"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

If you don't take out a mortgage, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't breed, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

Not only have you dumb fucks been okay with this government behavioral control program, you INSIST on it.

Now you whine about having to pay higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of insurance? Really?

And you think the problem is poor people on food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Look in the mirror, jackasses. THERE is the root cause of ALL your problems.

$22 trillion spent on poor bottom feeders and $100 billion per year spent on illegal wetbacks....
That's the "root cause" and it's a no-brainer
So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???

He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
I see a country more divided. And he sure didn't pass anything for any changes, still obama economy.

Divided? Oh hell yeah...make no mistake about it the Right is disgusted by the filthy Left more now than ever...the Right has finally pushed back and is embracing the divide.
"Obama economy"
In the real world when shit happens on your watch you're responsible for X shit happening. Further, my 14 year old could have "saved" this nation with $10 trillion of other people's money....the sackless, soft spoken, scrawny negro with oversized ears and un-American name couldn't have done shit any other way.

Trump has done nothing to change the economy. It is still obamas economy.

Yeah, yeah...we can go with that if it makes you feel better.
If all he's accomplished in his short seven months is run wetbacks out, demonize the twisted media, get corrupt government running scared, force the whacko LefTards to piss themselves daily and make REAL American's feel important again than we're absolutely killing it!
Politics over country.

Bipartisanship is a thing of the past....desperate Democrats have gone bat shit crazy and completely lost their shit...they've become the Extreme Left Progressive Party....apparently they thought more of America was fucked up in the head when they decided to go that direction...Sorry Chuck and Nancy...America is still full of legit American minded folks...sucks for you and there's no turning back now....haha

Repubs control everything and do nothing. I don't see anything good happening.
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???

He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
/---/ You'd still deny it.
Obama economy.jpg
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???

He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.

WTF, do your own homework.
He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.

WTF, do your own homework.

The person making a claim should be the one to provide backup obviously.
It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.

WTF, do your own homework.

The person making a claim should be the one to provide backup obviously.

That's a two way street.
He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
/---/ You'd still deny it.
View attachment 145579
Some of us thought he had a mandate to "bailout blacks", not just the rich.

Wealth Inequality - Inequality.org
How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.

WTF, do your own homework.

The person making a claim should be the one to provide backup obviously.

That's a two way street.

Only if you are ok with people making claims they can't back up.
So I am an anarchists then?

Who knew.

You do need education.
Public schooled?
Seems that way if you oppose free public education

It's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.
Best education New York State can provide

If you're the best they can do, it's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.

He sounds like he was public schooled.
Nothing better than a good public education

Made America great
Some of us thought he had a mandate to "bailout blacks", not just the rich.

Wealth Inequality - Inequality.org

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

Obama did bailed out Wall Street big time, didn't he? After all Wall Street gave him more money in 2008 than they gave to McCain and more money in 2012 than they gave to Romney.

Meanwhile Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, really decreased debt, had dismal economic growth and increased income disparity.

Pretty much a failure for Blacks and everybody else except the Limousine Liberals that supported him.

If you are really concerned about income disparity then you wouldn't ever vote for someone that embraces Left economics because all that ever does is make the poorer more poor.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from somebody that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that simple concept.

You create prosperity by getting out of the way of capitalism so that it grows the economy and everybody benefits.

Left economics - the richer get richer and the poor gets poorer.

Capitalism - the richer get richer and the poor also gets richer.
Some of us thought he had a mandate to "bailout blacks", not just the rich.

Wealth Inequality - Inequality.org

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

Obama did bailed out Wall Street big time, didn't he? After all Wall Street gave him more money in 2008 than they gave to McCain and more money in 2012 than they gave to Romney.

Meanwhile Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, really decreased debt, had dismal economic growth and increased income disparity.

Pretty much a failure for Blacks and everybody else except the Limousine Liberals that supported him.

If you are really concerned about income disparity then you wouldn't ever vote for someone that embraces Left economics because all that ever does is make the poorer more poor.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from somebody that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that simple concept.

You create prosperity by getting out of the way of capitalism so that it grows the economy and everybody benefits.

Left economics - the richer get richer and the poor gets poorer.

Capitalism - the richer get richer and the poor also gets richer.

The right hasn't been for good capitalism for a long time.
If you don't take out a mortgage, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't breed, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

Not only have you dumb fucks been okay with this government behavioral control program, you INSIST on it.

Now you whine about having to pay higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of insurance? Really?

And you think the problem is poor people on food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Look in the mirror, jackasses. THERE is the root cause of ALL your problems.

$22 trillion spent on poor bottom feeders and $100 billion per year spent on illegal wetbacks....
That's the "root cause" and it's a no-brainer
Helping people who need help

How much was spent on defense
If you don't take out a mortgage, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

If you don't breed, the government punishes you with higher taxes.

Not only have you dumb fucks been okay with this government behavioral control program, you INSIST on it.

Now you whine about having to pay higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of insurance? Really?

And you think the problem is poor people on food stamps! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Look in the mirror, jackasses. THERE is the root cause of ALL your problems.

$22 trillion spent on poor bottom feeders and $100 billion per year spent on illegal wetbacks....
That's the "root cause" and it's a no-brainer

We had a booming economy with just as many, if not more, illegals here than there are now.

Then something happened. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers. Millions of lost jobs, stock market crash, sound familiar?

No brainer, you say? You are a total rube with no brain, that's for sure.

Our economic problems have fuck-all to do with Mexicans.

$100 billion spent on them each year. I agree that's not good. But guess what. We spend $1.4 TRILLION on tax expenditures each year. And you are whining about food stamps for the poor and Mexicans. Man, you just can't write that kind of comedy!

No brainer? Please get one!
If you don't breed, you are punished with higher taxes.

This is how much you tards have allowed the government to control your lives.

And boy do you fucking howl like welfare queens at anyone who says we need to stop this insanity.

My god, do you have any idea how funny you sound blaming Mexicans for our troubles? :lol:
You have a problem understanding. Things have to be repeated for stupid people.

You also have a problem answering direct questions. That's a sign of being an idiot, too.
I have responded moron. I bore repeating myself to an idiot.

You never said whether or not Obama lied.

I bore myself talking to a stupid NL like you.

I said look at the numbers. You are the idiot quoting obama for no apparent reason.

I'm quoting the President you supported. His quotes don't match what you say. Is he telling a lie? Will you answer?

I can only tell you what the numbers say. I don't follow obama like you it seems. He's not president now dipshit.

I only followed what he said when he was President. You ignore what he said when he was President. Apparently he was using numbers you didn't see or viewed them differently than you do.
If you don't breed, you are punished with higher taxes.

This is how much you tards have allowed the government to control your lives.

And boy do you fucking howl like welfare queens at anyone who says we need to stop this insanity.

My god, do you have any idea how funny you sound blaming Mexicans for our troubles? :lol:

If you breed children you can't afford to support, you are reward because someone else paid higher taxes.
I have responded moron. I bore repeating myself to an idiot.

You never said whether or not Obama lied.

I bore myself talking to a stupid NL like you.

I said look at the numbers. You are the idiot quoting obama for no apparent reason.

I'm quoting the President you supported. His quotes don't match what you say. Is he telling a lie? Will you answer?

I can only tell you what the numbers say. I don't follow obama like you it seems. He's not president now dipshit.

I only followed what he said when he was President. You ignore what he said when he was President. Apparently he was using numbers you didn't see or viewed them differently than you do.

He is no longer president...
You never said whether or not Obama lied.

I bore myself talking to a stupid NL like you.

I said look at the numbers. You are the idiot quoting obama for no apparent reason.

I'm quoting the President you supported. His quotes don't match what you say. Is he telling a lie? Will you answer?

I can only tell you what the numbers say. I don't follow obama like you it seems. He's not president now dipshit.

I only followed what he said when he was President. You ignore what he said when he was President. Apparently he was using numbers you didn't see or viewed them differently than you do.

He is no longer president...

He was when he said it was booming. Was he telling a lie? Will you answer, NL?

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?

Can I answer the questions for the Moon Bats?

There will never be enough for the greedy little welfare queens. They want a big welfare state government but they sure as hell don't want to get the bill for it. They want somebody else to pay for it. Anybody except themselves.
Paying for your, large government, Wars on crime, drugs, and terror? Raise taxes to real times of war tax rates or abolish those alleged wars.

You left out war on poverty. Interesting.

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