"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

No, he's just jealous.
I don't get it. What is his point anyway?

He doesn't have one. What he's trying to say is that because the family members of Sam Walton didn't go through what Sam did to build the company they shouldn't reap the benefits of him doing it. In other words, he wants what Sam passed to those of his choice to be given to those Sam didn't choose.
But he does do that

He thinks that the person that possesses the wealth shouldn't have the choice where it goes but someone totally unrelated to the situation should.
so he wants others to give him their money?.

Whether it's him or others doesn't matter. That he thinks what someone else has and who it should go to is his choice does matter.
I don't get it. What is his point anyway?

He doesn't have one. What he's trying to say is that because the family members of Sam Walton didn't go through what Sam did to build the company they shouldn't reap the benefits of him doing it. In other words, he wants what Sam passed to those of his choice to be given to those Sam didn't choose.
But he does do that

He thinks that the person that possesses the wealth shouldn't have the choice where it goes but someone totally unrelated to the situation should.
so he wants others to give him their money?.

Whether it's him or others doesn't matter. That he thinks what someone else has and who it should go to is his choice does matter.
Only if you are ok with people making claims they can't back up.

You made a claim that people shouldn't own guns yet have done nothing to back it up.

Really? When did I claim people shouldn't own guns? Please quote that one.

I guess if you're not man enough to back up what you said, it's easy for you to lie about it. I didn't think you were man enough. You've proven it.

Why would I back up your false claims? Man enough? This is a message board kid, grow up.

Oh, that's your excuse for being a pussy? You were offered a chance to take away what you said I shouldn't have. Now you claim you didn't say it. Interesting how you asked for an address when I offered the challenge.

Go troll somewhere else NL.
You sure go off topic. What was that address tough guy?
How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.

Then you must be mad repubs have not changed a thing.

Your ****** had 8 years. Why should the white guy be expected to do in 7 months what the black guy never did?

Without passing anything this is still obamas economy.
why do you say he hasn't passed anything? do you know what legislation has been passed? hmmm, more fake stories.

Funny how everyone who claims things passed never give examples.
Yeah they will improve skills and get one of those jobs sent to china.

You'll find any excuse.

You don't seem to have a firm grasp on economics.

Sure I do. I understand giving some freeloading POS more for doing nothing than he/she could earn based on his/her skills won't motivate them to better themselves. You do.

Apparently you don't. You said the economy was slow despite your boy saying it was booming.

You are a true champion of slow economic growth
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
what is not equal? you're confused me thinks.

Me thinks you didn't read link.
You made a claim that people shouldn't own guns yet have done nothing to back it up.

Really? When did I claim people shouldn't own guns? Please quote that one.

I guess if you're not man enough to back up what you said, it's easy for you to lie about it. I didn't think you were man enough. You've proven it.

Why would I back up your false claims? Man enough? This is a message board kid, grow up.

Oh, that's your excuse for being a pussy? You were offered a chance to take away what you said I shouldn't have. Now you claim you didn't say it. Interesting how you asked for an address when I offered the challenge.

Go troll somewhere else NL.
You sure go off topic. What was that address tough guy?

I thought you didn't make the claim. If you make the claim that people shouldn't have something, it's on you. Find me, coward. We both know you won't because you're all mouth and no substance.
You are the one who said being born was a skill.

You're the one that thinks because they were born to Sam Walton they didn't have to do anything to learn how to run a business. Are you saying they were born with the ability to run a company?

They don't run the company. None hold positions in the company.

Not any more. They've done their work. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits.

Most of them never.
were you following their life or something to know this?

The internet is full of information.
Really? When did I claim people shouldn't own guns? Please quote that one.

I guess if you're not man enough to back up what you said, it's easy for you to lie about it. I didn't think you were man enough. You've proven it.

Why would I back up your false claims? Man enough? This is a message board kid, grow up.

Oh, that's your excuse for being a pussy? You were offered a chance to take away what you said I shouldn't have. Now you claim you didn't say it. Interesting how you asked for an address when I offered the challenge.

Go troll somewhere else NL.
You sure go off topic. What was that address tough guy?

I thought you didn't make the claim. If you make the claim that people shouldn't have something, it's on you. Find me, coward. We both know you won't because you're all mouth and no substance.

From tough guy to hiding. You are too funny kid.
I guess if you're not man enough to back up what you said, it's easy for you to lie about it. I didn't think you were man enough. You've proven it.

Why would I back up your false claims? Man enough? This is a message board kid, grow up.

Oh, that's your excuse for being a pussy? You were offered a chance to take away what you said I shouldn't have. Now you claim you didn't say it. Interesting how you asked for an address when I offered the challenge.

Go troll somewhere else NL.
You sure go off topic. What was that address tough guy?

I thought you didn't make the claim. If you make the claim that people shouldn't have something, it's on you. Find me, coward. We both know you won't because you're all mouth and no substance.

From tough guy to hiding. You are too funny kid.

From I didn't say you shouldn't have something to saying I shouldn't have it.

I'm not hiding. You're making an excuse so you don't have to show up.
Why would I back up your false claims? Man enough? This is a message board kid, grow up.

Oh, that's your excuse for being a pussy? You were offered a chance to take away what you said I shouldn't have. Now you claim you didn't say it. Interesting how you asked for an address when I offered the challenge.

Go troll somewhere else NL.
You sure go off topic. What was that address tough guy?

I thought you didn't make the claim. If you make the claim that people shouldn't have something, it's on you. Find me, coward. We both know you won't because you're all mouth and no substance.

From tough guy to hiding. You are too funny kid.

From I didn't say you shouldn't have something to saying I shouldn't have it.

I'm not hiding. You're making an excuse so you don't have to show up.

You can't possibly be an adult.
Oh, that's your excuse for being a pussy? You were offered a chance to take away what you said I shouldn't have. Now you claim you didn't say it. Interesting how you asked for an address when I offered the challenge.

Go troll somewhere else NL.
You sure go off topic. What was that address tough guy?

I thought you didn't make the claim. If you make the claim that people shouldn't have something, it's on you. Find me, coward. We both know you won't because you're all mouth and no substance.

From tough guy to hiding. You are too funny kid.

From I didn't say you shouldn't have something to saying I shouldn't have it.

I'm not hiding. You're making an excuse so you don't have to show up.

You can't possibly be an adult.

You can't possibly be a man. A man that says someone shouldn't have something would do something about it. A coward wants the one he tells he shouldn't have that item to do the legwork for him. Find me.
Seems that way if you oppose free public education

It's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.
Best education New York State can provide

If you're the best they can do, it's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.

He sounds like he was public schooled.
Nothing better than a good public education

Made America great

Keeps the private schools thriving.
While I hate the idea of it, the problem is it will never pass. We redistribute the wealth on a state by state basis that is insane.

California, Illinois, New Jersey, Minnesota, Delaware, New York, Colorado, Ohio, those states that almost always have voted Liberal the past decade plus are the states that give out that wealth. They only get back between 50 and 85 cents per dollar of taxes that they pay to the Federal Government.

Most of the States in the south are on the receiving end of that socialist status, some even getting up to nearly 8 dollars in forms of government subsidies for every dollar their state pays in. States like Mississippi have over 40% of their economies based on federal dollars.

So while it sounds like a great idea, do you think that their Republican Governor, Republican Senators (both) and Republican Representatives (75% are) are going to vote against that re-distribution of wealth and just ruin their economy? Of course not. It's why they don't pass the laws to do that. It's why Trump doesn't want to do that. He'd ruin his base in reality. Over 30% of a states economy... POOF. And in order just to keep the government running there, adding onto that local recession they'd have to have major hikes on their state taxes.
The right wing has a problem with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, so more people will be able to pay, more taxes.

I do. I think the minimum wage should be a training wage where life isn't comfortable. I think it should be a sign to get your life in order and make yourself a more useful member of the workforce when you can't get the market to value you any more than a 14 year old kid working after school with 0 job experience.

I don't think Minimum wage should be a wage you can happily live with TV, internet, phone, your own multi-room place, a car, etc. That should be the wage you are on when you need roomates and bus passes or a bike. If we make it comfortable we remove the desire from the American workforce to improve our skill-sets and get more. Why should you try to be better, when you can do the minimum and live comfortably?

Also it just increases inflation. It doesn't just make $15 an hour a wage increase. Those working more technical jobs making $15 an hour need inflated pay because they aren't the bottom of the working talent and have skills the minimum wage earners don't. It's why they are paid a premium. And on and on. Look at Seattle, not even at $15 an hour minimum. Layoffs of low wage workers. And those not laid off are seeing less hours. A study said about $125 less a month they are earning now.
"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Consider the source.

Again and again we hear liberals and other socialists saying they want to "redistribute" the wealth in this country. But that implies that the wealth was "distributed" by someone to us all in the first place, and maybe that someone did a bad job and the liberal socialists think they can do it better.

But wealth was never "distributed" to any of us, except maybe by welfare clerks to various indigent persons. But the $100 that's in my wallet now, wasn't distributed to me by anyone. A guy with a car and I made an agreement: I'd tune up his car and fix a few things on it, and he'd pay me $100 to do it. I tuned it up, changed the oil, and replaced two squeaking belts that were badly worn. He's happy, now it starts easier, gets better gas mileage, and doesn't make weird sounds as he drives. He'd much rather have a car that drives like this, than have the $100; and I'd much rather have the $100 and don't mind getting my hands dirty to do something I do well.

Nobody "distributed" anything to either one of us. He and I made a deal, both of us gave the other something of value, both of us are happy with the outcome.

But if our modern liberal socialists had come along just then, they might have taken the guy's $100, and the guy couldn't have gotten me to fix his car. He'd still have a sh*tty-running car that sometimes wouldn't start, I'd be $100 poorer... which means my son would be walking 3 miles to school instead of riding the bike I was about to fix up for him. The liberal socialists want me to think that a better use was made of that $100, than we would have made of it... but when we asked them exactly what the money was used for, they can't answer the question.

People who talk about "redistributing" wealth, are lying. What they are doing, is taking something that was yours, that you earned, and telling you that (a) they know better how to use it than you do, and (b) this somehow makes it OK for them to take it from you, whether you like it or not.

These people aren't "redistributing" anything, because your money wasn't "distributed" to you in the first place. You EARNED it, and you got it because you DESERVED it, not because some uninvolved bureaucrat thought your having it would somehow be a good idea and so gave his blessing on you to receive it.

"Redistributing" is the liberal socialists' way of implying you did NOT earn your money, and so it's not really yours. And pretending that his deciding what to use your money for, is the natural order of things. Not the idea that since you earned it, YOU should decide what to use it for. They're trying to get you away from that idea.

A man who jerks you into an alley, sticks a gun in your face, and demands you give him your money or he'll blast you, is doing the same thing those liberal socialists are. The only difference is, the guy with the gun is being more honest and straightforward about it. He's not pretending you owe him anything, and not trying to get you to believe that what he's doing is "moral", and not trying to fool you into thinking that your keeping your money is eeevil.

Next time one of our liberal socialists tells you he wants to "redistribute" the wealth, remember what he's really saying. And remember that in many ways you'd be better off with somebody sticking a gun in your face.
"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Consider the source.

Again and again we hear liberals and other socialists saying they want to "redistribute" the wealth in this country. But that implies that the wealth was "distributed" by someone to us all in the first place, and maybe that someone did a bad job and the liberal socialists think they can do it better.

But wealth was never "distributed" to any of us, except maybe by welfare clerks to various indigent persons. But the $100 that's in my wallet now, wasn't distributed to me by anyone. A guy with a car and I made an agreement: I'd tune up his car and fix a few things on it, and he'd pay me $100 to do it. I tuned it up, changed the oil, and replaced two squeaking belts that were badly worn. He's happy, now it starts easier, gets better gas mileage, and doesn't make weird sounds as he drives. He'd much rather have a car that drives like this, than have the $100; and I'd much rather have the $100 and don't mind getting my hands dirty to do something I do well.

Nobody "distributed" anything to either one of us. He and I made a deal, both of us gave the other something of value, both of us are happy with the outcome.

But if our modern liberal socialists had come along just then, they might have taken the guy's $100, and the guy couldn't have gotten me to fix his car. He'd still have a sh*tty-running car that sometimes wouldn't start, I'd be $100 poorer... which means my son would be walking 3 miles to school instead of riding the bike I was about to fix up for him. The liberal socialists want me to think that a better use was made of that $100, than we would have made of it... but when we asked them exactly what the money was used for, they can't answer the question.

People who talk about "redistributing" wealth, are lying. What they are doing, is taking something that was yours, that you earned, and telling you that (a) they know better how to use it than you do, and (b) this somehow makes it OK for them to take it from you, whether you like it or not.

These people aren't "redistributing" anything, because your money wasn't "distributed" to you in the first place. You EARNED it, and you got it because you DESERVED it, not because some uninvolved bureaucrat thought your having it would somehow be a good idea and so gave his blessing on you to receive it.

"Redistributing" is the liberal socialists' way of implying you did NOT earn your money, and so it's not really yours. And pretending that his deciding what to use your money for, is the natural order of things. Not the idea that since you earned it, YOU should decide what to use it for. They're trying to get you away from that idea.

A man who jerks you into an alley, sticks a gun in your face, and demands you give him your money or he'll blast you, is doing the same thing those liberal socialists are. The only difference is, the guy with the gun is being more honest and straightforward about it. He's not pretending you owe him anything, and not trying to get you to believe that what he's doing is "moral", and not trying to fool you into thinking that your keeping your money is eeevil.

Next time one of our liberal socialists tells you he wants to "redistribute" the wealth, remember what he's really saying. And remember that in many ways you'd be better off with somebody sticking a gun in your face.

Our strength was the middle class. It is disappearing with our economic growth.
Obama's economic record. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and never even one year when the growth rate didn't even get to 3%, which is historically dismal.

Then you must be mad repubs have not changed a thing.

Your ****** had 8 years. Why should the white guy be expected to do in 7 months what the black guy never did?

Without passing anything this is still obamas economy.
why do you say he hasn't passed anything? do you know what legislation has been passed? hmmm, more fake stories.

Funny how everyone who claims things passed never give examples.
Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

"The 40 Laws President Trump Has Signed
Repealing Obama-Era Rules And Regulations (15)

  • H.J.Res. 67: "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees"
  • H.J.Res. 43: "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients""
Then you must be mad repubs have not changed a thing.

Your ****** had 8 years. Why should the white guy be expected to do in 7 months what the black guy never did?

Without passing anything this is still obamas economy.
why do you say he hasn't passed anything? do you know what legislation has been passed? hmmm, more fake stories.

Funny how everyone who claims things passed never give examples.
Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

"The 40 Laws President Trump Has Signed
Repealing Obama-Era Rules And Regulations (15)

  • H.J.Res. 67: "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees"
  • H.J.Res. 43: "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients""

Those sound real important. You have one that really does anything?
Your ****** had 8 years. Why should the white guy be expected to do in 7 months what the black guy never did?

Without passing anything this is still obamas economy.
why do you say he hasn't passed anything? do you know what legislation has been passed? hmmm, more fake stories.

Funny how everyone who claims things passed never give examples.
Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

"The 40 Laws President Trump Has Signed
Repealing Obama-Era Rules And Regulations (15)

  • H.J.Res. 67: "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees"
  • H.J.Res. 43: "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients""

Those sound real important. You have one that really does anything?
they're all laws passed. you said he's done nothing. well, you're wrong. doesn't matter what the fk you think. it all happened and the MSM didn't discuss any of it.
If you're the best they can do, it's unfortunate that whoever educated you ripped off the taxpayers.

He sounds like he was public schooled.
Nothing better than a good public education

Made America great

If you think a lot of what's coming out of the schools today is good, look again.
They seem brighter than you are

Actually, they're much darker in more ways than one.
They look down on you

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