government running scared, force the whacko LefTards to piss themselves daily and make REAL American's feel important again than we're absolutely killing it!
That's called anarchy

So I am an anarchists then?

Who knew.

You do need education.
Public schooled?
Seems that way if you oppose free public education

It's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.
Best education New York State can provide

If you're the best they can do, it's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.

He sounds like he was public schooled.
Share what he has done then.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.

Divided? Oh hell yeah...make no mistake about it the Right is disgusted by the filthy Left more now than ever...the Right has finally pushed back and is embracing the divide.
"Obama economy"
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....the sackless, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way.

Trump has done nothing to change the economy. It is still obamas economy.

Yeah, yeah...we can go with that if it makes you feel better.
If all he's accomplished in his short seven months is run wetbacks out, demonize the twisted media, get corrupt government running scared, force the whacko LefTards to piss themselves daily and make REAL American's feel important again than we're absolutely killing it!
Politics over country.
We need a modern day Robin Hood. Someone to steal the money from the government and give it back to the people it was stolen from.
That's very easy. Ban tax expenditures and lower tax rates for everyone.
If you don't take out a mortgage, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't breed, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

Not only have you dumb fucks been okay with this government behavioral control program, you INSIST on it.

Now you whine about having to pay higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of insurance? Really?

And you think the problem is poor people on food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Look in the mirror, jackasses. THERE is the root cause of ALL your problems.
Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption. How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.

Divided? Oh hell yeah...make no mistake about it the Right is disgusted by the filthy Left more now than ever...the Right has finally pushed back and is embracing the divide.
"Obama economy"
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....the sackless, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way.

Trump has done nothing to change the economy. It is still obamas economy.

Yeah, yeah...we can go with that if it makes you feel better.
If all he's accomplished in his short seven months is run wetbacks out, demonize the twisted media, get corrupt government running scared, force the whacko LefTards to piss themselves daily and make REAL American's feel important again than we're absolutely killing it!
Politics over country.

Bipartisanship is a thing of the past....desperate Democrats have gone bat shit crazy and completely lost their shit...they've become the Extreme Left Progressive Party....apparently they thought more of America was fucked up in the head when they decided to go that direction...Sorry Chuck and Nancy...America is still full of legit American minded folks...sucks for you and there's no turning back now....haha
/----/ there is a reason people are either rich or poor. Spreading the money around will fail because the poor will squander the money and the rich will just make the money back because that is what they do best.

Oh, and I suppose there's a reason people were slaves or slaveowners, so the government should have stayed out of it?
/----/ Everyone held in slavery in the US should get $1,000,000 now go dig up the bodies and pay them you stooge AND make the slave owners pay.

Nice dodge. Sad to see you believe the slaves deserved being enslaved.

Sad to see you believe those that never were slaves deserve something paid for by those that never owned slaves.
/----/ View attachment 145546
Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?
/---/ let's look at the drop out rate in inner city public schools. They reject the"free education " How come?
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.
The poor have it so good.

I was in the store the other day and they were getting filet mignon and lobster with food stamps
Anything with a nutritional value chart on it can be purchased with food stamps.

When are they going to start buying their own fucking food?
Did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about morals, either.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

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